Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I don’t trust you. But i believe it when you say you have arguments with yourself.

It is though… a ghoul invasion. A badly nerfed one but still a ghoul invasion.

I read about the poor implication and read even more about people beeing pissed because event where ghouls attack you.

My responses have been to the latter… sorry if that wasn’t clear to you. Maybe you should stop muttering and pay attention.

AI ghouls are :poop: and player-ghouls are awesome because they anticipate. The trauma is all on the people who are pissed because they are used to min-max and can’t stand not beeing in control. You can try turn that around on me but its a pityful attempt. Try harder!

Yes, the way its represented as a nameless ghoul its still an NPC. What faction the player is matters even less than the fact it is a player. But i understand that some people are even more pissed when they find out they’ve been had by the other side… i find it hilarious tbh. And i laugh all the harder when they boil over.

I did and i do… and i stand by every word.

I’m not surprised.

Like i said, i did. And that is how played it. I also went for immediate ressing at the grave for a while and running right back in. The res sickness has no effect when you turn ghoul at a crate.

I couldn’t hold a candle to your performance, to be honest.

Oh yet another flaw about this event… Thanks!

That you can alternate between player character and ghoul. Its unique gameplay. And yes, back then there were complainers also. Complainers will always be there.

But that event, along with a few others, put Blizzard on the map as an intersting and engaging game.

The FACT that ghouls have no nameplates makes them appear like normal NPC’s. That way the illusion of a ghoul that is way more clever and engaging than a AI-NPC is created. The rest is up to the imagination of the player. Unless you are a person that is easily upset ofcourse. In that case all you can think about is that people are out to get you in person.

That is a joke right? You do realise that you are posting in a forum where discussions are held… right?

Because a naked ghoul cannot be affected by res sickness… it defeats the purpose.

I mean, whats the point of one-shotting a ghoul because res sick?

They are nerfed enough as it is.

That is a joke right? You do realise that you are posting in a forum where discussions are held… right?

This comes from you who thinks discussions are arguements? What discussion is there to beb held with you if you dont simply are willing to understandf our point of vviews and you are litterally throwing lies into the mix?

Whats your point?

You have no point other then being a griever when you dont listen to people’s complaints and reasons.

I mean, whats the point of one-shotting a ghoul because res sick?

Another one of those lies.

Player ghouls are significantly stronger then regular ghouls. Argent healers onlly one shot NPC ghouls, not player ghouls.


Wut? “discussions are arguments”?

I understand your point of view is that ghouls killing players is bad. And i disagree… its highly engaging gameplay.

I do? … where?

My point is that this event is fun (as nerfed as it is) and your arguments are not.

I listen to everything you say and i think its all bollocks. You are just pissed because your routine is interupted and that is silly because its an event that lasts just a few days and after that it will never return.

Where did i lie?

You keep accusing me of trolling and now lying. Are you going to come up with some evidence or are you going to continue flailing about with baseless accusations?

You may want to actually READ what i write before you go off on wild rants.

I want you to carefully read what I write before youm, buddy, respond at all.

Its simple. I can complain if I want to. Its my privilige. Its allso called feed back.

Unlike you, I complain because I get harassed by player ghouls in other locations other then where it is suppose to happen.

Unlike you probally, I dont want to take away your fun. I just wish to be exempted for it.

So if you people kindly dont go where we cant heal our infection, which again,k is an oversight of blizzard, along with other stufff I posted, which you seem to ignore, this wouldnt off been a problem, but it is.

And you’re telling all those people who; rightfully complain that a week off theyr game time is taken away because of an event, (And this once again is unrelative to AFKing),

You may want to actually READ what i write before you go off on wild rants.

You may want to read other people’s posts too, and then carefully pick your responce why we say its a bad event in general.

You want every single bit continent, annoyed by player ghouls. Thats all you want.

Once again, Why should IC rares be harassed by player ghouls infecting them causing bugged drops and what not?"

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Why, this is an affront good sir/madame, I have been entirely trustworthy apart from one incident in 1998 which I was forgiven over, what a scurrilous thing to say…:stuck_out_tongue:

Well yes, the same as any person who has ever suffered a moral quandary, so pretty much every person then.

No, that is what we have -Now- it was not thus when it was first introduced and is still open to abuse.

Hardly muttering if I am typing is it?

But that is what people are doing, Min-Maxing the situation, instead of actually playing out the Ghouls. Come on, you can’t be that naive, people are even sharing tips on how to screw over fellow player’s fun as to where they can get to and attack, I mean that -is- the definition of Min-Maxing, which is pretty poor gameplay to be honest.

I suggest you turn that razor sharp insight on yourself. That is not what I was complaining about. I don’t care whether a Ghoul is Team Red or Team Blue. I -do- care about being flagged for PvP against my will and the opposing faction players, as their characters, not as Ghouls but as players, abusing that fact. Rest assured, people shall not forget the next time we see a pvp Whine thread.

So just to clarify, you think it is acceptable for people to be forced into a playstyle they do not enjoy? Let’s just get that clear. So we will see you countering all the PvP whine threads about being forced into PvE to gear up, yes? I mean it would be hypocrisy otherwise.

Few can, few can…

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And i can reply to your complaints and argue against them if i want to. That is what a forum is for… no?

You are not harrassed. You are beeing attacked by invading ghouls. And we go however far the game will let us. Its not up to you to decide how far we can go. If so Blizzard will intervene, if not its working as intended.

Nobodies gametime is been take away by this event. I can understand thet you don’t like the content but one can’t please everyone with all the content all the time. You’ll just have to suck it up or leave.

Don’t turn it around. You accuse me of lying because you don’t read properly. Stop changing the subject and either prove that i lie or apologise.

I dunno…because the loot is meaningless and will be replaced anyway as soon as the new expansion drops?

I dunno…because the loot is meaningless and will be replaced anyway as soon as the new expansion drops?

Oh gees, I wonder why? We have an exclusive pre patch event, that allows per usually to. ya know,k catch up alts without the need of extensive farming to gget prepped for launch and you say we shouldnt even be making use that?

Oh boy!


This event should be way more involved.

It feels lacking at times.

I logged on this morning with plans to gear up my lock alt so I picked up the quest for IC. Flew to the crossroads only to find it overrun by alliance ghouls.

Tried to get some quest mobs down but was promptly overrun by a pack of zombie filth.

So joined in the fun for a bit by wrecking havoc, exploding, getting reinfected, ganking some aliance before reinfection etc…

Decided to switch it up for a bit and tried to clear the zone but the swarm was just to fast in replenishing their numbers.

Got on with the quest and had fun trying to complete it in a fairly chaotic environment.

Overall got ganked, ganked some myself and had lots of fun. Never did get any gear for my lock but tomorrow is another day.

Sometime you just need to go with the flow and make the best of it tbh.


Not by me…

I see no abuse… i see a few pissed of people yelling ‘abuse’ over an event that kills them in their safe places. :grin:

I also see dead people… lots of 'em. :smiling_imp:

What i was referring to was a textual representation of muttering. That is why you wrote it like you did… no?

Its ghouls attacking players to paint a story … the rest is hysteria.

Stop trying to make it sound like you are beeing raped. Its a game setting to enable a type of gameplay (ghoul-gameplay, not PvP). If you feel they have to ask your permission every time iits needed you may want to stop gaming.

On an event like this? Sure. You have no saying in how the devs condition your character in order to make certain gameplay possible. Again… its not rape, its a game setting.

THAT i trust to be true. :wink:

Yeah, you may even be concentrating on the wrong part of the event. You know… farming gear/rep while you should be fighting and driving ghouls. :smiling_imp:

And again, you completely refuse to understand the meaning of grieving.

Cause that is etxactly grieving. Your fun is not my fun, and you keep posting in the same ways to make mockerys out of people who you do not share an opinion with.

A game shouhld always be fun. Why else would you play a game? This isnt wow to me. I never touched zombie game mode on cs 1.6. I never touched it on gmod. Why should I be enforced to touch it now when pvp is involved if I play MMO’s to play cooperatively?

Yeah, you may even be concentrating on the wrong part of the event. You know… farming gear/rep while you should be fighting and driving ghouls. :smiling_imp:

Or maybe, just maybe, you can have your fun while we have ours too? Its not hard to understand and its called common courtesy. But instead you dont want to play an MMO bby cooperating with your fellow ghouls to raid capitals, even thou thats very much possible?


Its not griefing. Its ghouls attacking you in a game about ghouls attacking you. Its a one time event where your personal routine comes second to the narrative.

A game is what the developers made it to be. You either like it or you don’t . If you don’t you can skip or avoid or stop playing at all.

Because the STORY demands it. And for this brief event that story comes first.

Nope, for this event you are going to suffer a ghoul invasion. You consent to it by logging on. Period.

What narrative?

I wasnt really immersed.

Because the STORY demands it. And for this brief event that story comes first.

No, Its because you players whom do abuse the portals, to harass other players not wishing to beb involved.

Legion invassion had alot of narative and was structured.

WOTLK event was remembered… but for the wrong things.

Nope, for this event you are going to suffer a ghoul invasion. You consent to it by logging on. Period.

Need I remind you, that I aware that consent to it by logging in? I still have privilige to provide feedback.

And I will keep on posting my complaints because I am priviliged to do that. You’re on the hand are making pointless arguements all over the board repeating the same thign while should have fun i nthe game?

What are you doing here excactly?

You seem obsessed pointlessly argueing here while you should be playing, not? Why would it affect you anyway if I want to go back to my PVE antics?

I am trying to avoid it, but people are searching ways to infect remote plaaces and troll/griev, hench, I should be here providing that feedback.

You on the other hand, wouldnt even be affected by people posting feedback.


Graytail… you can go on all day about your bruised ego but at the end of that day you installed a Fantasy MMO where “stuff happens”.

You can skip whatever content you want to skip and you can spend your time the way you want to.

Except on an event like this where you get your behind handed to you by a ghoul who couldn’t care less how hard you are screaming.

The only thing that went wrong with this event is that there are still players running around ignoring the event. Imo the whole bloody world should have been infected and everyone changed into walking corpses. Every player online and every NPC.

Fingers crossed that the last day(s) will still show a worldwide ghoul plague.

Have a splendid evening.

And again you missed the point that we the complainers are allowed to post complaints.

You on the other hand are making inflammable comments. I dont care about your weekly days. We complained about this before the event even went life when we where able to test it on PTR, its why changes where made on PTR.

I can skip my content that I want to skip, but I dont wantn skip content I dont want to skip and I am forced to do that because people like you dont stick to the capitals where its originally intented to be.

It wasnt ment to disrupt the whole game. Only capital and surrounding area.

Now if you hhave nothing that actually ccontibutes as to an proper arguement, that you dont repeat and hijack topics with your POV. We get your POV. Now let other people read.

Once again, We arnt taking away from you by doing thnis and you are acting like we are.


And again you fail to understand that anyone can comment on your posted complaints.

Well, i am not the one namecalling and making wild accusations. Just like you do now. I don’t think you even notice doing it.

Also: “Inflammable comments” - does that mean your PC is now on fire?

Indeed. The resourcefulness of the Ghoul is admirable. Even when he is in the infected stage. That is why they are player-driven and not AI … its awesome.

That is what they said last time… HAHAHA :rofl:

Hey … i can post and reply to anyone i want. Its a FORUM you see… not your personal notebook.

You have yet to stop replying … or “mute” me like you promised.