Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Good that this time they won’t cave in to whiners

Why can’t there be fun events without pvp?


There can be both. But at this point we have neither. Maybe legion assaults were kindof more fun PvE. And zombie event barely qualifies as PvP.

The right to bear arms is a right of Druids everywhere!

Oh no you didn’t make that pun

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You mean like Darkmoon Faire, Hallow’s end … that kind of thing?

I mean nothing specific. I responded on a post.

I’m sorry, the Legion invasions were extremely popular. They were much better than this sorry excuse of an event.


Yeah you should read all posts. Legion was pretty good event. I imagine if zombie event gave XP, it would be very popular for leveling too, just would have to prevent raid groups.

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It’s their game, which you DECIDE to spend money and time on.

If you don’t like it spent it somewhere else and let the people have their fun.


Stop being such a Karen.

Haha true! Karen syndrome has infected the forum :smiley:

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The legion invasions were the best

I remember spending all day camping org for the dreadlord so I could get the toy, and then flying off when ever an invasion happened so I could join in.

One of the most fun times I’ve had in wow


I tried to point out we already have tons of events without PvP.

Having one with is not such a big deal.

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Considering all zombies that are players are only hittable by max level players, anyone under a certain, is unable to hit them, regardless of them being the same level as the player in question, like my hunter, which is level 22, the zombies were level 22, yet were unhittable…every single shot missed.

So, getting xp is redundunt, since you need to be max level to even HIT THEM.

This event is rubbish, when does this crap event end?

The Legion event, where there was invasions in specific towns was fun, it was entirely pve, this zombie event is entirely pvp and therefore is rubbish, it should be optional, you should be able to go into the capital cities and NOT be flagged automatically.

Once i know the event end date, the sooner i can leave here.


Well blizz has ways to scale this, so the execution is bad, but it could easily be made so everyone is equal. And it seems this event is rubbish on both sides. One side never saw any zombies, other side appears to be killed constantly somehow.

It ends when shadowlands comes out in 5 days

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Ok, i understand and i agree.
But that was 100% different context than my post :smile:

Invassions didnt even work like this event. So blatatantly put, your exp comments are lackluster at most as is this scourge invassion event.

Invassions where properly portrayed.

Sure it didnt work like this, where did i say it was same. Mostly this event was underdeveloped, there could certainly be ways to allow leveling.

Could have AI zombies in WM OFF mode and player zombies in WM ON. Here fixed.

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Saw the event.

The event itself is completely uninteresting.

However, the amount of complaints about it here is like 100x bigger than warranted.

Yes, Blizzard could have confirmed whether you want to participate with the PVP flag on. They didn’t do it. Big deal.