AV gripe and disappontment

Why Blizzard have you given us this insane rush version of AV? Why is it even possible to kill boss without taking any GY’s, bunkers or towers? To the players…why is fast rep the only thing you care about?


I would like to see this a big awsome PVP battle again. To win you have to take over all bunkers and towers and enemy boss itn he middle. If you really want to top the PVP, make it a requirement to also own ALL the GY. That way we can have the epic battles we had before. Woudln’t mind to buff the NPC to what they was in the beginning either. IS it fast honor now? Sure, but is it fun? No. For thso who want honor, don’t decrease honor if you kill the same person many times. Or buff honor pr person kill, and bunker taken, and/or reduce it for winning and turning in marks. It’s supposed to be a BG, now it’s which team has the most 100% run speed mounts?


min-maxing your time seems to be one of things the community enjoys the most, character profession above all else
if Blizzard increased the scaling of the rep/honor gained at the end of the match based on the number of objectives accomplished, people would quit this rush and do things properly because people do 6-7 matches per hour (if the rush works), Blizz would have to scale things to equal those 6-7 rushed matches if we take a full hour inside AV completing objectives
“what about doing pvp just for fun” ← this follow up question leads to answers like “who are you to dictate what I find fun?” etc

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I mean its the same in era…
In sod phade 4 however they did what you are saying. Increase hp on boss and make them stronger so you need to take tower out to be able to kill the boss.

There is a very firm belief that rushing to kill Van gives the most rep pr. hour. If that tactic worked every time it would probably be true. BUT IT DOESN’T. Alliance doesn’t need to do very much to disrupt it - leading mostly to a loss.
I should know better but I tried to debate this point with a pvp-realm player…but of course only got rude and toxic replies.

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I feel you so much! Don’t give up!
Educate the sheep !!!

Suboptimal honor gain detected! - the sweatlords, probably

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Lol, I did NOT rank in 2005-2006. I played the game. I grinded to rank 6 because I wanted to see what it looked like inside the officer hall. After that I just maintained rank 3 for the discount. I did PVP for fun. Heck back then even low lvl WSG was fun as there was no premades and no twinks. Atm I hate WSG. I qued for 1 run this week so I would get my 15 HK, and ran a few AV so I will get the discount and the trinket on reset. Since it doesn’t decay anymore, that is probably the last I will do of PVP on this char. Possibly check out AB when it comes out, sometimes there is good fights there. But doing several hundreds runs for an epic that becomes absolute in TBC is not worth it and I don’t care of anything above rank 3.

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I can take the other AV when Im done with my rep grind!


People here cried no 1 day AV while I asked for original Vanilla AV… so the criers got what they wanted. Its good at least leveling was not nerfed.

You know the modern guy with 10 kids, 3 wifes and 2 jobs cant play longer than 6 minutes AV so in order to cater to them Blizzard optimised the fun out of the game.

I always said give original Vanilla AV not the prepatch before TBC AV.


If Blizzard added 5 rep for each player you killed of enemy faction, you could have both PVP and rep grind.

Will you call blizzard and ask them if they can do it? Also tell them to give 25 rep per second when being Gy camped in WSG.

And tell them to give no rep or honor to mages who don’t make water for their teams when asked.

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Sure, if you can give me the number to someone that makes decision and will answer my call. And if you get camped at GY, just walk out of the ress ring, they give up really fast if noone resses.

Who decides who makes the decisions for the team then?

You are completely misssing the point. Those of us who actually enjoy pvp do in fact NOT care about honor gain/hour.


One of the reasons is because honor softcap for ranking is huge and will get even more huge. 500k honor per week is a lot. If you don’t do efficient things, you’ll not be able to claim the rank.

If the cap would be, say, 50k, things could be different.

Being a sweatlord and enjoying pvp is also not the same thing.

But why is the rank so important?

For gear and r14 weapons?

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For me R14 weapon is super-good, better than anything until very last phases. Having it in BWL is a tremendous boost.

Other gear is very good as well, not necessarily for PvE, but for PvP. If I want to have fun with PvP, I need to at least match gear level of my opponents. And plenty of them will be R14.