Remember how they gave Retail the OG AV that was 1.7 with Trolls, Mines, and fun stuff? Apparently it’s too hard to give that to Classic players.
The problem with Classic players is that they are not looking for “fun” but the quickest and most efficient way to achieve honor cap.
Giving them this version of AV won’t please them, they don’t care. For 90% of Classic players still active, it’s all just a long and boring grind phase to be BiS, exalted, r14 and only then, their moment of fun will be parading in Orgrimmar/stormwind or ganking green lowbies with their BiS equipment, like progamerz, until they get bored again 10 minutes later and complain about the lack of content.
Drug addicts.
You shouldn’t blame players for following along with how the game is designed. If Blizzard wanted AV to focus on pvp and objectives they could incentivise it through increased honor for those things.
Killing a lieutenant gives 200 honor, you can round up 4 at once and aoe them down in a couple seconds, capping a tower also gives 200 honor, takes 5 minutes and requires you to station several players there. And the only benefit of winning is an extra two marks, so it will always be more efficient to lose quickly than try to drag the game out for a win.
You almost had it. You were almost there. It almost clicked. Yes we grind rep and honor in a process that is not very fun or engaging (what grind is?) So that we can use those rewards, not in parading in capital or ganking lowbies, but in parsing and speed runs of raids with our guilds. You know, the only truly fun content Classic has to offer.