AV as alliance pug

Phase 2 ?

Horde racial advantages ?

Pick your poison. You cant have your cake and also eat it.

  1. Stop crying and deal with it
  2. Reroll
  3. Quit

Or take the pussy option and

  1. Cry a river

Change the record bub, the racial discussion has been done to death.

No what Horde players did during P2 did not count as griefing, we have also been through this time and time again:

The following actions may be considered dishonorable but are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by our Game Master staff:

  • Corpse camping
  • Killing players well below your level

The following actions may be considered dishonorable but are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by our Game Master staff:

  • Corpse camping.
  • Tricking players into getting flagged for PvP (i.e. jumping in the middle of another player’s area effect spell).
  • Killing players well below your level.

If you do not wish to engage in regular PvP combat in Classic, select a Player versus Environment (PvE) realm. PvE realms offer a limited and structured environment for PvP encounters. Players on PvE realms can actively choose when they wish to engage in PvP combat by enabling or disabling their PvP flag at will.

Even if it were against the ToS it does not vindicate the decision to use an exploit to try and gain an advantage, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Smart hordes prefer to ignore racials discussions, not so smart hordes trying to argue and even saying alliance racials is better, those type of hordes is so pityfull, they show to the world their stupidity.

Nah racials discussions will never get old.

But deep inside your little heads you will always know what you are not that good, just bad game design and imbalance carrying you. Almost feel bad for ya lol.

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And yet you still run away from WPvP, keep losing in BGs to PUGs even when you try and cheat and keep blaming the game for your own inadequacies.

You came to forums looking for justice and fair play and blame someone for running away from 120 vs 1 wpvp.

You just digging deeper and deeper in stupidity mud

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Same. Lately no pug wins. Many start with 20 players, Alliance rankers are in premades so usually Horde team is stronger, tactical mistakes. If you play for fun winning is not so important.

You have a point there. I have seen some premades wins that was like there wasn’t any Horde in the bg and it wasn’t that Horde didn’t try. That’s the one of the reasons Horde dosn’t like preemades they shatter the illusion.

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1 day more, still didn’t win any av in pug.

I don’t afk, try my best, but looks like winning is impossible. so sad

Post with your main, because your comments are looks like the typical salty horde comments.

How can you tell the difference between all the alliance salt around here tho?

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Where do you see the salty alliance? Only seeing horde qqs about av nothing else.

I suggest you stop being blind and dig the threads up. We still have leftover salt from all that p2 whining too.
This thread has plenty of ally saltyness also if you just open your eyes.

I don’t saw salty Alliance, I saw desesperate Alliance. They can’t do battlegrounds in pugs, nobody want them because they don’t have 100% mount or enough gear, and they can’t level up because they got corpse camped due to long AV queue time for Horde. It’s like RaiderIO but for Alliance only.

nah, i am doing only pugs and its not that bad.

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All tactics were invented 15 years ago. The best tactics for alliance - give as much honor as possible. Need full rework map or horde will wait more and more.

Premade ally can get more honor than pug but never win if horde make turtle. AV map made for horde win.


No. turtle just slows the game down by a lot unless its a trash small premade

And where is the denial?

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Go watch apes stream if you think ally premades dont win vs turtle.

Unless its a bottom tier premade of pugs

1 case on 1000? It is within the margin of error.
I never won AV in this month, although enough often see allies premades on AV. So, main problem is AV map, not premades.

In pugs you have the worst alliance players.

In pug horde side av you have the best and middling and worst horde players.

Horde cant premade AV so their best players have to single queue all day, meaning you have a nice even spread and good players in each game, on ally pug side you never have good players because they’re in premades.

The mediocre ally players sometimes form pug premades which is the type you or I would enter, not the good premades etc, in which case they have about 50-50 chance of winning.

I prefer to queue pug only because I don’t care about winning, only the honor matters and to have some fun here and there because I don’t care about hard ranking, f that, I’m not gonna playing av for 16 hours a day for months straight thank you very much etc.

Yes there are problems with the map, but remember the top AV team in the world is ally not horde.
