AV as alliance pug

Haven’t win single av as alliance pug in whole week already. (From like 30 games)



Zug zug
For the horde


So here’s my two cents

  1. Alliance players wanting to raid got their exalted weeks ago and is no longer doing AV.
  2. Alliance players caring about ranking are doing premades meaning all high-ranked PvP’ers are not present in the pugs and thus there is little to no leadership.
  3. Horde has realized that must pugs are crushed by creating a slow turtle game, which they don’t seem to mind probably due to long queue times, usually resulting in a Horde win.
  4. Did I miss something?

This is a job for the Ram Rai… oh yeah. Thanks blizz…

Alliance pugs will always get stomped.

  1. aid station back door exploit is better than FW exploit.
  2. all alliance who care about rank are in premades whereas the horde are mixed together
  3. nerfed version of AV enables both teams to just rush past each other and ignore everything they want as the npcs are so weak they just tickle you as run you past

well known why it is happening, question is will be something changed to address issue or will not/

I give myself 20 more av’s, after those I will quit tries and horde queues will become 0.1 second longer lol

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Someone is lying here…discuss.

I stopped doing AV.

  1. Afkers
  2. “Just let them win, we lost the first push”
  3. Afkers
  4. People just walk past you as the horde frost nova you, instead of actually PvPing.
  5. PvE BG.

Pretty much everyone I know went to WSG instead.

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Alliance pugs is a no-no. Afkers, backpeddlers, 1700 hp mages.
Want to pvp ? Join premades.

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Alliance PUG cant make turtle because doesn’t have first line of defence like horde.
Alliance defence line begin in its base.

Do you see blue posts in this topic (and many others)? No comments - no changes.

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Yes they can, just like 30-40%+ of the group either gives up or is afking.
We could hold them at Icewing bunker.

Join premades. Contrarily to what horde snowflakes think, joining a premade doesn’t magically win the game for you; it is done just to prevent the aids of PuGs to pollute your game such as botters, afkers, harpy farmers and so on. With a premade you have a decent chance of winning because people play properly and are willing to take instructions.

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GY is BEFORE bunker. Thus horde just check GY and after it will do turtle again.
Horde defence line consist of two towers with bottleneck near first tower and GY BEHIND line of defence.


You can not hold them at IW bunker, because your GY is IN FRONT OF IW bunker.
So you either def SH graveyard without archers support of def IW bunker and see how horde checks SH gy so you cant rs in vicinity.

Horde choke point is the best nobrainer to defend.
GY in 10 yards, tower in 10 yards, small narrow path that can be trapped easy.
Meme faction.


exact my thoughs, alliance cant defend before base brige, and even where horde have nice easy backdoor, doent seems fair from my point of view.

I wander how alliance puggers have will to queue in this crap over and over again

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Alliance dont get reputation because horde has 100% win, so the bulk of the players who need reputation have stopped to play in AV. First week horde were waiting 5-6 mins. Next week the period of waiting increased. Now horde is waiting 20-30 mins.
I play AV because Classic is not Vanilla like. Pallies in Vanilla clothe T2 in BG. But we have BG and dont have BWL (with T2 set). Therefore i am forced to farm cursed honor because Shockadin useless without SPD on plate armor. When i get my rare PvP set i will forget about AV and horde queue will increase slightly.

There gotta be a way for alliance pugs to win vs horde pugs.
We got the pixeljumping backdoor that only stealthers can use without pulling an elite, you got a backdoor too without the pixeljump to use.

We have this good way to communicate with /bg command, often half of team have it open. Maybe you can try use this on your advantage as well to share your views how to proceed in the game.

Our 5-8 cavemen do a great job defending the cave and not capping Stoneheart graveyard. I take it your cavemen do their part having your cave hordefree sanctuary.

Now our fishermen might be the difference between victory and defeat since our army march on their stomach and the supply we get each match is enough to feed our whole raid and their families.
What you can do to counter our fishermen is to turn your battletanks at Stoneheart Outpost and aim for the small pond they all gather behind the Icewing bunker, perhaps even have some your own men come down from the lumbermill by to gather the dead fish on surface of the lake, it might taste little funny having died on bombardment but hey, none of the cooks ever wash their hands either.


Just got chance to play another av, dtarted with 18 alliance, 8 of them afk in cave :smiley: 40 hordes.

We lost without honor :sob:

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Wrong, you have a pretty good chokepoint between SH GY and Icewing Bunker.
I’ve died there many times trying to push north.

It’s not as good as the narrow path before SP GY or the bridge into your base, but still.

Caturday answered it. Horde will check GY, after it alliance cant be resurrected near line of defence and the line of defense will be broken.

Maybe start to play? Try new tactics?

Alliance pugs should start to accept that there is NO fast AV for them, either you fight it out or you lose it.

And that you have to start with less then 20 people is thanks to your premade groups not going into the BG