Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

What did i not reply to according to you?


I’ve been reading back a bit and i think i responded to every one of your arguments. Either specific or generally.

Please point out what i missed.

And what has Aristotle to do with any of this?

And why is HE why i don’t understand why i am not rep… ehh…okay now im lost. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

PvP flagging is necessary for the event to work. Without it, in capital cities that have mixed WM on/off players, there’d be zombies running around not being able to attack players. That makes no sense.

It’s not like you can’t avoid the zombies.


Strictly speaking you could probably code it the way that you can still attack your faction without them giving them the flag.

But I think that in part the ghouls are also meant to trigger general pvp chaos and ensuing slaughter. The kind we see around the loot piñatas in ICC.

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It was probably a mistake for them to bring Aristotle into this, the guy had serious logic problems lol. His fav thing was just making stuff up as fact.

Maybe, but why put that time in, when the PvP flag is already there. Logical. The event is for all players and soon over.


So like the rest of the world then?

No, rest of world is not mixed WM on/off. If the event was WM only, then we’d only see WM players.

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But it is. The PVP flag is separate from war mode. And you can run in groups of infectious ghouls that will literally mill around ignoring you (and confused player ghouls who can’t really attack you).

I am WM on only so not too aware of that, but if that’s the case what is the the op’s problem?

And thats why you develop alternatives that do work because people who like it can turn it on.

Just for the event, why cant you make ti that you can pvp shard and wm shard seperately? Why wouldnt that work?

It’s not like you can’t avoid the zombies.

if it was like PTR, then no, but its not. As I have said numerous times, rn there’s an litteral exploit peopole use to bypass portals so they stay active. This, sir, is an fact. They wernt intented to be allowed all over the realm be it the most north corner of outland or what not.

They where ment to disturb the capitals.

Nobody was supposed to be safe in those capitals, which is fine, but people exploit to grief (hench the complaint about not bgeing able to obtain loot by players) whom are doing a different part of the event.

And no, I aint going to mention what exploit it. I send that to them allready via in game feed back.

There’s no objective to this event. There’s no gates to be opened, no need for resource gathering. Its just boring 1.6 CS tag mode when you have no way to cure infection. Which is a huge oversight mad by blizzard. I could be in outland doing some rep in sethekk halls or something while farming mount my instance limit is reach, I watch a stream on twitch meanwhile, or do some raid prep for another game.

And I will relate to an earlier poitn I made which this person keeps on argueing about SWTOR’s Rhakghoul event is opt in. There’s ways to cure the infection, everywhere, even in battlegrounds in SWTOR when it happens, infact, there’s timed bufffs where you are just immune.

The difference between these events (And no matter how much you slate its one time or not) is the way its executed allowing peopole to further more just do as they please.

Which is also why it can be recurring event over there, and why it cant be on wow.

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Spend time on doing that rather than getting SL ready? This is a temporary event, over soon, why make changes to the setup for that event. Better to use existing systems. All should be attackable by Zombie NPCs and players. PvP flagging is perfect for this.

I’ve been all over quite a bit of the zones as a zombie, lots of fun. No exploit needed.


You litterally just … ya know?

counter acted yourself because uhm, how can you get ready if your getting grieved at IC rares?

You obviously dont read whole post.

The thread is about auto flagging pvp.

Yes, And it also involves PVP?


Developing alternatives for a system that you already have? For what? This 1 week event that never comes back?

Or maybe that is intentional and the PTR tested an emergency system to be put into place for when things get out of hand.

Not for you, but for many others it provides unique and fun gameplay that won’t be around very long.

It also paints a similar picture of the relation to when Arthas’ ghouls washed over the world.

On WoW the ghouls are related to specific expansions. On SWTOR they are part of an ongoing thing. You cannot compare them like that. And besides… this is Warcraft, not SWTOR.

You are literally seething mad over a 1 week event where some of your daily routine is disturbed and it keeps you glued to this thread like its an obsession.

Why don’t you just log off for a while and catch your breath.

Pay my gametime for me?

Why don’t you just log off for a while and catch your breah

I already offered the 3 euro… you refused to reply.

Will you come and get it?

Also: Will you be moaning about me not responding to your posts again? Or are you just going to ignore that AGAIN and just cry over 3 euro?

Yes… because that’s necessary for the player zombie to attack players. It’s an event, the zombie aspect is integrated with your PvE aspect, it’s all one event. If you don’t like the event you can opt out of it by doing something else lol.

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Yes, and you in my opinion can keep that in capitals or surrounding zones.

the zombie aspect is integrated with your PvE aspect,

Not if player zombies are grieving me in zones they are supposedly not to.

If you don’t like the event you can opt out of it by doing something else lol.

Pay my gametime too?

There you go. “your opinion”. And nothing more than that.

Who says they are not supposed to? Oh wait, its “your opinion”.

Give it a rest… you are never going to pick up that 3 euro.

Or are you scamming multiple people? … mmm… :thinking:

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It actually makes more sense that it can be everywhere. It would be strange if there was an invisible barrier to contain the zombie plague.

So, if you for example don’t like bgs I have to pay your game time? If you don’t like arena I have to pay your mortgage? Lol.

This is an optional event, do it or not. But the zombies are part of it. It can’t be called griefing if it’s an intentional and integral part of the event.

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