Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

When a character is controlled by a player it is a player :slight_smile:

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And when its an anonymous ghoul with no name its presented as an NPC.

Its not PvP… its ghouls attacking characters. Get over it already.

I am not in real life Psjohly. That is an anomynous name. I, the player, is controlling a character in this game. So it is tauren vs ghoul. :man_shrugging: Both chars controlled by players. So get over it indeed. It is PvP and because of that it required pvp flagging.

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The original reason that this thread was created (although multiple topics have been discussed since then!) was that, regardless of the ghouls, setting foot in a capital city flagged you for PvP and made you eligible for being attacked by other players. And it was that which originally was being protested.

The one thing I would say about the ghouls is that although they are limited in their abilities and health and so on, is that they do have the player behind them who can choose to go to specific places, such as the portal rooms to immediately attack those arriving in the city, or to where people are trying to kill bosses specifically for loot, such as Nathanos or Ice Crown. Sure, an NPC might randomly end up in these places, but again it’s the deliberate choice of players to go to these places in order to disrupt others which people are objecting to.


To be fair, thats just semantics, what it is though is forcing people to play the game in a manner that they either don’t enjoy, or have no interest in.

For example, I gave up raiding Mop time, I for one would be unhappy if I was forced into raiding just to be able to play the game.

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Its not PvP … its ghouls attacking the cities.

In Warcraft PvP you fight the other Faction. In this event you fight NPC ghouls.

You know PvP means Player vs Player, dont you? i had even a duel with a guildy, so needless to say same faction. That is PvP.

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They can do something else if they don’t like it.

Its a 1 week event that isn’t even much of an event to start with.

Some people will moan about everything because that is what they love to do most in life… moan.

Did you notice the one you were dueling had a nametag?

Ghouls don’t have nametags because they are NPC’s. So people are basically complaining about beeing attacked by NPC’s in a game that is about getting attacked by NPC’s.

So, thats your answer? If they don’t like it do something else?

Kind of says it all tbh, I’m alright jack, screw the rest of you

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Because having a nametag decides it is PvP or not :man_facepalming: It are chars controlled, behaving and organized by players.

Anyway; back to life again :slight_smile: :wave:

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It’s a valid answer???

Don’t like it? Don’t do it.

You see a hole on the road ahead of you, what do you do?

Walk around it, or expect the hole to move away from you because you are salty and stubborn?


What do you do with things you don’t like then? Do them anyway?

What about rain… when it rains, do you go outside and complain to the sky that you didn’t opt in to getting wet?

Or do you get an umbrella and get on with life?

Lol, still going i see…

Hugs Tahra Morning! hope your Friday will have many blessings.

Because having no nametag makes it an NPC. Yes, it is purposely presented as a Non Player Character so that people can play both sides in turn.

Kill scourge, get killed by scourge, become scourge, get killed by other players, become player again and get attacked by scourge.

That is what this event is about and its awesome and unique gameplay.

Too bad some people are so determined to be offended by it but that is appearantly how some people wish to percieve everything that throws them off their daily routine.


Oh man, I can start an argument in a room on my own, trust me.

No, that is what it -should- have been. That is not what we got. How is Alliance/Horde players camping the opposing faction taking advantage of them being auto-flagged for PvP a ghoul invasion?

If you had read some of the concerns it was about the implementation, not the fact that it was happening. They just didn’t add it correctly. I love me a good ‘defence against the ravening Undead’ story as much as the next person (Probably more in fact, I actually have a survival plan if there ever -is- a Zombie Apocalypse) but they fluffed it with the implementation in making it auto-pvp rather than Living vs Ghoul pvp (Which I understood they have now hotfixed. They also dropped the ball by making it so that people can abuse the system to make it so that players can’t get loot for killing a world boss for the last week the world boss is there, which is, y’know, not cool, you do only get one shot at him a week, so a few minutes of spite, and you can deny a person a World Quest reward.

Bizarrely it seems that some of the really easily traumatised ones are the people complaining that they -can’t- be unpleasant to people, but hey ho, this is 2020, some people just are upset that they can’t ruin other people’s fun and can’t get over it, bless their precious little hearts.

What about when it is an opposite faction player? Is it still an NPC then? Do you start to see why people were unhappy with how this was implemented?

Did you even do this when it went live? If you had, you wouldn’t be stating that.

I do actually. If it is suddenly raining when it was hitherto sunny I will just glare at the sky sullenly and say “Oh for Heavens sake, will you just grow up and make up your mind!”

I find it healthy to have a robust sense of humour about these things.

You…didn’t play this when it went live did you?

Well thats fair enough, you rant away getting upset with people being upset or whatever the youth of today do. Ghoul vs Player isn’t what most people were annoyed about, but sure, pick that bit to suckle on.


I like to think most people who hang around in Stormwind for any amount of time in the past year are used to a few well known idiots from the Horde trying to gank roleplayers.

More than likely, I can even guess which idiots you mean, I think they’re the same bunch who trolled Horde cities for a while.

Quite possible but I don’t play Horde so I couldn’t confirm

What is unique about an event that is like wotlks boring pre patch event that was criticised alot?"

Ghouls don’t have nametags because they are NPC’s. So people are basically complaining about beeing attacked by NPC’s in a game that is about getting attacked by NPC’s.

This doesnt make sence at all and is totally irrelevant.

Just because it doesnt show a name of ghoul is said player doesnt mean they dont have to be players. If I am a gghoul I am a player. if I kill people as a ghoul, I am still a player? Name plates have ntohing to do with it.

You see a hole on the road ahead of you, what do you do?

Not the point he was making… and I am honestly tired of you people coming in these topics. Dont you hyave something better to do yourself ya know? Like play your game?

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