AV as alliance pug

I am pug player, i really dont understand how some player got 30 av lost in row, i get in many premades, and 1L/15W is my average experience with them.

Well there are over 100 concurrent AV instances from what I saw these days (prob a lot more in prime times), I don’t think the majority of it are premades. So PuGs may keep having bad luck.

Because people complained about having russians in their team so they are now in their own pool. Since their pool is considerinly smaller than the EU pool they can premade easier despite having long queues they end up in the same instance. Russian realms are apparently majority alliance aswell.

Oh, look at this rat kid
your faction is a meme with better BG positions and PvP racials, then you laugh about others?
You are just a rat kid trying to troll, you are disgusting

yeah the awful pugs who join up together in a discord, like imagine considering players on say mirageraceway premades.

Also, guess what I don’t play? Premades.

Pattern recognition.
I notice the differences in ranks for the majority of players.

Nope, not just them. PUGs with a lot of Rank 10+ (like 25+) people already got defeated too.

Effective Horde defense in our keep (to buy our offense time) happened. :man_shrugging:

But nice try to downplay it.

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You are just lucky to get into premades. :slight_smile: There is lots of AVs up at one time, someone gets lucky, someone doesn’t.

Its same for horde, you can go on a long streak where you face only good premades and horde doesn’t want to deffend, then again it goes other way around as well.

This randomness is actually what is most annoying as horde as it can screw you over big time if you are ranking up. For example if you get bad day of facing only top premades (can happen) you are effectively screwed over if other top rankers on your realm are in good games majority of the time.

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I play AV with pug and premades. I really haven’t seen difference between them. I mean i cant define is it pug or premade.

Protected Balinda is waste time, because she doesn’t help players like Galv. Have to improve Balinda. Give her uninterraptable cast (Galv always beat players) and AoE stan (Galv has fear).

Which tower we should defend first - SH or IW bunker?
Horde can defend IB tower. TP tower is not available for attack at this moment.

I dont play premade but i often join to premades like pug. Usually there are 20-25 ppl from x-servers. They have voice coordination and RL but they cant handle horde’s advantage map.

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Your pattern is wrong. Main rule for invite to premade is 100% mount rather than rank.

For mediocre premades yes, for good one definitely no.

I dont know anyone who would not require 100% mount but requires rank. Who are that people?

I wasn’t so optimist to think that they will be able to protect Balinda so i said wait at Balinda the goal is to preserve raid cohision. If you play pugs you can check what hapens when the first 20 rush south. Horde wipes them and Alliance raid end up around saturated SH gy without any real progress

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Oh yeah give her stun so horde can resist it some more. How about aoe hex with pushback out of bunker, like Galvs fear do

My point was that good premades require rank as well, not just 100% mount. Sorry for not being clear. :0

Whatever lets you sleep at night my dood

Got stomped easily
http s://imgur.com/EFKuZnj

This one is quite high ranked:

http s://imgur.com/bo0pgZ2


GJ. All hope is not lost! Guess it’s just me being unlucky today to get into all horde games where they decide to “lose in 7minutes”. :smiley:

Imagine pvp in general and AV being so horde favoured, so alliance have to get 30-40 man geared premade and still looses lol

alliance can’t afford to defend but horde can, because of queues, thats why the y sometimes win against mediocre premades