AV as alliance pug

It has nothing to do with tactics, any serious player is playing in a premade, so in pugs there are lots of bots and afkers, and not only that, premades refusing invites causes most pug av’s to start 10v40 so its a loss from the start. Don’t pug av as ally, get a premade.

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Dont really have time for that, guess this game just stopped to be semicasual pvper friendly. Sad, had good moments here


underrated post!

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imagine being forced to join a premade/x-realm premade just to compete in AV against horde pugs :rofl: :ok_hand:
go on, cry about horde racials as you always do when you’re called out like this


no, go on Fasul, i saw you typing… finish your thought big man.

I already did but thanks for noticing.

“It has nothing to do with tactics, any serious player is playing in a premade, so in pugs there are lots of bots and afkers, and not only that, premades refusing invites causes most pug av’s to start 10v40 so its a loss from the start. Don’t pug av as ally, get a premade.”

Yes. You missed the fact that due to premades, alliance pugs often start the game with 15 people against 40 horde. I think thats the biggest problem.

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Kinda, for getting that fast LT honor, but they’d still lose the match even with 40.

Alliance pugs getting stomped because every pug start with 20 player and out of the 20 player there is 5 afk and 5 60% mount low level. Dont bother with pugs just pvp in middle and have fun.


Premade ally always win, pug ally always lose

whats to not get?

This mentality and the instant queues are why Alliance players will never improve and resort to exploiting the queue system to try and give themselves an advantage (and even fail at doing that because they keep using the exact same tactics).

Ironic that this is only possible because too many wanted to have an advantage, isnt it ?

alot lvl 50+ there too, but some of them are good, was farming casters with lvl 54 hunter :smiley:

Change the record mate, we’re way past that now.
The majority of Alliance players are bad at PvP and are going to stay bad while they have no repercussions for throwing games, a perpetual defeatist attitude and a bunch of cheaters at the top spoiling the game for the Alliance from the start because they think that running a premade is an automatic win and all quit en-masse when they can’t win in 7 minutes.

That’s not a Horde problem, that’s an Alliance problem.

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So mad lmao, if I want easily matches I will play in premades. if I would want the ultimate easy mode I would play horde.


Funny how Horde so easily throws around “Cheater”, “(dis)advantage” or “exploit” while their argument would pretty much applies for them too with their logic.

sounds like MMOrpg happened in a mmorpg


I gathered that, seeing as you already implied that you contribute to the problem in your other post.

Do you know why we win more than you lot?
Because unlike the Alliance we don’t have zero repercussions for throwing games, if we lose we have to wait much longer to get back into a game, nor do we have the luxury of playing multiple games in quick succession.
So we actually put effort into our games and play to win, you guys should give it a try instead of giving up the moment you can’t get an easy win.

In fact maybe you should give the Horde a try, maybe you can learn a few things and pass it on to other Alliance players.

We throw around such words because that’s what you’re doing.
It’s nothing to do with envy, it’s because what you’re doing is the definition of an exploit under Blizzard’s ToS.

You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Also no, at no point did the Horde cheat or exploit the game to try and gain an advantage over others.


Thing is if queuing as a premade was an intended feature in the game (I.E a “join a group button”) I would have no issue with this whatsoever because it wouldn’t count as an exploit.
I would actually love a premade vs premade mode for Classic, not gonna lie.


yeh, and some guys in wsg left cos mom called them.