AV as alliance pug

No good horde group taps the SH GY, ever.
If anything we’ll push you into your GY and farm you for a bit until DR’s mean you all give 0 honor then we continue to zugzug north.

Do you have a proof or it is your supposions?

Exactly! And horde doesn’t allow allies to farm honor because horde has an impassable line of defense. So, it doesn’t matter pug or premade. It is a card features.

10/10 :+1: :smile: :clap: :smirk:

This is one option but not the only one.

This plus ~75%-80% of those premade participants I encountered in 1v1 situations (which happen quite often since I force / seek them) backpedal (versus casters, which is unnecessary / moronic), miss pummel or cs or use it versus the wrong spells, utilize their toolkit in the wrong way or not to full extent. Pretty sure other Horde players can confirm and concur, so ya, very impressive pvp achievements ahead for those r14 aspirants. :smirk: They will continue to suck. :grin:

I can’t count how many times i’ve encountered alliance warlock opening a fight with coil, at full hp… literally wasting most precious part of their tools when it serves them no use. Just one example of alliances inability to play.

You’d wish, premades get stomped quite often too. But please go on with your delusions of grand skill. :grin:

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Don’t bother pvping as Alliance unless you have a premade. 2 reasons:

  1. All good geared players are in premades
  2. You cannot compete against their honor/hour, standings and ranking.

If you pvp only for the sake of pvp and knowing you will not get rewards from it, wait for Arathi Bassin and pug this.

Change tactic? You can’t possible be serious thinking your pugs can rush drek like high rank premades and win with 40 backpaddeling people.

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You predict alliance will have a chance to win AB, would be nice to have at least one place where i can win something in alliance pug more frequently than once in year lol :slight_smile:

Many players encourage the horde to go with the scorched earth tactic, meaning we leave them nothing. Many games end with 0 or very little (less than 1k) bonus honor for the alliance this way. :man_shrugging:

What could be working winning strategy for alliance pug by your opinion, may be hordes can help us to figure, sometimes things more obvious from other side

Firstly don’t form form a line marching south at start. When bg starts with 20 they must w8 at Balinda. Even if Alliance starts with 40, since they haven’t all epic mounts usually they form a line, only shorter. That’s the march to death.
Defend towers.After res in midle (SF gy) there are usually enough people to try retake a tower.
The most important mistake happens at IB gy. If the raid manages to go there and start killing Lts and caping towers without taking the gy Horde res there and wipe the raid.
Since many Horde players stay south IB gy is the most important objective for the Alliance.
Alliance must be willing to recall. Usually there aren’t many Horde north Alliance can recall and maybe reset the bg.
I play Alliance pug AV my last win was in an 1h 30min bg.

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Nice strategy thank you!

Yeah, Ally premades literally got 100% win-rate vs Horde PUGs with their voicecom and coordination(and often rank/gear) advantage.
Like this example here:
Or this one here:
They just NEVER lose vs a bunch of non-voice com unorganized horde scrubs.


Not sure which premades you have been being part of, but I experience like 95% wins (say 1 loss out of 15 games approx.) in regular games (no massive turtles). And it’s most likely against russian because they are the only ones rushing faster than us when they see our premade. EU randoms usually derp around.

On the other hand out of 10 big turtles, I’d say 7 are successfully won while 3 are given up.
Please do note that turtling with NPCs + gy respawn requires move than average gear to be broken. That being said, premades are not really “premades” as there is no invitations made to specific players according to someone’s spec, gear or anything like that. The only control possible is over people’s roles.


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depends on the quality of your premade i guess, some are much more strict than others. atm averaging 24k/h over a 4h period, feelsgood

why i meet horde russian premade in AV?

just outrush them, its not hard they don’t beat 6-7 min rush