Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I agree, I do think its silly to be overly worked up over it.
The event isn’t to my taste so im not playing

But I can go a week not playing the game


I once heard a legend of a similar event in WOTLK. I missed that by a few months, so heres my view on it:

As a few have mentioned, this seems like an extremely diluted version of the aforementioned event. I have partaken in it, and can quite safely say where the [insert expletive here] are the zombies? not seen any in SW, IC, not even in Eastern Plaguelands for Nathanos (btw 4 kills on him and dropped 2x1h weapons and 2x2h weapons for my fury warrior - waiting for SL to see if theres any advantage to using 2x1h or 2x2h). its a bit of fun for a few days, but can see why players are unhappy about the ‘forced pvp’ side. Anyway i got a bit bored with it and went back to farming the rares in IC.

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Aha…so THAT is where the ghouls went… :wink:

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"I do NOT appreciate being forced into PvP mode. You shoved that stupid War Mode down our throats, after YEARS of telling people to pay for server transfers if they hate PvP.

You lied and said War Mode would allow PvE players to avoid PvP…not mentioning you’d pepper the new zones with totally non-obvious force flag areas, and then dump quests right on top of them. So now, it’s easy to get flagged, except you don’t even get the war mode benefits. Thanks SO much for that.

Worse, War Mode makes it harder to find groups, because people forget to put what mode it’s in, or mobs seem to all spawn for the mode you aren’t in.

NOW, this stupid scourge invasion. Don’t you remember the Scourge invasion in Patch 3.3, and people were up in arms? Do you EVER learn from past mistakes? Will you EVER just let people play the game the way they WANT, instead of shoving hated content down our throats, when it’s completely unnecessary?

Leave the PvP hassles to people that use War Mode. They’re the ones that like it - or at least like the rewards enough to put up with all the trolls that use it to torment players.

Enough already. Stop designing for yourselves, and start designing for the people that actually spend money on the game."

This guy gets it.

Btw teleported back to Ogrimmar to go do the Nathanos boss kill immediately flagged for PVP on my Goblin Rogue as soon as I landed.



ok you got me lol

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I spend plenty of money on this game over two accounts tbh… i like this event thank you.

And its NOT PvP… its PvG.


I hate PvP actually. So get off that high horse arrogance this instant.

I pay to play this game because i like the Fantasy and the gameplay.

Don’t pretend to be a better person than others just because you want everything to be predictable ALL the time and sometimes things don’t go 100% your way.

Its a short one time event… they are not removing your arms and legs. Get a grip and stop insulting people over ingame choices.

Oh and … cheers!

Did I touch a nerve ?

How sad.

I told what was obvious.

The only people having fun in this event are the ones that are doing it at the expense of others.



Yeah, your own… every time something happens that makes you angry… like Zombies attacking you at random.

What is sad is you ignoring arguments and pushing your “bad person” narative.

Nope, wrong again. Fighting on the other side against the ghouls is just as fun. Even more so if you consider the time and effort that goes into creating content for others through ghoul-play. I should know becuase ive been swimming up that stream for a bunch of hours now.

Not from you, that is for sure.

Fighting the Legion was fun.
Contaminating other players and ruining their events isn’t.

And btw this is a discussion remember that.

Cheers again nothing personal but it’s obvious that you and I have different perspectives of what playing with others is.


Than don’t do it. Just fight them… its painfully easy. Its just like fighting the Legion.

And nobody is ruining any events… the zombies ARE the event.

So why make it personal and implicate i am a bad person then?

Well so far “playing with others” for you only applies if you have all control and everything is going your way. If “others” play the part of the zombies that this event is about its suddenly bad people.

Nothing cheerful about that tbh.


This event should had been kept in WM only, yet they decided to bring it out.

People on WM can do whatever they want.
People that don’t play WM should be given the option out.

Anyone defending this, isn’t considering other people might not like it.
To answer to your question a very old man once told me, that your behavior inside the game reflects your personality.

Yes I do have fun playing dungeon encounters.
At the end of the day, everyone is happy.

Can you say the same for this event ?

And since you don’t like cheers, it’s your turn to answer.

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Its not PvP. Its ghouls attacking players everywhere. You have to realise its a computergame and you are not the writer or developer. If things happen that you are unhappy with you can turn it off.

There is, its called the off and on switch on your PC.

Instead you are partaking in the event and go bananas because it doesn’t go as you want… you’ve had your week of farming gear and now the week of atacking ghouls is here. Same event.

Why should i think of people not liking the things i like? When i am playing a ghoul there is a reason you can’t see my name… its because im not there in the game… its a random ghoul attacking you. You have to stop thinking in terms of PvP. Its NOT PvP. If it was PvP you would bee seeing Horde invading SW with playernames above the characters.

I am also an old man and i tell you that playing a Horde Troll doesn’t mean you are butchering innocent Human villagers IRL.

I hate dungeon encounters. Specially the faul way people treat eachother in them these days. I think that is a whole lot worse than a one week ghoul-event.

I like this event because you constantly switch from beeing the ghoul to fighting the ghoul. That is extremely special and unique. But all you see is PvP where there is none.

I only like ‘cheers’ when they are meant, not when its sneered at me. And now you have your answer.

Than why my character gets instantly flagged for PVP as soon asa it enters Ogrimmar ?

Fine. We can now wrap every single complain including any complain you might have in the future./S

The same can be said for anything you don’t like in this game you realise that ?
Don’t like it turn off the PC.

Is that so ?
Why isnt this mode in WM only ?
Answer: because not enough people were taking part of it.

This lose any sense when you are flagged for PVP no matter how you try to spin around it.

Not old enough I would say unless you are 63 years old.
And btw Darkspear Trolls don’t go butcher people around, they have principles and that’s why i like them.

Turn the PC off.
That’s what you suggested right ?
And btw you are don’t get forced teleportation to a dungeon just because you are on Ogrimmar.
Too bad we can’t say the same for this event.

Too bad you can’t be a harmless ghoul that doesn’t bother anyone, doesn’t disturb anyone’s game play.
But than again you wouldn’t liked it that way would you ?

Suit yourself.
I wouldn’t even say anything if everyone would be having fun with it, but the ones that are having fun usually is at the expenses of others and that’s a fact whether you want it or not.

your turn.


Actually, whilst I am led to understand that this has been fixed, it was indeed PvP originally. If it had been players vs Zombies, even if the Zombies were controlled by players, I would have been all over this like a dog eating hot chips.

Unfortunately, someone dropped the ball, and it became PvP, so started to be used for actual -living- characters, not Zombies, taking advantage of the mistake, which unsurprisingly, turned a lot of people off the event.

Cue the crying. “But WHY? I wanted to Zombiefie people!” “Nah you didn’t, I saw you last night, you were PvPing as your character because you knew people were auto-flagged you toe rag, enough with your lies!”

“It’s a Zombie apocalypse!”
“Mate, if you think this is -anything- like what a Zombie Apocalypse would look like you need a sit down and some good education via the medium of George A Romero”

“It’s just a week!”
“Oh shut up, grow up and get a sense of perspective.”

As I say, best thing coming out of this?

We can now absolutely BTFO all those numerous PvP whinge threads about being ‘Forced’ to do PvE.

I wonder how long it will be before one dares to raise their heads over the parapet “i’m forced to do Pv-” Gunshot, as a normal player lowers their rifle “You get that in my book?” Their buddy nods, snipers need to keep score “Did he say the usual?”
“Yep, claimed Blizzard were forcing them into PvE”
“Do they not remember November 2020, when people -were- actually forced into a playstyle they hadn’t signed up for?”
“Seems they don’t, and don’t realise how self unaware they look when crying about it, oh, wait up, here comes another…”
Rifle crack ensues
“Same deal?”
"Yeah, “I was forced into PvE, I never bought a PvE game to have to do PvE!”

“It’s a kindness really”


Way to go to miss the point of the post.

And from what I can see the childish name calling seems to have continued through the night.


I get where people being upset about being flagged for PvP comes from, but in the same breath I get the other side going on about how the Scourge event fits with the narrative leading up to SL.

Honestly, if they managed to fix the issue where it doesnt flag you for actual PvP content other than dealing with the “PvG” aspect then I don’t see an issue with this event for WM off players. Kill the ghouls, get turned, die and you ain’t flagged for content vs other players only the ghouls.

The griefing aspect where players lose out on loot should be fixed in the sense where if you’ve tagged said rare/boss prior to being turned, you should still be able to loot it after you get killed off as a ghoul.

Portal rooms should be shielded so peeps dont get insta banged the second they port in.

Alts that are newly created (allied races that skip Exile’s Reach, DK’s and Pandaren) should have the immunity buff so they can get to Chromie in order to switch over to Chromie time.

In theory, this is how the event shoulda played out but yeah, Blizz is Blizz.

All I can say is that no matter how much peeps complain about it, Blizzard isnt gonna be making any changes to this event at this point.

The sad reality of it all for the peeps that arent happy about the event is that you either gotta deal with it (I’m not saying you’re outcriesor opinions arent validated) or play something else till SL launches.


Geeeez this thread is still going?

And OP is having a mental breakdown and calling it abuse for stating what she said?

Best entertaining thread I read in months, keep the salt flowing!


Its not at the expense of anyone. Its ghouls attacking your character because your character is there. It was made by you to partake in an adventure that brought you to a scourge invasion.

That is all it is… and its even an impotent event at that because of all the nerfing.

Its still unique in that it lets you play both sides of the invasion though.

It is quite sad that an event in a computergame triggers this ‘rape-response’ in some people. Maybe you are taking the RP part a bit too far?

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Brigante… do you often have these conversations with yourself?

Anyway… its not PvP. Its a ghoul invasion.

The unique thing about is that you get to play both your character and the ghoul in turn.

I get it that some precious souls are now forever traumatised but such is life in 2020. Some people are just easily traumatised.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind. :man_shrugging:t2:

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