Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

We have our own plague in the forums, just instead of BRAINS, they yell “UNACEPTABLEURGG”

Just turned into a Zombie, got attacked quickly so had to explode, corpsewalked back and… not a single Zombie left anywhere. If anything this event is kinda bad that’s what we should rly complain about lol, playing on supposedly largest server, too xD

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This thread was better zombie invasion than the in game event with no zombies at all.

Maybe read our specific post history and you will see why?

Maybe read some of your posts which are troll posts?

I really like this events. There’s slaugther everywhere, it’s beautiful.

Not discussing the matter

I like that people get forced flagged. Makes cleansing of places like Goldshire possible.

You like grieving other players.

Chromie Time and you don’t have to deal with ghouls just sayin

Not discussing

I ran there as a level 31. So I have gotten there.

YHour experience varies from server to server to person to person.

I play on Argent Dawn, so that should tell you all you need to know.

What has that got do do with this topic?

With enough corpse running you can get there even if repeatedly ganked, plus you can always ask players to help you get where you need to go

And how excactly is this enjoyable for newer players?

So then you can’t make this thread either, hm ?

Not relevant to discussion, now, is it?

Tucked away, and why ? It’s a week of inconvenience, new players are even immune against the plague.

It’s an mmo, not a single player story mode game.

Do you know how well star wars galaxies did in 2003-4 with events?

Very nice, I took the opportunity to attack goldshire, it was really fun.

Ahh… yes… another realm related post unrelated to topic.

Don’t know, don’t care, that place needs to be sweeped clean, and so I did, I won’t say why, but if you have played WoW for like… 5 minutes, you should know why.

You’re a griever, sod off?

And it was glorious, I had so much fun honestly, 10/10 will do it again today when the raid starts once more.

Griev more?

If there wasn’t forced flagging, the event would be 100% less interesting, now no one can hide, besides the only ones that can flag you are the NPC ghouls, so just stay away from them and, problem solved.

This is all fine but uhm, WOTLK had so much critique in prepatch they cut it short…

No, not really, just avoid the npc ghouls and you don’t have to deal with forced flagging, or stay mounted in the air. It’s not hard.

Irrelevant to topic

Do this following thing, leave the city you got flagged in, and while the flag is still up, and it will be, you manually turn on, and then disable the pvp, and then it will go away after 5 minutes.

There is a bug that players less then 20 somehow can press the WM button?

Yeah but now it is a thing, either deal with it, or don’t play, the event is staying

Players are in theyr right to complain. This is no world altering event like cata was.

Yeah but the thing is, PvP/raids/dungeons are instanced so that won’t happen.

You didnt understand the concept of Tahra’s post…

Ah, so you don’t wish it to happen to you, but wish it to happen upon others ?

Again, you missunderstood concept, so irrelvant.

Again, the event is staying, and I will be enjoying it greatly, if I get killed, so what ? No skin off my back.

Told you allready, Why are you affected by people whom dont want to partake?

Trust me, I am not the one looking stupid here, I never changed goalposts, lol, but you have.
Not to mention, I am not the one QQing over this event. You are. :slight_smile:
Oh no, mild inconvenience for a whole week.

And now we are here…


Ah, all posts without context.

It’s a nice try but, a failed one, I’m afraid.

Really? Use your brain.

Unacceptable to force someone to use their brain. Get out of here you abuser!

And now you’re trying to resort to insults.

Again, it is a nice try, but with context, what I posted makes sense.

Not just that, but also with no actual arguments other than “irrelevent” or “griefer”.

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It’s why I don’t take him seriously.

I do think this event could have been more enjoyable with a lot of changes, balancing and updates, but the fact that they left it so late and did it so lazily kind of implies they didn’t really care enough. I can understand wanting to opt out of a poorly written event - but not just opting out because ‘UHH NUUUH PVP FLAG, MREEEEEE’.

Think of all of the fun features they could have added to a two week long event. NPC ghoul invasions ON MAJOR CITIES, flying Necropoli BOMBARDING TOWNS AND CITES, maybe a few Frostwyrms for good measure - player ghouls could get infected for a limited duration and transform/get stronger depending on how many people they’ve infected. I’d have boarded off the portal room, and probably a small area around GY spaces.

It is kind of underwhelming because it’s just a copypasta prepatch but … well I suppose it is better than nothing.

You didnt even answer me.

Zombies causing issues at Nathanos world quest today. if there’s a way to cause other people grief, asshats will always find it.


I wish it came with unique rewards, much like the first one, but what did we get ? a… 34 slot bag, a recolor of a… Meh armor set, a pet, a flavor item in terms of accursed keepsake, and that’s it.

Wish it had something unique y’know ?

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Literally unacceptable, slap in the face. I feel attacked and I will be contacting my lawyer :cry:


The event was supposed to affect all players, you want it or not, thats the whole theme of scourge. This dumb whining is the reason we cant have more fun events, and instead get this almost inexisting invasion.


I sympathize. It’s unconstitutional and violates our Stormwind amendment rights.

Stop talking to me , griefer ! thug ! How dare you ! :crazy_face:

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Thus dumb whining is the excact thing thhat happenend 13 years ago.

Yeah and exact reason we didnt have any interesting big event since then.