Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Griefing is a behavioral choice, just like being helpful is a behavioral choice. this zombie event is designed to be one big grief upon the WoW community. Ergo anyone who enjoys doing it is enjoying griefing and therefore a griefer by virtue of their chosen actions.

Now targetting someone and saying: “You ______ / ______” - that is a directed insult and very much not a comment on a behavioral trait.


You’re a barrel of laughs, goodlord.

Calling someone a griefer for taking part in the sanctioned event is an insult, no matter what spin you put on it.

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Thanks, you know what mamas say: If you can get someone to laugh then you’ve brightened up their day a little :slight_smile:

Fun fact: this thread has more replies than the actual number of casualties of the invasion


You’ve certainly brightened mine up!

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and more salt than a Baltic mine (i apologise to any of our Russian players for this comment)

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In that case as random as it is, I will brighten up someone’s day. It certainly brightened up mine. I was asked seriously yesterday whether under UK law, if a child was in a body of water, they legally classified as a fish.

This still amuses me now.


I’m afraid to ask, but what’s the answer? I mean logically it obviously is not, but one never knows with UK laws.

Nah, no hard feeling, it’s a game after all. So no worries. ::smiley:

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The joys of Argent Dawn. Defenders vs Ghoul horde. I love it.


There’s a bit too much defending on AD for my liking. Still, Goldshire has been cleansed by the army of zombies and that’s quite a thing.

You think? It is just a collection of 90% roleplayers holding the bridge, Trade, Mage and Dwarven District all appear to be pretty much flooded with undead!

Edit: It has died down now, sadly! They did manage to kill the Argent Healer in the trade district thought, which is impressive.

Edit 2:

Another huge push by the undead

I can see how this would be frustrating and an inconvenience but it’s meant to tie into the narrative that Blizzard are communicating in that it’s a world-wide invasion based on what’s happened in the story. They’ve already listened to feedback and scaled the event back from what was initially planned.

Some people moan about lack of content…then moan when there is content. Others are enjoying it…others are hating it. You’ll never be able to find the happy medium but we’ve had months and months of the same WoW and we have one week (technically it’s slightly less than a week if it ends as soon as the SL launch happens) of this and then it’s done. It’s also mostly confined to Orgrimmar and Stormwind so there are other alternatives. I think people need to calm down a bit; there’s too much of a “I want so I expect” attitude around here. We’ve endured plenty of poor decisions by Blizzard over the years; I’m sure people can endure a few days.

I personally enjoyed this evening having fun with people in my guild, seeing how far we could get through the city before being killed. It was a couple of hours of light-hearted fun that I’ve lacked over the past months.


Well the ghouls are way too weak. And there are way too many of those people sitting around waiting for someone to talk to them but nobody ever pays attention to them, I suppose this is their time to shine and get some attention. Maybe tomorrow it will be more fun.

Nah be pointless then. It needs to be everyone to get the full impact. It is 2 weeks out of the entire year…seriously just enjoy it. Don’t like it? Close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and hum a Taylor Swift song until it is over.

This threads still going strong huh? noice

To Clarify, there are no situations in which a child immersed in water is legally classified as a fish under UK Law.

Just to get that absolutely clear.


Trying to to Nathanos and can’t because of being force flagged by ghouls and ganked by PVPTards on A FREAKING PVE SERVER…
Thanks failzzard, I’m done and lucky me Destiny 2 just released their new expansion…


Across Azeroth only? How about Pandaria, Draenor, the Outlands, Shadowlands of course ?

Maybe it is just a small local problem?

Being at area 52 atm, I can confirm we also had Ghouls yesterday in Outland as well, I was tabbed out and when I came back I was a zombie and the wole camp was slain.
I myself made sure to bring them to Boralus as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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