Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Like you’re mature enough to not let people ya know, have theyr word and must make a mockery out of it? I wonder who is mature?


Its taken 30mins for the thread to descend into childish name calling once again, and people wonder why Blizzard ignore the EU forums?


A mockery? This event is a mockery of the original.

Everyone who is crying against it on the forum because their PvP switched on knows full well they will get response on a forum where responses happen.

I can’t tell from here but i can make a good guess when i look at some replies. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They don’t ignore the forums. You can tell by the way they sometimes respond to people through design or wordings.

It would be bad business to completely ignore a way to see inside their customers heads and they know that.

They just don’t acknowledge openly they do because, reasons a plenty.

I would actually agree with you, IF this was here to stay rather than on a short duration, but you know, it is only here a week (half of that now even).

Yes :slight_smile: And i am finding a way to have a fun week by going around this event :slight_smile: No worries, i am totally fine. Had a PES evening, a M+ evening and now a chill one. Looking forward to SL.

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Glad to see the complaining is still going , this event is a blast

I danced with a guildy somewhere in tiragarde this evening for an achievement :muscle: (welll, for his. i already had it)

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Is that a zombie achievement ? I didnt even know there was one

Ironically, just like most threads of this nature, the people who seem the -most upset about it, are the ones who admit they want to use it to grief people. Their precious little feelings can’t take not being able to do so, bless 'em. Most other people are all like “Well, it was implemented badly, but there are other games I can play for a week”

“Hah hah, You can’t take Zombie invasion and pvp for a week!”
“Mate, if you think this looks like a Zompoc, I’d say you have some serious films to catch up on before I even -hear- you use those words again”
Wields a baseball bat, Negan style

“Lets start at the beginning…”


I don’t understand what this has to do with the ghoul invasion, but awesome vid :rofl:

I’ve tried to make him grasp that , trust me there’s no dice , he wont get it

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There is no griefing. There is an invasion of zombies.

… are the ones who get ripped out of their AFK by the reality of a zombie invasion in the game they play that is about zombies but which they want to use as a trade-merchant simulator.


Thats my reaction
If it causes me problems I will just play something else because I can go 1 week in my life without wow being the exact game I want to play.

Those who can’t… I just dont get it

Being denied loot because people come and turn you into a zombie while you are fighting a world boss of icecrown rare are not afking. They are trying to play the game ready for Shadowlands. Being denied loot and being stuck in a shard with people trolling others is not fun.

Personally I couldn’t care less about them in any other circumstance/location, and if you are afk you’re not likely to care either.


Although I do think its stupid for people to be overly fussed about stuff like this since its a few days before shadowlands…

People who stop people getting loot are jackasses and there are no 2 ways about it

Keep it in the cities


As much as it’s only a week, it’s only a week for all the people trying to do things before SL as well.

Just take over cities, or go harass botters in the various locations.


I hate to be that person but you can always just kill the ghouls as a group they are weak as hell

Yeah but once infected youre done for.
Zombies dont get loot

So its either be quick enough to not get infected or die quick enough to get back

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I agree , oh well it’s only for a week anyway , the first green item in SL will replace it