Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

That’s your words not mine.
Amazing how much wrong deduction you got.

Point still stands: it’s annoying for others.
And the fact you only having fun in this event because you find PVE boring and you already stated that you hate PVP, says a lot.

Your turn.

Just trying to understand where all the hubbub is coming from. You people seem most upset by the PvP switch turning on. Its just a setting you know… not a zipper.

Yes im sure some people are annoyed… there is always someone annoyed. Doesn’t mean we have to strip everything down to bare minimals just so we don’t upset anyone. You may end up staring at time going by on a clock because everything else is gone.

I never stated i find PvE boring. I said i don’t like PvP. But this isn’t PvP… its ghouls attacking the players. And its unique gameplay that last 1 week and will never come back (should be a big relief to you).

*slaps the clock

Should had stayed in WM only.

Again put in WM and none would had complained.

A week where players are trying to gear their alts for SL.
Now instead some of them have to quit the idea, while others have to try different schedules, meaning wait for others to go to sleep.
I had to work at 6:00 am and I had to stay awake till 2:30 am just to get all 10 characters done as I take no joy getting killed, especially when I have WM off.

Just as an example: every single one of my 10 max leveled characters got immediately flagged for PVP as soon as they ported inside Ogrimmar.

Which I needed in order to make the transition between Icecrown citadel and Eastern Kingdoms. The only character that was able to bypass this inconvenience was my Mage.

I immediately took the portal to Silvermoon and from there I got to Nathanos location and guess what, I found loads of people playing at that time.

Every single one of my characters got a group, total contrast with the week before.
Why ?
Because people know they can no longer play safely during the day because of the event.

So basically everyone had to change their schedule to run from the players that are constantly trying to turn them in to Zombies.

Also the fact that some players go to such extent just to disrupt other players, because let’s face it, it’s something that requires work.
Tells a lot about them.

Some people are stuck at home, this is their chance to get some fun and the devs decided to ruin it just because the other part of the community wants to have fun at the cost of others and this is a fact no matter what people write.

Your turn.

No don’t agree. The whole point is that everyone gets attacked. Otherwise they could have just not have the event.

It would have looked rediculous if some get attacked and some not. I also don’t agree that now suddenly low levels are invulnerable. Its just caving in to the whiners and damages an epic event that is already nerfed even further.

You never “had” to do anything. You SHOULD have gone to bed in time because that would have been the sensible thing to do. You let your life be dictated by a computergame and then blame others for ruining your schedule… seriously!

I care nothing for your schedule and urges to get 10 characters geared… i have 14 characters and only geared 3 because i couldn’t play all at the same time anyway.

This event has much more priority than your self imposed slavery to a computergame.

I have been stuck at home for the last 10 years and will be until i die. You don’t see me laying claim because i need to get 10 characters geared.

Its a ONE TIME EVENT that lasts 1 week and your gear is second on the priority list as it is easily gotten in a later stage.

What you should be badgering Blizzard for is the possibility to get access to the transmog in a later stage… THAT would be a reasonable request that i would support.

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Legion invasions was fun, this is not.
Both required everyone to participate.
Legion event will go down as one that everyone wanted to take part in.
This one will not and btw you can’t chose to play the Jailer side so playing a Ghoul is just for the show.

Tbh I was amongst many.
If none was playing at that time, sure.
But everyone was doing Nathanos and better take the chance now because tomorrow you might not be so lucky.

And this goes directly on Activision Blizzard developers decision.
None likes to be killed even if it means playing late hours.

I suppose you are planning to play SL ?
If so you have all the time in the world to do so, I don’t.

That depends.
I don’t plan to play SL.
I don’t play on guilds abd I don’t Raid or do Mithic +.
This was the end game for me.

Not for me.

I don’t plan to be here during SL.
BFA just left me completely burned out.
The story team is the same, so I expect no changes whatsoever.

Time to grab what I got and visit expansions I didn’t got to play and because all my 10 characters are reasonable geared, I won’t have any dailies, or schedules.

Your turn.

Are you done yet?

Or are you trying to keep ‘discussing’ it with your very narrow minded view? :confused:

Like seriously, what people ask, does not simply affect you.

We dont care if its a one time event.

It doesnt affect you if dont want to partake.

You are litterally just trolling. All you are doing, everything you are saying is inflammable and quite frankly, annoying. Go make your own topic how you love the event for for petes sake, you’re dragging this on and on and on… lol


Are you?

Look who’s talking.

That much is clear.

What do i NOT want to partake in? I thought we were discussing what YOU don’t want to partake in.

More baseless insult. Keep it up sport.

All i do at this point is respond to your badly typed insults.

You went from whining about a very short one time event that seems to interfere with your carefully planned daily routine to continuous insulting and baseless accusations. You still haven’t explained when and how i am lying.

No, that would be you doing the dragging. Here is a suggestion… do NOT respond to this and its all over.


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Can someone tell me where zombies are or how do I become infected? In Orgrimmar I see none.

I pass.

What is the point even talking to you about this subject?

You won’t be playing SL anyway so your grind to gear 10 characters is pointless and the way you grind its only logical you run into problems with this ghoul event.

I fully understand that you burnt out on BFA as i look at your way of approaching this game. It seems a tad obsessive to me tbh.

You grinded about 80 pieces of gear for 10 characters that you are not playing in SL. And you have the gall to berate others for wanting an epic pre-event?

Gimme a break…

I will say that being PvP flagged against your will just for stepping foot in SW/Orgrimmar doesn’t seem right. I don’t make a huge deal of it but it’s a bit unconventional. Would have been nicer if there was a different “flag” or whatever to make you attackable by zombies while in and around those cities.

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My Level 17 char was logged out in Undercity and when I logged back in I was infected/killed by a PVP player. I was flagged PVP and then as I came from the grave in the area just beyond the entrance I was killed immediately by a PvP player. It was only then that I noticed I was PvP flagged. Who designs a game that lets Level 17 characters be flagged against their will and permits overgeared Level 50 chars just kill them. It wasn’t like I could do anything what so ever . Also since I last logged, the game designers have removed my portals. They are only available now at 21. I was simply trying to work all this out and exit to the flight guy when I went all red and became a zombie. Its just not worth playing to be honest. Just cannon fodder for an event that got slated and removed the first time it was used. Lazy gaming designers who have lost the plot and can’t come up with any original ideas anymore.


You need good geared characters if you plan to run Legion Raids.
The lower ILV they are, the less likely they are of having a chance to clear that Raid and you have: LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mithic +.

By the way, the more characters you have of the same class, the more likely you have to get the piece you need.

As you can see, I plan to use them and looking at end game and how it has been: main one character and one alt, that’s all you are allowed, in every expansion, unless you sink more time.

Legion was a epic event, this one isn’t.
Just a prankster fiesta.

To each their own.


But you dont dare post on your main account mister, so we cant really ya kn ow judge you because all you do is talk how other people play different parts of prepatch?

Whom are you to judge those people?

You still haven’t explained when and how i am lying.

I did numerous times. I even told you how ccertain stuff works.

Such as the ‘ghouls get one shot whining’.

I find this a really fun thing yo ya know, say again, ya know?

Only NPC ghouls get one shot by Rotgut, and how do I know if they are not NPC’s? You simple hover over theyr corpse.

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Not entirely true.
I went and was infected, turned into ghoul, kept spamming 1 at Nathanos and let everyone kill me. Then I didn’t release spirit and got loot.

So either you need to retag him or let people kill you before he dies?

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Undercity is awesome, I love to visit. Thx for the tip.

I disagree… its a ghoul infestation that signals the loss of control over the scourge.

The reason a few people don’t like it is because the ghouls aren’t the usual dumb harmless NPC’s.

And i think its great fighting them and us alternately.

See ya.

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Hahaha… you’d like that wouldn’t you… judge people. Typical cancel culture, i knew i was right about you.

Sorry Mack, no judging beyond what is spoken here. And it ain’t looking good for ya.

Someone on the other side of the hate-fence.

I didn’t say that… you misread something and i stated that. But you don’t read… do you?

Wut? :man_shrugging:t2:

The ghouls are incognito until they die and for a reason. You don’t have to get that if you have a hard time wrapping your head around that concept.

The one-shotting you keep on wrongly referring to was about when res-sickness would carry over from your character. I mentioned it when i told about me respawning from GY with res-sick and why that didn’t matter because it doesn’t carry over from the character.

It also shows how detached the ghoul-form is from your character. I even ran naked at some point because my gear kept breaking. And since the character stats aren’t carried over to the ghoul-form you don’t need the gear.

But that only matters if you decide to run ghoul full-time and stop alternating.

And before you go all enthousiastic… i did that when i noticed low-ghouls and Paladins taking them on by the dozen. Player-ghouls and real-NPC’s alike.

Do you get it now?

Res sickness never carried over on live…

Do you even play this game enough?

You just don’t read do you?

I dont think you read your own posts. And I dont think you are countering my points that I made in the paste.

All, I get from you, is the, whambulance type of person.

You also think we take away from you when we dont.

As proven by one post by yours.

I mean, whats the point of one-shotting a ghoul because res sick? They are nerfed enough as it is.

You stated res sickness affected you in the paste.

YOUR words…

Not mine. I called you out on that because its not true. Res sickness does not carry over and never has.

Also, You are really impolite when you are harassing us people, whom rightfully are allowed to complain, and you are just acting like that type of person that would call call the whambulance

You litterally dont lose anything but a little gold for repair cost.

  • Decreases all attributes by 75% and all damage caused by 75%. You are currently worth no honor points to the enemy.

Otherwise you as a ghoul wouldnt have more then 25k HP if you took ress sickness… You wouldnt even have 10k.

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