Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Yeah, your point? They tested it… and now they have it tested for when they need it.

I’ll decide for myself what im talking about and what words i use, not you. All you may do is twist them and mis-quote to support your wrong and wild accusations.

Not in your mind… but i assure you that many players see the relevance, even if you don’t.

Who says im not having fun right now…?

Mind if I grab some? I got the beers. :beer::beers:

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There are people that have 130+ ilvl that just want a bag, or mogs or the pet or just complete the achievement of the event. Also take into consideration that are people that play with WM off all the time and passing by SW is either mandatory or much easier to travel to many game location.

Flagging for PvP and forcing to wait 5 minutes is simply stupid. If would be a zombie invasion of npc that I have to kill I wouldn’t mind.

What I mind is that:

a) the players have the option to explode and grief other players. I was just waiting for one of the mounts in pandaria to spawn and some dude come, suicide itself and puff, I was a zombie. Those bosses are dying fast enough to not be necessary to have the hassle of camping in air.

b) I am flagged on pvp although I never want to pvp and I always play with WM off. I want to do an assault I have to wait 5 minutes because reasons.

These kind of things are annoying because they are not adding anything to the game. Is just bad design.


That would have been the sensible way of doing it, yes. You couldn’t opt out of attacking and being attacked -by- ghouls, but you were not auto flagged for PvP with non-ghoul players. This would have represented a Scourge invasion.

Unfortunately some people don’t seem to understand that not even particularly subtle nuance and just keep parroting “Cancel Culture” which are the new watchwords that lets you know you are dealing with the intellectually bankrupt.

Give us a -proper- Zombie Apocalypse, not turning every realm into a PvP one.


Says the person who RP’s muttering on a forum to come off as some sort of ‘authority’.

Its a ghoul invasion attacking everyone, everywhere. The underlying PvP system enables that.

Its 1 week out of ones entire life and it hails back to one of the best, if not THE best expansion of World of Warcraft.

Its almost over… i hope everyone has enough hanky’s to get through. :roll_eyes:

LOL … some people couldn’t handle that tbh. That is why the crates are turned of and on in intervals.


You forgot to mention of an event that got cut short due to criticism.

And best expansion is subjective.

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Nope… there’s that ‘no-reading’ thing again.

LOL … some people couldn’t handle that tbh. That is why the crates are turned of and on in intervals.

There you go… need more explanation?

Even if you see things like this from a lore perspective, you are ignoring the progression that happened over time. My character despite being level 50 is level 50 for squash reasons, is not like it had brain damage and is back to just getting out of Sunken Temple and is afraid of a ghoul that can kill him.
My char killed: Illidan, Arthas, Deathwing, Ragnaros, Ashzara, N’zoth and a bunch of others.

Is like Captain America with Mjolnir at the end of Endgame being knocked down by some nameless hydra soldier from The first avenger.

Is it making sense to you?

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This event and its roots in relation to the upcoming expansion is making sense to me yes, absolutely.

The topic is not about the event itself, the topic is about how is implemented and designed.

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Yeah, and?

The critics that are in this thread are about implementation and design and you are replying that the event itself is making sense. Is not about if an invasion is making sense, is how that invasion is designed if is making sense. There is a difference.

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Its about “automated PvP flagging beeing unacceptable” AND all the other stuff that gets thrown in by people who don’t know what else to throw at it after beeing explained why thing work as they do.


Please explain why flagging for PVP is the best solution for this event.

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Please explain how else they are going to allow player-driven ghouls? And allow for everyone beeing able to get attacked.

Why do you need player driven-ghouls?


Because AI-driven ghouls are lame and pose no threat.

Its also a drain on software calculation-power i would imagine.

The players are already there so… :man_shrugging:t2:

Not to mention its great fun to be able to also play the attacker instead of just the attacked.

Have a sit and join me then! Beer’s on you. :wink: Cheers!

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You don’t have to wait five minutes for the PVP flag to drop (in most cases anyways). Leaving a city removes the flag in about ten seconds.

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Nah, got bored of these two. It’s on repeat.

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