AV Backdoor exploit now common in the majority of games?

Isn’t it hypocrytical to call out my argument, when it is based on yours? You argument basically translated “Back then it was that way … it must be intended. Show me otherwise” (which ofc I can’t as I am not a developer of the game). But the queue system was exactly the way as 2005. Both things might look unrelated but they originated from the same issue - WoW as it was designed 2005.

And just to be clear … Premading was unfair.

No, it’s a Straw Man Argument.

imgur .com/a/pzUMrvo

from the us forum numbers dont lie… theres your motivation

It is wrong, and it must be fixed.
Horde already dominates AV. When I see people suggesting going that way, I ask not to cheat. We don’t need to do that to win. And if a victory is achieved due to that exploit, it has zero value.
And I agree with the OP. It is used almost in every game now. At least in games where Allies defend hard their base.

The rule for walljump are easy to understand : they are all allowed, unless you are unreachable. So, AV walljump is allowed, WSG walljump to, but WSG walljump to go out of bounds and be unreachable is not allowed.

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so what ever benefits streamers and horde ofcourse is allowed but whatever benefits ally is not … sigh

and by the way no one is actually expecting that blizz will change anything.

Can you just stop living in denial at the very least and gather the bravery to admit and say it out loud that something aint right in av.

If losing 6 out of 8 times as Alliance in AV is in a place where it in their favor, I do not want to see what happens in the other 2 BGs

Both horde and alliance have thier respectful PvP activity and from playing both factions in classic , I tend to meet alliance premades as horde more than I do when playing alliance solo .

Horde being generally better than alliance pvp is a myth .

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Just to clarify, there’s no real “faction imbalance”. It’s always different how many people play when at any given time, but as far as characters created and leveled are concerned then the split is close to equal. Or was, when I checked it. Haven’t checked it since though.

I cant believe some alliance actually still"playing" it
… damn.
Last time I que it, was with alt 3 weeks ago. Dont know why i did it really, was 4 in morning and kid was sick, so i guess i was killing time untill she could fell asleep again…
Anyway, i was only one playing it, rest 39 was bots, semi-afkers and oddly big amount of guys with ress sickness and oddly big number of harpie farmers.
Before that was on March 19, I played with kid and got in group that i dont even want to try to describe. I will just say that 5 of them went straight to fish in lake.
I am sure alliance left only last few alts to rep up. Rest are mostly horde alts I believe.
Anyone else playing AV, esspecially for ranks is … just… sad and must stop it right away.
I really cant get into my head how there could be more than 0.3% of alliance playerbase queing that trash.
With current PvP playerbase ratio (~90/10) and 9 fails in map design, this is absolutely best place where you can have ultimately worst gaming experiance in history of WoW.
So, if you dont have botting account, you should never ever ever ever never queue it.
Even my daughter stoped it with 19000/21000

In other words, many Alliance players went Alliance for ONLY PvE when you include the fact that Horde queue times went up by quite a lot after only a few days since BGs were released, and there have also been many who gave up over time since then. Huge issues with morale.
The wpvp on some realms undoubtedly traumatized some of this giant bulk of PvE players who went Alliance only for PvE since the start, and if they had been left alone they could possibly have considered doing some casual BG activities, but due to the trauma it probably turned them off from it completely.

Then there is the effect of queue times affecting the emotional investment, so basically Horde cares more about winning because the loss of honor or rep from the long time investment already created from queuing would result in very little to show for it if they end up losing.

Meanwhile, on Alliance you can see things like:

These kinds of players as described in the example gets “weeded out” quite efficiently just by having long queue times.

These kinds of things are why Horde has maintained such a high win percentage in AV.

Realm-only matchmaking would prevent these differences quite well, since the simple fact that you can recognize opponents can have various effects like wanting to try harder to beat them. It can even make you want to chase that person around the BG for the entire duration of it if the target had killed you or a friend in wpvp for example.

But in this xrealm anonymity, you don’t even care about the players. An orc is just an orc. A human is just a human. You don’t even bother remembering anyone in particular, because there’s no reason to do so.

And in other words there are PvPers to the core that rolled alliance for the insta que’s since PvP is all they care about. If horde had insta que’s these kind of players wouldve played horde aswell and vice versa.

So about horde has better pvpers is a myth and people believing that myth is why pvp has long que’s in classic .

This isn’t retail. I know personally some people who rolled Alliance just for the queue times, but that doesn’t make it common sociologically speaking.

It takes time and effort to level up, which has led to many not bothering rerolling or even just to lvl up alts. Takes even more effort and time to do it on a new server/faction.
This alone makes it unlikely for the masses to do it, and it’s also why they’re not significant to the point I made.


Read above.

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Yes it does take time to level up , but doesnt take more than two months to be level 60. I personally thought horde is the way to go faction in classic but its generally the same both factions , I used to have premade group on horde via discord its dead now. Except as alliance pug you tend to meet premades less often which is even furtherly more appealing and if premade is needed there are 3 premade discords . Which basically , contradicts the myth about horde is generally “better” on pvp thing

You failed to understand the point I made, mr. 3NrNnon.

The faction’s overall “skill” is not the determining factor (and very hard to define, kinda stupid to even try to).

To simplify it for you, it’s about the will to try. The will is stronger on the Horde side, whereas on the Alliance side it suffered a massive blow in the WPvP phase before BGs were released and this led into a “death spiral” as it’s called, where the feedback loop of cynical players made more players cynical en masse which led to the state of AV today.

On top of the players who went Alliance ONLY FOR PvE SINCE THE START.

Long queue times just makes the masses want to try even harder. While instant queues have the opposite effect amongst strangers.

And it will not and can not be “fixed”.
Best thing an alliance PvPer can do is to try to get into premade (even super cassual one).
And if you have alt and want to do AV for rep rewards it is better to pug MC/ZG/BWL and try your luck, better than to spend 1 minut in AV

You mean the morale issue?

Well, as mentioned already:

If bots could play as unpredictably as players do, then it wouldn’t make a difference to people who they face in BGs, whether it be bots or actual players.
This is a bad thing. It’s a social design issue not being suitable for the game design.

Basically it affects your immersion in a negative way.

^ You can read more about it in this thread.

Then you have things like:

^ Which is kinda related to the same psychological effect.

Morale issue is aftermath.
Only 1 of several factors.
And its not that huge issue.
This is not present in other BGs.
Never experienced it, not even when we ran into r12+ sapper fap lip premades.
Tho I played AB/WSG in premade too.
“Morale issue” is an effect, just one more consequence, and PvPer playerbase inbalance is cause that produce and construct to irreparable complexity of sad and broken battleground that blizz will never bother to fix