Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

That’s interesting as I got flagged this morning (although tjat may have been because I ran through a pile of goo). I’ll go do some science now since it’s officially break time.

Edit I was flagged for PVP as soon as I went through the portal to Stormwind. But there were crates and roaches everywhere so it might be that the the automatic flagging only happens when the means to turn yourself into a ghoul are available.

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nope still works, the ghoul that attacked you was an IA one

Interesting, I didn’t see any crates or ghouls, so you may be right and you only get PvP flagged when the ghoul event is active. Ah well…

Well, this is weird as all heck. I’m in Orgrimmar at the moment and someone seems to have triggered an NPC invasion at the rear entrance. However, I’m partly phased so can see guard and goblins fighting invisible enemies.

Forced flagging shouldn’t happen but at this point I’m starting to believe it’s not happening due to Blizz wanting it to happen so much as their event is so convoluted the coding is just too buggy. :rofl:


It’s good to see this thread back on topic. Not surprised the troll left everyone started being civil and actually started talking about the event.

I’m really enjoying it myself. Few more days left to go. It’s not quite the same experience as the Wrath pre-event but eh, it’s better than nothing and I am making the most of it. FOR THE SCOURGE!

Forcing players that has WM off PvP toggled off to do PvP is just weird.

But then again I was never much into griefing either.


Its not really PvP though.

Its to enable a system where ghouls driven by players can provide interesting content about the expansion that is coming.

And if people get their knickers in a twist purely over the notion of a switched on PvP only, i can only say that i feel sorry that people are THAT shallow and so sheltered that they are unable to emotionally deal with events in a computer game.

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Or you know. I dont find it fun. That’s all. Nothing more nothing less. And it is a game, so fun is leading here.


Then, you know, you can go away and do something else.

There are a lot of things ingame i do not like or enjoy but i just go with the flow or do something else.

Nothing like getting clobbered in ‘impossible’ places by the invasion of an undead enemy. Its just awesome design.

Quit frankly i find it amazing that after nerfing it into oblivion the way they did, people are still complaining and whining. Its a good example of the sad state some people are in these days.

Yeah, i never said the world is ending. i have already had a fun evening on my old PS2 :slight_smile: People are doing so dramatic. “so sheltered that hey are unable to emonionally deal” blablabla.

shakes head

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Yeah different opinions, how weird right?


Its gone way beyond peoples different opinions though. If it were only that there would be no discussion for my part.

But since the event is already a shadow of what it was and people are STILL complaining there is a real risk that even more of the game gets neutered just to appease the “easily hurt but loud minority”.

And yeah, that is my opinion.


It does not matter what they nerf on the event. If i dont want to pvp, have always pvp off, dont enjoy anything of pvp, then i dont like it when i get forced into pvp.

Just not fun. I am not in a corner crying or something.

What i find sad is that people miss the humanity to understand that there are other people with different likes and dislikes. And then go on a road like you do.


Its not PvP. Its ghouls attacking players and NPC’s alike.

The PvP system is the (only) vehicle that makes this possible.

Are you sure? If so, you do a great impression.

LOL what?

The pvp system is the only system to make this possible because it is pvp.

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Lol. Grow up :grin:

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Its not PvP. PvP is Player versus Player. This is Player versus Ghoul.

Its amazing people can play a game about wizards and monsters and suspend belief to make it work and are at the same time unable to see only ghouls in an epic event and only see the PvP switch on.

I am grown up. It is why i am able to see all sides and decide that the emotionally crushed (because PvP switched on) are wrong and need to get their stuff together on a week long one time event.

The emotionally crushed :joy:
Go on, go on like this :smile:

I am happy i passed that age where everything is only very high or very low. I can just like something and nicely enjoy without going wild, and dislike something without crying. But well, childs on this forum can not grasp that yet. No worries, you get there too :+1:


I will because that is really what is going on here. If you simply dislike and skip it there would be no need for you to say things like:

… right?

Hey, if you say so. :man_shrugging:t2:

Very mature and un-emotional response that. :+1:t2: