AV Map Flip for 2 weeks

The Classic Map is NOT the original vanilla map. IDK which patch it was, but Bunkers got replaced and archers were weakened. then in a later patch they removed the minefields and the Shredderquest.

Man, people would not cry a river, they would cry an ocean, about the minefields.

It’s not, it’s a “AV is bad honor and not fun” issue, that means the only alliance people who queue it are:

  • Green geared alts after a cheap mount/rep gear
  • AFK leechers/botters who don’t want to be easy to spot in WSG and AB
  • Bads who are 6 - 7 months behind the curve who think they can “rank in AV”
  • People who are a mix of all the above, leveling in the harpy cave, or grinding rams, while leeching rep and honor.

Yeah the map has issues, but the biggest issue is that horde rankers have incentives to queue up, often with 5 man teams that are geared, use consumes, have the correct specs and want to pvp, on top of the longer queue filtering out casuals who “just want to do a BG after work”.

Whereas alliance with instant queues and crappy HPH, get no rankers, very few 5 man teams, doesn’t use consumes, and get a ton of leechers.

Even if you fixed the map to be perfectly symmetrical, if Alliance cannot win team-fights, they can’t win on a symmetrical map balanced around holding objectives either.

Alliance rankers aren’t leaving their AB/WSG premades to queue with a 5 man into a BG where their HPH is cut by 90%, and they have to carry 35 underperformers.

Alliance who are not rankers/are done ranking, aren’t going to queue into a BG that isn’t fun. I liked the old school “Yeah, we’ve been going for 5 days” AV. Being locked down behind the IWB choke, while horde turtles out Lok, then take another 20 minutes to push for the win isn’t fun.

If it’s not beneficial for honor, rep or fun, why would people queue?


the only way AV is good for an alliance player is when they are a rogue/druid and have no afk leech in 100 yard range and farm solo/duo kills to get up to 10k honor in that AV if alliance turtles 24/7 at sh or upper cave area :slight_smile: else give up on it, its not for honorfarmers anymore and you are better off just queing into warsong/arathi avoiding premades by queing at specific days / bg weekend reverse que.

Edit: You can very well also que AV on AV weekend because rankers que there too. Idk how it is now but you had like 15-30% winchance depending on how many you have done 2 months ago and earlier.

imagine queing up for AV to rank. KEKW

its even bad for the horde and only solo players are doing it. or premaders waiting for their group to go.

We just finished an AV weekend today. 50 games. 1 win. (for me ofc.)

Gz on the win! Just entered revered and still haven’t been close to winning a single game yet. A map switch would be needed. The current state of alliance AV is dead and burried under a sea of crap.

I understand what you’re saying, I just simply disagree with it because I have absolutely no reason to agree with you.

Because, once again, you’re ignoring other variables.

The Hardcore Alliance abandoned AV after AV premading was removed. They all got exalted and got their rewards, then they moved over to AB/WSG premading. That means that the only Alliance left playing AV are the casuals, baddies and AFKers/leechers.

That’s why the EU have such a high Horde win rate and the Russians don’t; their Alliance aren’t splintered and separating the good players from everyone else.

Hard to find an exact source. You’re welcome to level a Horde to 51 and see what happens when you get matched vs Russians though. Attempting to find any information on the subject just fills your search engine with “wahhhh AV always lose” threads.

Yes you are. You’ve stuck to the same “ItS ThE mAp!!!” response regardless of what anybody tells you. You’re not reading a single thing that anybody says and are simply repeating different versions of the same sentence.

The world isn’t black and white, Nannu.

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I have never even remotely suggested that other variables don’t contribute to the AV situation.

Of course they do. The problem is that people like you think that the root cause is somehow caused by the subsequent factors, is just complete idiocy.

And here you are. No facts. It’s just your guess about how we have arrived at this situation - and you have the audacity to wonder why I’m not taking you seriously.

Why I sound like a broken record is because no-one has even taken a step to disprove my claims.

Someone already explained it somewhere above this post. There are only a couple Russian servers so basically every game they join is a premade.

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Yes, I heard this today in an AB match as well.

It doesn’t really put you on strong footing either, Miylee.

Well grats to the win. I hope you had fun but besides AV weekend there is no rankers and more likely to have majority of leeches/repfarmers in there. I know the map isnt that balanced but the other factors do the job too sadly. Hope you can win more but dont expect any ^^

By completely ignoring any mention of other variables you are inherintly saying that the AV situation is ENTIRELY because of “map imbalance”.

The only fact is that the win rate for Alliance in western Europe and the US is insanely low. The reason for that fact is entirely speculation.

If you play AV as Horde, you’re almost guaranteed to win, UNTIL you’re matched against Russians. At which point, your chance of winning is lower than your chance of losing.

Your claim is that there’s map imbalance.

My claim is that Russians and Asians don’t suffer the same H/A win/lose ratio whilst playing on the EXACT SAME MAP.

So what you’re saying is that communication is more valuble than “map imbalance”?

Stronger footing than you, little Nannu. Right now, you’re figuratively on crutches.

I’ve tried too with Nannu, but the only response you will get is different variations of “No, it’s the map”.
EDIT: I can also confirm from my experience that russian teams are usually WAY better, even when it’s not a real premade. They almost always went full team for that neutral GY in midwest and then push IBGY after they control it, and it would actually work really well. So, maybe L2P, EU and NA alliance… (JK) :smiley:

I’m aware. But as many on the Miylee-hate train will atest; I can go around in circles for a very long time.

It’s not entirely a L2P issue though. As I said, EU and NA Alliance are splintered. The geared and motivated Alliance don’t bother with AV. Why would they? They don’t want to carry baddies, AFKers, leechers and bots; and premading is more efficient HPH.

Some people play for fun rather than honor per hour. But really, who finds this version of AV fun? We were given AV’s worst incarnation. Hell, even the TBC version is more enjoyable.

I kind of do enjoy a big and long fight in AV but those are rare. So yeah I agree completely. I was just poking fun with that L2P jab :smiley:

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AV map flip is an interesting idea. I would love to see it tbh.
I don’t think map imbalance is the only obstacle for Alliance but nonetheless it has some contributing factors.
When you start playing something thinking you are in disadvantage it will affect your game in a bad way.
As some already pointed out in other BGs things are different. No one can’t deny that’s something weird here.

1-2 weeks isn’t quite enough imo but still might work to prove some statements here.
Highly unlikely to see such a thing but nice to think about it.

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Thank you. It’s very nice to hear a sensible voice from the other side.


I agree, it would be fun, and this is largely what others have been saying. Just add that there also is a difference in honor efficiency and queue times between horde and alliance that also adds to the alliance disadvantage.

Yes, I’ve said literally that in other posts. That was already obvious when Alliance could still premade.

This is not an exhaustive list:

  • The current way the map is played by horde, which is zerg SH until its capped, then defend it with most of your team while a few people zerg whatever alliance offense exists to get them behind the IWB Choke.
  • The map itself enabling that meta.
  • The fact that alliance players who queue are generally less geared, lower level, less epic mounts and less optimaly speced
  • The alliance incentives dictate that a fast loss > slow win
  • The longer horde queue self-selects away casuals by being long
  • The HPH being much better in AB/WSG for alliance meaning that rankers queue exclusively either AB or WSG, whereas horde rankers weave in AV games
  • The alliance being plagued with more afkers and leechers, without an effective reporting system

These all contribute to the current win-rate and I’m sure there are more. A simple thing such as the horde having a shorter travel time to field of strife, combined with more horde having epic mounts, pvp gear, and pvp spec, while Alliance is only winning in non-participants, means Alliance is both outnumbered and outgeared in that first team-fight. The loss of that team fight starts the downward spiral for alliance until they are trapped behind the IWB choke.

That choke can be broken, but SH GY is the hardest GY in the game to defend for Alliance, and the easiest one in the game to take and hold for the horde. You more or less need to hit SH with a full 40 man using sappers in order to break that choke once it’s in place.

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