Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I didn’t… i was stating that ghouls would be one-shotted IF the ressickness would carry over and that they are nerfed enough as it is.

To make sure people couldn’t check you conveniently left out the other part of that post that makes it clear what i was talking about.

Its dishonest at best. And you call me a liar.

Yeah, keep calling out what i allready stated like its fresh news. :roll_eyes:

At some point my gear was full red after a few GY spawns with ressickness. I think that is a waste of gold when you can also run in naked since your gear doesn’t carry over stats in ghoul-form. I explained that 1 post earlier… but you don’t read do you.

I never said ghouls take on ressickness… you made that up because else you wouldn’t have :poop: to throw at me.

Your entire post is based on not reading what i write and just cutting and pasting snippets to feed your campaign of rage against someone who thinks your anger over a one week event is egoistical nonsense.

But keep trying son… if anything you are very engaging. :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: Here is the whole qoute so people can see what was talked about and not the un-quoted snippet you just posted:

Is your face getting red already? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Kids are back at it I see.


Yep, never give in to cancel-culture :slight_smile:

You are both as bad as each other lol

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How so?

I don’t think im as bad as that.

I cant read many comments.

So I want ask, do it will stop auto pvp after SL release come out?

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I would think so. Its only to enable player-driven ghouls.

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You state we want to cancel your event.

But we dont? So I dont see how cancel culture has to do anything with it?

I really dont get why you must think that? You’re obsessed with that.

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I think you have another post to respond to first don’t you think.

Or are you conveniently going ignore proof against your accusations?

There’s a lot you don’t seem to get. No surprise here.

Any game that completely isolates itself from any form of non-consensual player interaction is missing out… on a lot.

Granted there should be limits but this event is childs play tbh.


I am ignoring that post because you’re ignoring ours, and you’re just mocking us. So instead of mocking you, I will call yopu out on things you state.

Dont move away. Answer it?

Why do you think we want to cancel your ‘event’ that isnt world altering like cataclysm events where where the world had changed? Or BFA prevent where you you had the continents powers shifted?

We should be able to opt out if we choice too.

At this moment, you are not respecting anything we ask for.

There’s a lot you don’t seem to get. No surprise here.

Then enlighten me? Cause you keep circling around the same thing.

Because you are obsessed that everyone who is against wants to cancel it for everyone

I asked you something a long time ago. You ignored that.

Why does it affect you if I want to opt out in an event that is totally unrelative to SL, It should be my choice, not yours.

That choice was fixed on PTR when infected poeple couldnt bypass portals, so you could still do your silly stuff in the old world.

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Holy moly, I ran out of popcorn for this Tahra thread. Need some more now, it’s almost as good as watching Juliani’s hair dye drip down his face at this point.


Yeah that figures… when you are proven to lie you cop out. Says a lot tbh.


You’re the one accusing everyone who opposes and just wants to opt out, ya know, of PVP ghouling every else but main capitals (Orgrimmar/SW), wants to cancel it out? No, We want to keep the pvp ghouling over there so us pve players arnt bothered by it.

Youu named numerous posts on how they are interpreted as NPC ghouls.

You did so in the boss threat at IC.

But they are player controlled characters. Not non player controlled characters.

WM only mode means that it will fixes and actually ya knlow, let you do your stuff., while I do mine so I can do my stuff in peace while you enjoy your world harassment?.

Do you not simply understand that?

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By design it’s supposed to affect everyone. Having it opt-in is effectively changing it to a degree that it becomes a different event. So it’s not strictly canceling it but it’s not a community event either.

It’s supposed to be a shared experience that affects all players. Something that we share and can remember together.


By design on the PTR it never intended to work that way…

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The original did no?

I didnt knew this was WOTLK pre event?..

Oh wait… its not…

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They probably changed their minds because Ballsofstone is exactly right.

If it is tested on the PTR that portals can stop the spread then they have a safety built in this time for when it gets out of hand. Doesn’t mean those restrictions were actually MEANT to be alive during the event… that is just what YOU concluded.

Meanwhile… YOU are dissing on a Community event and avoid making memory because you really aren’t about community at all …right?

Its the single player mode in this MMO that you are soully interested in. And that is fine because that is my personal main way of playing as well.

But i’m at least able to see the value of this event in light of the community and building memories the likes i still have and are fond of on the time WOTLK went live.

If you can’t even see the relation then what the heck are you even doing in this game?


If it is tested on the PTR that portals can stop the spread then they have a safety built in this time for when it gets out of hand. Doesn’t mean those restrictions were actually MEANT to be alive during the event… that is just what YOU concluded.

No, This is excactly what PTR is for. Its for testing purpose.

Also, Community events are player hosted.

Kindly do not use that term.

Why are you arggueing me again btw>

Arnt you suppose to be having fun?

If you can’t even see the relation then what the heck are you even doing in this game?

If you are that kind of person that actually ya know, was understanding, you would know I am very well aware its at most, similar to wotlk pre event which was heavely criticised might I add, but we are 10 years later so there is no relevance.

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