Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

How? These are different worlds!

Get infected, run through portal (or use your HS) before the CD is off and you are turned, explode on others, watch them explode on others again - and so it developes

In theory, one would think it would be a local issue. But we know better now how things spread so fast around the world.

before I get into it Hugs Tahra morning! hope you will have a wonderful day today.

This event is amazing because it goes with the lore, everyone can get infected, no matter what you´re doing or how busy your gaming life is, the zombies will get you.

The only way to stop this madness is to travel to another world, the shadow world, and put an end to this chaotic nightmare!

I’ll have you know that Pandaria is actually on Azeroth! I’m not an alien!


I thought I read somewhere (although can’t remember where) that using a portal removed the infection?

Well it definitly worked yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

So me switching to Mage yesterday to portal sister and go help her with WB thinking I could kill any infection with a quick portal was kind of useless then.

That’s about par for the course with me I think I have a great idea, but in reality I am just my usual idiotic self :wink:

ppl invaded Halfhill many times so i think Hs or other portals doesnt erase the disease

On the PTR it was set up so that using portals in the portal rooms and hearthstones would remove the infection. But you could still spread it to the far-slung reaches of the universe via mage portals and warlock summons.


Yeah I don’t know why Tèsla but I thought the Ghouls could only travel with boats/zepps etc. I can’t remember where I saw/read this, but obviously it is wrong as people have said they have used portals while infected :slight_smile:

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yes if you are a Ghoul you cannot travel other than by foot (while the HP tichs down) or boat/zep.
HOWEVER, if you get through the portal while having the infected debuff (still being humanoid) you can travel as you used to. So you have to beat that timer in order to portal/HS

The debuffs variate, like if you get infected by pool or scratches from a ghoul i think you have 2 minutes or something, if you get exploded by a Ghoul you have one minute before you turn.


See you in shadowlands!

I tried taking a boat trip from Ratchet as a ghoul the other night. I exploded when the loading screen appeared and was back to being a troll once I reached Booty Bay.

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Can someone with better knowledge of lore please list the WoW powers in order?

After plowing through this topic and having up to dated myself: Comedy gold right here.

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2020 being as it is, wouldn’t be surprised I log into Skyrim and have a zombie blow up in my face in that game.

Then it just spreads, game to game. XD

It is a ghoul infestation in name only. Most of the times i log in there is not a ghoul to be found.

When i do get a chance to play ghoul i find them weak and uninteresting with a rediculously long CD on their abilities.

Might have had them as NPC’s … its really not worth the time invested when you get swarmed by endlessly respawning guards and players who can easily solo 5-7 ghouls-players at a time.

A missed opportunity and a mockery of the awesome WOTLK event. Can’t imagine all the time that went into developing such an impotent excuse of an event.

I think there was relatively little time spent on developing this event, hence it being a repeat of the Wrath one. We might have gotten something more exciting if not for COVID and the like.


Yeah that virus has put a spanner on a lot of things this year. Development time, manufacturing… (Hence a lot of stuff launched is not in the numbers that they’re usually are launched as)

Good news - I think the automatic PvP flagging might be fixed!

On my lunch break I figured I’d start the quest chain for ice crown on my paladin. I went to Orgrimmar and didn’t get PvP flagged. I flew around getting reports and was attacked by a zombie at Crossroads, and still didn’t get PvP flagged. As a paladin I could also cleanse my disease so I didn’t turn. Then I flew back to Orgrimmar to hand in the quest and still wasn’t PvP flagged. Happy days!