Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

I disagree. The ghouls are a threat because of numbers not because of IQ. They are ghouls, the are many, not powerful. They should be many, not intelligent ghouls.

Fine. You can opt in to become an attacker. You are still not offering any single reason for the explode option and for pvp flag.

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So that you can have many dumb ghouls that are easily AOEā€™d and pose no theat.

Okay. :thinking:

I gave you a good enough reason for the PvP part and the exploding is a way to give the poor weak ghoul at least some power besides its extremely looooong CDā€™s.

Than Blizzard should design the event in such a way to engage players. 4 days after the event started (the invasion) the only people that are still into it are those that think is fun to explode in the middle of a group. But the pvp flag is still there.

This is BFA. This is not Classic, this is not WotLK. BFA player cares more about doing his weekly stuff than anything else.

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Whyā€¦ PvP works just fine to get EVERYONE involved.

So its working as intended then ā€¦ no?

But i take it that you dissaprove of people enjoying that sort of stuffā€¦ ammirite?

Yes of course. Else the exploding would make little sense.

Also: There is a signal given when ghouls are about to explode. Its like not standing in the fire in a dungeon. Just step aside before it explodes.

The exploding also generates new NPC ghouls out of wounded or low health (placed for just that purpose) NPCā€™s

I think its designed just fine.

Only critiscism i have is that the crates & roaches should be there constantly.

Its a bit of a snorefest now imo.

Again. PVE servers are a thing since Vanilla. War Mode off is an option. PVP is not liked by everyone. Are you aware that one of the biggest critics from PVP players is that they have to PVE and from PVE players that they have to PVP?


You;'re completely and utterly evading his points.;


And why are you on a PVE server anyway since you love to pvp?

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Its not PvP. Its ghouls attacking the world of the living.

Moot argument imo.

They have only PvP system to implement this in a way to ENFORCE death by ghoul on all players.

I understand that you donā€™t like it but nobody likes everythingā€¦ that NEVER a reason to just donā€™t DO anything.

Thereā€™s always someone offended by something. :man_shrugging:t2:

Only seems like that if you never read anything anyone writes. Or maybe you just donā€™t understand English well enough.

Namecalling again. Its just for lack of words. Like small children do when they canā€™t have their way.

First of all im not into PvP, as i mentioned at least 2 or 3 times earlier (but if you donā€™t read) and secondlyā€¦ if i would enjoy PvP id still be on a PvE server because that is where the best PvP is to be had. :man_shrugging:t2:

You are trolling. If it is ghouls attacking then is ghouls attacking not players exploding.

And I had enough grind to do as a PVE player in BFA to get PVP essences.

ENFORCE - listen to yourself. How about ā€œfunā€ and not being forced to do something. But engaged to play the game because is fun?


Its ghouls attacking AND ghouls exploding. That some people keep hammering the PvP switch is because they are affected by the design principle of EVERYONE gets attacked.

And yes, iā€™ve been told i am trolling. I think its for lack of words and/or arguments.

The inescapability of beeing killed by a ghoul IS the fun. That people get upset by it is because they treat this game as a second life and not as a game.

I dislike PvP and rarely engage in it. But i like this ghoul driving because it livens up everything. From the beaches and ports all the way into the back of the bankā€¦ its thrilling. And not just attacking as a ghoul but also the risk of beeing attacked.

Its World of WARcraft, remember.


I dislike PvP and rarely engage in it. But i like this ghoul driving because it livens up everything. From the beaches and ports all the way into the back of the bankā€¦ its thrilling.

But hereā€™s the difference, Iff an event has flaws, its a totally different story.

it doesnt matter.

WM mode only is a solution to this p[roblem and once again, your fun wouldnt be affected.

The only arguement you can possible get is that you want to griev other players.

Its World of WARcraft, remember.

Quite possible the worst thing to use as an arguement is the use of a nameā€¦
Warcraft is just a universeā€¦ thats its.

Blizzard owns that IP right.

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The topic is about A. People are presenting arguments B, C, D to explain A.

You are saying X and that there is also Y and Z.

Do you understand why you are not answering to the topic?

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Yea, but there are plot twists every now and again. :slight_smile:

Yeah just keep scrolling til I see a new name XD

The PvP part isnā€™t a flaw imo. Its the bones of the entire event. You consider it a flaw because you want to be able to turn it off. You canā€™t be allowed to turn it off because its supposed to affect EVERYBODY.

WM isnā€™t a solution becasue PvP isnā€™t a problem. WM WOULD be a problem because people would opt out to do other stuff. And while that is usually allowed, this time the event floats on EVERYONE beeing affected. End of argument imo.

If i wanted to grief other players i would have far better ways of doing that. Enjoying ghoul play is NOT griefing players and quite frankly i resent that accusation.

You probably missed the emphasys i made on on ā€˜WARā€™. Which is no surprise because that seems the way you operate.

Iā€™ve no idea what you are going on about there. Sorry.

I think i am answering the topic and then some. I also think people like you are only satisfied when they are given their way.

Well itā€™s what it was. And test is test. I never expect the test to exactly mirror live so unless Blizz comes out and says they messed up or patches it itā€™s working as intended as far as Iā€™m concerned.

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But pvp is definiatly a prokblem since PVP players use exploits to get through portals while infected when the intention for them was to be clkeansed.

I dont think you understand Warcraft is a universe, before WC3 even came out (The first WC game competitively played online fyi)ā€¦ There was allready much lore in the universe out. 4 books released before WC3.

The actually RPG came before WOW.

Ya know?

Warcraft is a universe, just like marvel is a universe, just like star wars is a universe, just like capcom is.

Whatever you weant to call it.

A game title doesnt define what you are saying in the slightest especially when it comes to warcraft.

I think i am answering the topic and then some. I also think people like you are only satisfied when they are given their way.

This topic isnt a QNA topic. This is a feedback topic, and youā€™re arguing semantics that could of been executed differently.

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Itā€™s a thing called logic. Invented by some dude named Aristotle. Maybe thatā€™s why you donā€™t understand why you are not replying to the points made in the topic.

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That Blizzard tested the cleansing by portal doesnā€™t mean they intended to have it go live.

Yeah whateverā€¦ stillā€¦ its World of -->WAR<ā€”craft and that is something that really comes out with this event.


Its a topic about PvP flagging on a game forum and everything you or anyone else throws in i can respond to.

Its not rocket science.