AV is not balanced

Has anyone realised that if Alliance dies in Galvs place and SH GY is taken then they get ressed in… wait for it… Dun Baldar GY…

If horde dies at Balinda and IB GY is taken, do they also res at Relief Hut?

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Nine - Wait TBC.

Here’s what I worked out yesterday

I’ve a 60 ally Mage - I get between 1000 and 2000 honour every game. Each game last approx 20 mins and the queue is 2-3 mins. So in an hour I could get 6000 honour

On my horde shammy I get between 5000 and 6000 per game. Each game lasts 20 mins and the queue is about 30 mins. So I get about 6000 honour per hour

Rep is faster horde side for sure - but in 2 days I’ve gone 0 to revered on horde side. Took me 3 days ally side.

Yes horde have it easier and it’s less ‘deflation’ because no one likes to lose continuously. But long term overall it doesn’t actually make much Difference; something I didn’t consider a few months back.

Edit. Forgot to add…obviously it’s irrelevant what the honour gain comparing horde to alliance as you’re competing against your own faction.

What is fair or fun is irrelevant.

What is relevent is if it’s authentic or not.

The map in question is authentic to Vanilla patch 1.12.1 that Classic is based on.

Ye sure ignore everything you are a model Horde player.

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O so now it’s no changes where were you when all the “BLIZZARD NERF AV PREMADES WHAAAA” was going on?

If am blizzard employe (tnx God working in much better company) , first thing I would do is to delete AV map

Well Alliance doesn’t actually require any skill to play their classes (i.e. paladins).
Imagine having a healing class that can deal the same amount of dps as a dps-specced warrior, without actually having dps gear equipped, while simultaneously being able to spamcast max rank heals without going oom for about 10 minutes. And if you were to worry about being focused, you can just use a 2 min cd, 12 sec duration immunity and continue free-healing your team while they kill everything else. And let’s not forget the part where that healer class has a 50% chance to resist actual interrupts that would lock them out of their holy school, preventing them from actually healing(and that’s on top of the 70% something chance at ignoring spell pushback while throwing out heals). Last but not least, the 8 second long stun they have every 45 seconds.

And all this broken put into one class only requires about 5 buttons in total, so ye, it’s pretty laughable how Alliance have such a huge advantage. If Horde had the advantage in AV, then how come it’s impossible for Horde to win within 7 minutes, like alliance can if they just coordinate? You know your own faction has this huge and unfair advantage when they can skip past all the objectives and go straight for the boss and kill him without any issues.

If the positions were actually switched, Horde would still win the majority of the games, if not more, due to the fact that they actually push as one, don’t have stragglers who avoid pvp combat and ofc can then just rush base and win within 7 minutes. So no, you can’t actually blame the map layout. Oh and the honor is balanced right now anyways since Horde have such long queue times and have a reason to play hard for that win they rightfully deserve while alliance sit at a 10(?) minute queue.

discord didn’t even exist in 2006 lmao what are you smoking dude.

i love how you think horde doesn’t suffer the same disadvantages as alliance when it comes to 60% mounts etc. its like you’re deliberately being intellectually dishonest. and regarding horde being able to reach ally base before alliance can reach IB?? that’s funny you should say that, because every time it comes down to a rush base race alliance always win… in fact alliance can win in about 7 minutes or less, which they did plenty of times back when they actually played to win (or rather when you abused premades for AV).

i dare blizzard to turn the map around for a week just so we can settle this dispute once and for all, i guarantee you alliance will be losing because losing fast = more honor per hour as oppose to be in it to win it, and that’s because alliance have instant queues as oppose to horde who have to sit in queue for 45 min - 1 hour.

sorry but if you can’t figure this out then there is no helping you.

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Wow you clearly don’t know nothing about what your talking about holy Paladins have some of the lowest DPS out of all classes in the game and the max rank heal in plate gear heals for about 400-600 in 1.5 second hard cast.

If you ever played classic you will know DPS can do over 3k damage before a paladin healer can cast flash twice and the bubble is a 5 Min cd not 2 min which I admit is strong but since a paladin has to hardcast all u need to do is kick them/spell lock and they can’t do anything not heal not DPS and mainly not bubble.

50% resist also wrong you need to out 3 talent points for a 15% resist chance quite deep in the protection tree while you get better stun resist on passives. Every healer in game has 70% reduced pushback talented which is 5 points Paladins case. On to the stun it’s 6 seconds not 8 good luck stunning a orc and how many 45 cd ccs are in the game oh and I forgot that’s another 3 talent points for that.

If this is your argument what a joke and I haven’t even brushed up on how good a elemental shaman is and how broken to be able to 100% double crit with bugged elemental mastery and easily do 4k+ damage in one cast.

If positions will be switched horde would lose it is that simple funny how we talk about map imbalances and you talk about Paladins

90% of horde arguments in a nutshell.

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I would remove it and name it isle of conquest

Sounds alot like you

Absolute rubbish.

I have been playing AV for the past few days almost religiously and Alliance actually do try, they give up when they spend 40 minutes trying to push IB then Hut then get wiped and sent back to SP but before that the majority are pushing for a win.

In the games that I played that we won only 1 of those games was rushing Drek and no capping GY’s in which we won in 6 minutes. The other games required A LOT of coordination which required wiping horde at SH then moving to SH bunker before rushing IB where we had to wipe Horde AGAIN before reaching IB then we took IB and IW Tower once IB was Alliance controlled we pushed for TP and controlled the X-road where the Horde cave is before pushing on to take FWGY, Hut and the remaining towers. This came with Horde defending with almost a full team.

Once again this took a lot of tactics and coordination where as if you play Horde it’s just a case of ZERG SH, don’t let them pass Field of Strike then box them in at SP and win.


True it favors alliance … But alliance always group up at SH grave and get farmed … They never learn … You can go through both sides of Belinda …You can cap SF … You can flank the first Horde tower from ‘below’ and near Galv if you have SF!

But you rather blame the map …

No, but you had teamspeak, ventrillo etc

He who holds SF can cap the next tower+grave … Peel the onion … IT IS THAT SIMPLE!

O how so? Let me guess it’s the first thing that came to you and you went with it.

Parmona I still need to know what the leaf you smokin is.

Also I’m pretty sure you were talking about Shamans just then.