You build up recognition faster in smaller numbers. Basically you can bond quicker with 9-14 other players on the same team, than you can with 39 others, and you’re also more likely to recognize targets that bugged you just a minute or two earlier when there’s only 10-15 of them.
So the anonymity is much stronger in AV than in other BGs. Which, as already mentioned, affects the morale as well.
To explain the technical side of this is that when you identify as a group, even if it’s just for the duration of an AB or WSG, you think differently.
But in AV where it’s so extremely anonymous, more players on average are by design made to think more self-centric. They start motivating reasons to do things based on themselves as the core reason, instead of the group.
This is why queue times are so influential. And an example of why social design matters.
It’s because with long queue times, you’re still punished severely even if you lose fast, because the queue time is so long.
But when it’s instant, you just hop into another without thinking twice about it.
Which leads to a feedback loop where many stop trying when they can so conveniently hop into the next one instead.
Oh I wrote about this months ago, when they announced x-realm BGs.
I couldnt believe what they are about to do.
Have several posts about it.
But it affected AV, alliance side in worst possible way.
If I want to bother abit more I will find and link my earlier posts…
You arent the only one to adress this exploit.
Backdoor was used a lot because nobody was defending, usually horde lost before they pulled vann despite backdooring but that can solely be explained by people not knowing how to execute a horde rush properly and the fact horde never premaded AV because it was near impossibl to premade as horde.
After 5 months of complaints, blizzard hasnt adressed this issue and it looks like we are free to use this backdoor without repercussions. I find it hard to believe that nobody was backdooring back when u were ranking, you probably didnt pay attention to it or you actually had that one guy being the hero that defended, basically avoiding them to cap the gy.
My fastest win as horde is 9 minutes (with balinda dead) and it was purely because both factions zerged and the ally premade somehow wiped and we won. It usually were 6 minute alliance victories, if they failed we won in 9 minutes. Base trading kinda works like that and horde always lose a base trade unless alliance screw up.
In your opinion is there any other hills in this game that you can jump up that is an exploit or is that the only one? Where do you draw the line between a steep hill and an exploit?
The Alliance screwing up is sort of a rule instead of an exception.
Even a token amount of resistance from the Horde side can slow the Alliance immensely with the attackers being afraid of dying and getting trapped behind the enemy assault.
I’ve given up queuing to AV now. Absolutely pointless when it’s basically a free win for horde and a massive waste of time for alliance.
All the AV exploits need to be fixed for both sides. The alliance base backdoor exploit is the biggest oversight in classic. Ridiculous it hasn’t been fixed when it is literally game breaking.
I am not saying it should be punished, it is just clear as day this backdoor was never intended. It should be fixed if we gonna skip #nochanges. Besides the way horde plays AV right now is turtling and moving forward slowly so the backdoor isnt even used anymore.
Ive used backdoor last month i think when i got into AV, there is always somebody there defending, be it spriest or some alt or hunter. That is all it takes to prevent an early Aid station gy cap. Nobody was depending in december january and a lot more ppl rusher to vann back then.
Both bases have a backdoor and they where part of every AV version in Vanilla.
Even if Blizzard would confirm it was a bug, and they never have, it would have been a bug that was part of all Vanilla patches and became part of the authentic Vanilla experience, and Blizzard have said they would not fix such bug.
Is there any other hills you can run up that is a bug and exploit or is it only those two for both bases in AV? Where do you draw the line between a steep hill and an exploit?
Wall jumping is possible due to a glitch, it is a side effect of some server side code.
It becomes an exploit once you use that glitch to your advantage, the advantage here being bypassing several elite guards.
Who draws the line is actually the game designer, game designer here being blizzard.
Considering that blizzard before classic’s release confirmed that they would nerf this glitch (which it is, it is severly harder to walljump in classic than it was in vanilla) you can then infer that the game designer doesnt see this glitch as intended. Anyone with common sense understands this.
You will have to show a source of that claim. First that they have even mention the AV backdoor, ever, and secondly that they would nerf any glitch in Classic, and thirdly, that they would be closing any hill jump in any bg or anywhere in any area in Classic.
Can you do that?
Indeed, and they have never drawn that line in question. They have with jumping up on buildings and safespotting and such but never for a hill jump where you reach an area where you can be targeted, attacked and reached without jumping. Well not that I know. If you know of any such source, pls link it.
Yes, it’s part of the authentic Vanilla database that Blizzard have. Blizzard talked about how they see this data as sacrosanct and altering it would be like opening Pandora’s Box…
Blizzard (Ion) said:
The moment we start using our modern judgement to solve problems from 12 years ago, we are deviating from our goal of a historical recreation of the game as it was, and making something different. And that is something we want to avoid.
This is why your queues have doubled in the last 3 months.
You were warned at premade time that your queues would double because of your child-like behaviour.
At that time you complained that you were acting like toddlers because of your long queue times. We told you that if you keep acting like toddlers then your queue times would double.
Now your queue times have doubled because you keep acting like toddlers and you complain that your queue times have doubled.