AV Map Flip for 2 weeks

I’m realy tired of reading of AV map imbalance and how alliance only lose cos of map. Blizzard I BEG YOU pls FLIP the map for 1-2 weeks. So they can see that the REAL reasone why they lose is not map imbalance.


Make it happen. Then we can once and for all prove to these zugzugs that it’s nothing BUT the map.

But it has to be 50% of the games flipped. Forever.

It’s kind of dumb to say this although, because we already know it’s only the map that is the issue.

That’s why it only happens in AV and not the balanced BGs. :slight_smile:

This orc is useful!


Ofc its the map. I play AV almost every day and i spot from 5 to 10 (sometimes even more) AFK players on alliance side + there a lot of bots and players below lvl 60. Meanwhile horde raid is almost everyone lvl 60 geared players with 0 bots and afk players and with extremely high motivation not just to win, but to win with a maximum efficiency. But its probably the map right :wink:


Yes my friend, when you get roflstomped by lvl 58 in levelling gear because you can’t get your smelly green butt past SHGY - you will indeed understand!


map flip wont change much, maybe win rate will rise from 2% to 10%. but no reasonable person plays seriously in AV anymore in alliance.
only rep farmers & semi afkers que AV these days


A change like this would certainly bring people back. AV can yield extremely high honor per hour so alliance pvpers would be lured back.

And for the millionth time: of course AV is a :poop: show alliance side, but what do you expect?? After months of constant losses no sane player would touch AV with unless under death threat - it’s just the opposite of fun and makes you actually hate the game.


the usual Av conversation:
person a: hey let’s lose fast and try to kill all LTs/Commanders so get decent honor/rep in short time
person b: lol person a is a looser, I am here for the win.
person c: I want rep and turtle brings the best rep (note: person c is wrong, but since he never witnesses a AV win in his life he doesn’t know better)
person d: person A is a horde spy
persin b again: don’t listen to this noob looser person a, it’s not all about honor per hour
person e: don’t forget to turn in armor scraps & crystal
person f: RUSH GALV!!!111


It’s normal, those people are merely desperate because many have played 50 or 100 matches without winning a single one.

Logically they have no faith in anything that is said in chat because nothing matters, you always lose.


I also want to point out that OP is your average horde player.

He is not merely trolling. He is absolutely convinced that because he is a part of god’s chosen faction, the Horde, he gets to win all these games. And he gets to dominate Alliance players. For the Horde!

He is absolutely immersed in this reality and line of thinking.

He has no idea. This level of immersion will make you blind to any real factors that contribute to all these wins he is achieving. Remember, he is god’s chosen - an orc nevertheless for some extra PvP pwnage!

You need only to activate any lingering rational part of your brain to understand that the AV win factor for horde has very little if anything at all to do with the faction itself.

Just look at what’s happening in the other battlegrounds. They do not tell the same story at all. You are so convinced of this newly found reality of yours that you can’t even see it. It has to be a faction issue. Nobody messes with the orcs let alone their faction!



Grass grows, wind blows, sun shines and PvP players complain about the PvP not being balanced.

WoW EU forms 0 days without a complaint about PvP.

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Not gona happend until blizzard get rid of bots and afkers and if the same quality of alliance player will remain.

I play both faction and i played AV as alliance and seen both point of view. No map changes will change curent state of AV. Only if blizzard boost honor from AV and alliance rankers come back and start playing AV = lower q for horde players = horde players also will get afkers and bots and we gona be even.

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Grass grows, wind blows?

I can’t see how your lightly humorous dismissal of a 97%ish win ratio for the horde in AV is charming.

This is not a breeze, this is a Cyclone times ten.

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Wouldn’t know don’t PvP. Hate it.

If you’re not enjoying yourself just don’t do it.

Now let this be a lesson in don’t open your mouth if you have no clue what you are talking about.

I don’t really want to be rude, but this issue is a huge one.

It’s not the players’ fault they can’t enjoy an absolutely broken battleground.

I’m old enough to remember these threads in Vanilla.

Except it was Horde complaining about AV being Alliance favoured.

It is a confidence issue on the Alliance side, and once it spirals out of control it’s hard to come back.
They have near instant queues and there often 10-15 players or more AFK or not paying attention from the moment they get out of the gates.

It’s apathy, they don’t want to be there but they force themselves to be. Motivation to win is low.


I know that people are doing PvP and there’s been 15 years of none stop complaints about it in one way or another.

And i know that when i’m not enjoying something in the game i just stop doing it.

I will quote my answer on this from another thread:

Take the 1974 Hasbro game Connect Four, for example. Imagine two kids who play it for the first time. Do they know that the starting player can always win by playing the right moves? No.

When the other kid eventually figures out how to win the game, and gets to start each round, would you still say that the losing kid is just a bad sport and isn’t motivated to win? Of course not.

This example throws any claim that because the results have been different in the past, the BG AV is indeed balanced, out of the window. It just makes zero sense.

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Im have started to grind AV on alt. My guess is that half the Alliance team or more are AFK in every game while I have not seen any Horde being AFK.

We are really motivated after 55min queue and don’t want a short game while it’s the opposite for Alliance.

One word:


You are looking at the issue all wrong. You have to start at the opposite end.

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then why dont you roflstomp us in AB/WSG where maps are mirrored?

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