Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I’m proper annoyed today.
Just need to do Nathanos on my alts for the offhand (because most are dual wielders).
And its fine, I can avoid Ogrimmar, can avoid being pvp enabled… but then at Nathanos… my time just has to be wasted with this crap event because of the ‘lulz’ that I can’t avoid.


people really should study Bartle player tipes.

then they will understand why there is this event

Can’t beat em join em. Whining won’t help you

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I doubt you will see me in SL. You are not doing mythic, only small events, suitable for dwarfs.

I said it could, not is. Difference in meaning with that sentence so I wasn’t saying it was harassment. And yes I do know what that word means and have experienced actual harassment in the past.

My point was again, it could be depending on someone see’s it at the time, which is open to debate on if it actually is or not.

So no, I wasn’t classing it as such but thanks for over-reacting on that, hopefully I have explained better since coming back from other stuff today.

I’m fine either way, I was just offering options to keep both type of players happy with a compromise and have in other threads offered my own opinion on how the game could cater to pvpers more as well.

A lot are heated at this moment, a lot of defending one way or another, hence I said some may come to the conclusion that it could be harrassment.

Personally I don’t, it is perhaps a hinderance but that’s on a person to person opinion level on the situation as well.

Hopefully that’s cleared it up on my side, if I’ve failed to do that still, then I apologise.

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Nah, I was there 10 years ago. I have no interest in this rehashed content.


Lmao nice comeback buddy , see you next week

but you can see me in mythic…oh wait you are not CE :rofl:

Event is lame, forcing ppl into pvp isn’t the answer to one faction abandoning it…


Wh- You literally pay a subscription to play this game.

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Is the horde ignoring you, sweetie? Try to play something else, not a DH, not a bloodelf, maybe a DH Vulpera will bring you some attention.

And I literally have the WM turned off. But if the event is so fun, why are you on forum? Shouldn’t you have a blast in the game?


It certainly is making other pre-patch tasks more troublsome.

Today at Nathanos someone brought the infection from SW up there. It turned part into a PVP fest with HKs sparking off. I managed to loot him before one of the griefers zombie’d me. Still had to explode myself and corpse run though.

Can’t even escape the nonsense which was supposed to be ‘contained’ in SW. Like where are all those people who were saying “Just don’t go to SW. Simples.” Yeah… scuttled like the rats they are along with their lies.


hope not the same attention to dont finish a tier that last 9 months :smiley:

These people harassing Tahra need to back off. She pointed out things wrong with it and they’ve been harassing her ever since for pointing out the truth. What they know is the truth, but don’t want to admit to it.


Or you know, she could not compare a temporary in-game event to things that actually ruin people’s lives.

A lot of the people in here don’t necessarily disagree with her opinion entirely- but her uh, sheer lack of empathy and ability to draw parallels between the pre-patch event and covid-19, the occupation of Hong Kong and crimes of a serious nature, are extremely warped, sheltered and disturbing.


She compared it to getting violated by a r***** , don’t even try


Maybe this game is her life. Who put you in charge to judge other people?

In case you don’t understand let me explain it again for you. We literally have WM turned off. We literally are flagged for PVP. And why are you on forum? We are on forum because we have to wait for the flag to go away. You?


Oh good lord. Here comes the rest of the troll gang and their forum alts.


Lmao really ?

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