Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I DIDN’T! Don’t believe their horrible slander!
They’re saying things that aren’t true. Simple as that.

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For it to be slander, it has to be false. The proof is in the pudding, sir.

If 100% of the readers in this topic is concluding your insinuation, you might have expressed yourself into a 180% wrong direction if you sincerely did not meant that.

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Nice to see the kids still going strong.

Sure, THAT can be the case. But I did not do what they say I did.
And I really resent being accused of something so vile.

And it’s not 100%. At all. Tbh.

I mean, there is like no other option than that you meant that.

You’re really coming out with some disgusting trash. Own up.

Yeah there is. And I answered that already.

Could you please objectively read back what you wrote, and think for a while how people who are not able to look in your head, would think what you said.

For your consideration.

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Yes, I know what I said. And I know what I meant.
And the fact that these people keep bringing it up as if it’s true is just disgusting. It really is. I’ve explained, I’ve answered. But they keep bringing it up. Enough is enough.

You really need to apologize.

I will not apologize for something I DID NOT DO.

All I can say is: I should have phrased my statement differently.
To me it made logical sense. I’ve been saying the ‘unacceptable’ line since the start.

You mean you should have looked for a way to hide what you were saying differently because you weren’t being subtle enough which is equally reprehensible. I’ll be blocking you now and I hope Blizzard have the common sense to ban you. What you’ve said is genuinely extremely low.

You have no empathy whatsoever.


Yeah sure dude. I’m done with this.



Heres some advice for you, just stop replying, you know what you meant, others know what you meant, so leave it at that, and get the thread back on course

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It’s really upsetting. I’m sitting here trembling.
I have a mind to just ask a mod to delete this thread.

This type of abuse is just not worth it. This is pure and simple bullying.

The leave the thread, you’ve not helped yourself one bit, stop replying to posts unless its about the thread.

My two cents on this one: the event is VASTLY watered down in comparison to the Wrath pre event. For one thing, the zombies are being kept in check with a timer for the events, so you have a lot of leeway between incursions. Granted, if you have to hearth into SW or use the portal nexus (which should have been made a zombie proof zone I’ll grant) the war mode flag is a minor inconvenience, but otherwise you can get to wherever you need from Boralus/Zuldazar using the portals there and your hearthstones. And you can fly in every zone now and have access to an AH and bank via your garrison, which gives you one hell of an advantage over those who faced the zombies back in Wrath.

I’m going to say that you’re making too big a fuss over a minor issue. ‘I can’t play the game!’ Yes you can. Is control being taken away from your character? Nope. Are the zombies unkillable? Nope. If anything they’re very much gimped compared to any normal player and can easily be countered by interacting with your fellow players and hunting them down as a group before they can turn enough NPCs to become an issue for people. Meanwhile back in Wrath’s pre event the cities were infested hell holes because we actually lost Argent healers as the event progressed and the zombies actually were more of a problem to deal with because they were more powerful, more dangerous, and didn’t have to explode on you to infect you, regular bites could do the same thing.

If you have an issue with the fact that a world event is occuring and it’s preventing you from doing things as normal, man up. This is an MMO, events like this are meant to foster player interaction and make the world feel like an actual world instead of the backdrop to a chore list that mainly consists of ‘gather five bear hides’ that can be done entirely solo without ever needing to actually interact with your fellow players. This is what MMO’s used to be like, hell, it’s what Classic was and still is and look at the success that school of design wrought. If you want a game where you always have complete 100% control of the world and how you interact with it, go play Skyrim.

To Tahra and all the rest complaining of disrupted play and the PvP flagging: you have had MONTHS to see this. This was tested on the PTR months in advance, hell, this was done TWELVE YEARS AGO AND DOCUMENTED. You KNEW what the pre-launch event would bring and yet you decided to still pay your subscription fee even though you could have held off until the night of release when this wouldn’t be an issue and gone to play something that wouldn’t make your blood pressure rise to the level where you need to rant on the forums about the unfairness of it and the bad design behind it.

Well sorry, but this is an MMO, and it doesn’t just cater to you, nor does it cater to me. We’re all just part of the game world and subject to the whims of the devs, so when something like this happens, either suck it up, make the best of it and actually have fun fighting zombies with some new groupmates who might actually turn into good friends, or go play something else.


Its faster complain and feel like the star of the forum.