Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

i agree and i think the zombie are popular cuz the event is bad designed. in 1 week ive geared around 100 6 chars and get the FoS.
Now im just sitting in ic tryin to kill skadi.
And boredom bring to try other things and zombie are here for this purpose (timefilling)

With a little bit of luck from drops, I’m hoping to gear up to 11 characters. I didn’t start right away, so I’m a bit behind on that target. That is the saving grace of this event. It’s a shame that even that can be disrupted by the undead.

All I care is getting the FoS and gearing the characters, if the zombies didn’t interfere with that I would be more than happy to leave Stormwind and Orgrimmar to them.

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I think it’s reasonable and justifiable as to to why people upset.


bruh its a videogame you’re not fighting any real injustices here.
Go outside and join a real activist group, if you really don’t want to let people get away with things.


It. Is. A. Game. Games aren’t a necessity, they’re a luxury. Play them, don’t play them, it won’t effect whether or not you’re able to eat, drink, sleep or do other things that are necessary in life. This is an event. An event that’s MEANT TO BE INVASIVE. An event that’s MEANT TO BE DISRUPTIVE. It’s a FRIGGING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, what did you expect? That you’d be able to just go about your business as usual while all around you people are being infected and/or eaten alive just because you don’t have warmode on or don’t want to engage in pvp? That’s NOT how this event works!

It’s meant to inconvenience you! It’s meant to bring a sense of DANGER (for however much that’s possible in a VIRTUAL WORLD) to Azeroth! Please, for the love of all that’s holy, if you can’t even handle an event in a video game, just go do something else while it lasts! I mean, really? THIS is the hill you’re willing to die on? Give me a break.

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I think the major problems I have with it are the implementation. It was poorly done. Do the Scourge not have up to date atlases? Do they think only Orgrimmar and Stormwind exist?.

It doesn’t feel like a Zombie Horde, thats the problem. If it did I would be engaging the heck out of it, as that is one of my favourite genres. But it’s not. It’s just PvP I log in, I get flagged, I don’t see many Zombies. I do see lots of the other faction camping places in groups going for kills.

I wasn’t aware the Pre-patch was all about the 5th War starting early? I wanted a Zompoc!

At least I can go and quest in Icecrown if I want something a bit more credible as the Scourge going nuts.

I don’t care if it is George A Romero Zombies, or 28 Days later Zombies, I don’t care if it is opt in or opt out. I do care about automatically getting flagged for PvP because then I’m not actually getting to enjoy the -point- of the event am I? I’m not fighting zombies, I’m being camped by Alliance/Horde.

Most people complaining about it are doing so sarcastically I think, as payback for all the continual “Why am I forced to do PvE in your PvE game Blizz, You must fire the Dev’s Nao so I can play the game how I want” PvP whine threads.

It is strangely cathartic being able to give them a taste of their own medicine…:stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah. I’d have preferred an actual Zombie apocalypse in game, that would have been pretty cool, instead of this mess that can’t decide what it wants to be.


Well the option was there, but the beta players cried too hard about it so it was nerfed to the ground, to… well this thing we have for this week


I’m honestly not sure whether the OP is trolling, or whether the tirade of arrogance and self entitlement throughout the thread is just one of the most utterly spectacular over-reactions to a minor issue and (in my opinion) fun implementation of a short term in game event.

If it’s trolling then at least it’s of a reasonable calibre. If it’s it’s not then it trult boggles my mind as t how people can be so overzealous and arrogant over such an absurdly trivial thing.

It has been an interesting thread to read through at least!


Quick question, would you have had zombies still able to attack NPCs and players?

Straight question as I am in the camp that this should affect everyone in the game, but obviously other folks just want to keep killing Hoggar, etc.

Just what stops you and your buddys arranging a sharded zombie invassion?

Sounds like you have a place to post such thing in not?

Did you knew that forum existed?

Its simple:

You make time

You get three or so friends

in the same shard, you all make raid group and call it EVENT NAME ZOMBIE INVAS BLABLA #,

Post details.

You get word out.

People join event or try to join

Hmhh? :smiley:

Yeah, like I say, it’s the implementation that is disappointing. I mean this never even needed to be tied to war mode, Blizzard can and have done this sort of thing before, remember the Elemental invasions prior to Cata?

They could have made the Zombies so that they can attack anyone they like, and anyone can attack them, but doing so doesn’t auto flag you for the enemy faction raid waiting for you. Just have a gol’darned decent Zombie Apocalypse instead of this mess. But yeah, it is fun being able to play turnaround with the PvP whiners now at least :smiley:

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Yeah, totally!

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It’s not tied to warmode, just PvP enabled which - I guess- they have to for people being able to attack each other.
You are not sharded into WM.

Sorry yes, correct, you are auto flagged for PvP, not War mode.

I mean there is no real actual difference in terms of the flaws of these invasions, but yes, it is PvP not WM.

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It still isn’t a real PvP event. Granted it isn’t a real PvE event either. I’d say it falls somewhere in between, but it is not a strict PvP event no.

Then you truely are just being redicilous QQing just for the QQ. There really is not difference from what it is now, to have smarter AI npc zombies. Good on you.

Yes I know. That is how it is to try and discus anything at all, in any thread, with that one.

Actually that is so not true. You give Blizzard consent by chosing to play their game under their ToS and CoC.
You are in their game, playing by their rules. Not your game.

And yet again you use that horrible comparison… Jikes.

To be honest I did stop taking her seriously a while back, after seeing how she goes about similar ways to this just about everytime. There is literally no way of getting a serious or valid response out of her.

Parrot much?
I agree with what is asked above, you really should cancel your sub if it truely is that unacceptable to you.
You are playing Blizzard’s game and have agreed to their rules.


Yeah, that is a well dodgy comparison. I mean yes, it is -technically- forcing someone into an aspect of the game they don’t like (And no, it is different from PvPers needing to play the actual game to gear up) but you cannot compare it to one of the most abhorrent crimes a human being can commit to another, that is going too far with the metaphor.


The person you’re replying to said that people who play the bad guys in game are bad people in real life and shouldn’t be able to be baddies in previous threads…
I’m not shocked they’re calling people who like the scourge event sadists.

Yes, infact you are every time you call someone a sadistic r…

No you didn’t, but we all, you included, know very well what you were refering to. There is really one conclusion that unfinished line of yours leads to.

According to the official Blue response that has been linked here several times you are actually in the wrong. But hey, let’s just ignore what Blizzard says uh?

Ok, not to sure I’ll be getting an honest response to this, but tell us then, what are you actually doing at this point in time - a week before SL launch - that you simply can not do due to this event?

Is not


Simply amazing that you can not see that you give Blizzard your concent when you are playing their game by their rules.

Why on earth wouldn’t that be ok? For a company to tell a customer how they intended their product to be experiensed during 1 week?
You’re really grasping after straws here aren’t you.


Yep, when Tahra goes full drama there ain’t no high horse that gal won’t mount.


Nope. But you are allowed to have your oppinion. :+1: