Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

And the rules are: warmode = pvp.
You CAN toggle pvp mode (which is silly btw) without warmode, but to do that you have to either enter a pvp area, an opposing enemy territory or turn the flag on manually.

Those rules are being broken.

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oh wow, still going Ā“.Ā“i hope you had a break and eaten something today.


rā€¦? Whatā€™s that?

Sadistic isnā€™t a slur. Itā€™s something that someone can be. And I think my description of what a sadistic person is, is pretty spot on.

No. I know what YOU are referring to, but I never referred to that.
That would be digusting. I would appreciate it if you didnā€™t spread such vile slander about me.

If that is YOUR conclusion, then that says more about you than it does about me.
Iā€™ve been saying it this entire thread. In fact itā€™s in the title. Unacceptable.

Blizzard may have the final say, but they are wrong.
They are making a fundamentally wrong decision concerning this event.

You quoted a PART of my response. Nice manipulative line of questioning there.
Itā€™s indeed not worth an answer, if you canā€™t be honest about what I said.

Nope. I never agreed with unwarranted pvp flagging.

Itā€™s rude, itā€™s bad publicity and it looks terrible for a publicly traded company to act like that. Itā€™s a worse response than the Hong Kong situation even.


We are just trying to spread papa Nurgleā€™s gifts.

I did. And Iā€™ve just finished dinner. Iā€™m just replying to the stuff I missed during my time away.

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Actually Iā€™m not all that much of a PvPer. I do however love these kinda events. Makes the world feeling actually a bit dangerous and immersive and alive (yea even as a ghoul :grin:).
Just a shame they only come about like once every 10 years, give or take.

Letā€™s be honest here. That whole ā€˜unacceptableā€™ explanation is an afterconstruction.
Youā€™re initial response you gave when asked what you meant by that was stuff like slavery, imprisonment and peer preasure.
And now, long after, you were clever enough to change it into something more fitting youā€™re whole thread hereā€¦ ā€˜unacceptableā€™.

He isā€¦ heā€™s feeding it to ghouls :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh you mean like you have done throughout this entire thread?

Well, thanks for proving my point. You actually arenā€™t doing anything worthwile in the game then i take it, as you couldnā€™t answer that one.

Youā€™re just here trolling and winding everyone up for the sake of it. Iā€™ve had it with you. Should have stopped reading your garbage a long time ago.

No it isnā€™t. Stop implying that. Itā€™s insulting.

No no no. That person ASKED ME for examples of what other things it could be.
I gave examples. Donā€™t twist this into something itā€™s not.

Actually; ā€˜long afterā€™ the first smart person to actually ASK ME WHAT I MEANT, was Mclovin. :man_shrugging:t4:

Smart people love vulpera, it seems. :fox_face:

We all know what you meant, and to be honest, thatā€™s the most reprehensible thing about this thread.

ā€œI donā€™t like the eventā€ is fine. ā€œPeople who like this event are forced-non-consent apologistsā€ is not.


That is really the only thing sheā€™s good at, twisting words around. Gotta give her credit for that though.

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No I havenā€™t. Stop lying man. Itā€™s getting a bit annoying.

It didnā€™t prove anything. You asked a question to a statement that was more elaborate than that little part you quoted. You already had the answer.

But you, for some sick reason, want to make this personal and try to make me look bad. I have nothing to hide. I did nothing wrong. The proof is right here among these 1000+ posts.

Itā€™s not hard, really. Iā€™m guilty of similar past behavior in that regard so Iā€™m really not in a place to judge - but sheā€™s gone way too far with her non-consent/war mode comparison. Itā€™s pretty warped.

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Stop implying such disgusting things. Iā€™ve asked you several times to stop your horrible harassment and you just keep doing it. I hope the mods take action against you.

Ahuh. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll take action against the ā€˜sadisticā€™ gnome thatā€™s been nothing but cordial during this entire thread and has been met with false accusations and insults by someone who derails her own thread to play the victim. Surprised you havenā€™t picked a different angle by now. If you donā€™t switch it up occasionally, the act gets really old. The general idea is that after a while, youā€™re supposed to ā€˜relax a littleā€™ and make people think that youā€™ve calmed down and are being reasonable, but then switch gears again - this tired old repetition strategy will only work for so long.

Kudos for trying though. 1k posts is a pretty low bar but you made it, lol. You only had to make light of victims of violent and abusive crimes to do it! Genuinely hope youā€™re proud of this monumentous achievement.

Truth of the matter is too if nobody had disagreed with her, I can guarantee this thread would have died within twenty to thirty or so replies.

She would instead be looking for something else to create or promote controversy with. Itā€™s typical forum troll behavior.

Simply because the majority of trolls who drum up this type of thing donā€™t generally care about the opinion theyā€™re spouting, or even believe in it, theyā€™ll get bored the moment everyone seems to be in ā€˜agreementā€™.

You learn a lot of the techniques sheā€™s using in basic primary English. Itā€™s very shameful display.

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How did I miss that? Did she just genuinely compare the occupation of Hong Kong to ā€¦ this crappy event? Holy poop balls.


No I didnā€™t.

You should really learn to read.
Thatā€™s what I did.

Anyway, that was my last response to you. You are going on my ignore list. Congratulations; youā€™re the first one.

Iā€™m not amused either. Guess thatā€™s it for my mog farming, or even continuing the SL event questchain.

Iā€™ll go back to mog farming inside instances. And forget about the SL pre patch content in Icecrown.


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it, after you said that the first six or seven times.

You should learn some empathy for fellow human beings. Your lack of it is a just a tad sadistic, imo.

Edit: Morzan sounds familiar. How do I know that name!? Nrghrghg.

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You should feel ashamed of yourself for what you have been saying on this thread you have no idea how it feels to be a victim of abuse.