AV not balanced? Really?

Ppl cry, that Horde cave isnt south enough so Horde is favoured. Well. Be honest.
Every single Av, horde rushes and gets destroyed at your GY, just because you wait there.
Then everyone respawns and has to run again. Wheres advance? Every Av i played, alliance starts with about 30 to 5 HKs ratio, after trap.
And unfortunatelly, Horde is stupid enough to charge, even if they see, that its a clear trap. Again.
So theres no starting advantage, actually in this case, its disadvantage.

it’s the terrain man, geez. alliance can’t fit through that narrow corridor between balinda and shgy. it’s all the fat sweaties farming their don julio for prebis melee gear. they just can’t fit.
we clearly need to move horde entrance back so they can do the trap at galv instead.

Didn’t know Alliance can win just by defending the GY and never move forward to kill the enemy general.


I wouldn’t take these guys seriously.

one thinks the Allience can meet the horde at the middle of the map on field of strife for first clash with the cave halfway up

the other thinks that having the cave next to their most important Gy is a disadvantage.

Actions speak louder than words the win rate says it all see you in tbc when you get smashed in AV and arena


Alliance have an advantage in TBC AV, but they wont have an advantage in Arena.

WoTF and Hardiness get nerfed, but Horde get Blood Elves. Blood Elves are plain old OP.

What advantages do they get in tbc? the only thing I see changed that it went to resources and they moved the horde cave where it belongs and made balinda interupt immune with a balance to hp from all generals which should balance out alot of issues and make it an equal playing field this isn’t 2008 the rush meta is gone for good.

Yeah those racials do give an advantage but a good Allience player will be able to get gladiator no problems it’s not like a 1500 rated horde player will beat a 2400 rated Allience team because of racials like arcane torrent as long as you have the correct comps you can perform well regardless of faction


He said the advantage is in Arenas, not AV.

I would like to know what advantage that is I’m curious.
But to be honest who cares what advantages there are . There are upsides and downsides to both factions . Deal with it. These cries about av is just silly.

Have you tried?

The point I am making is that if you did in fact hold SH GY for a lot longer than the opposite factions queue time every game making AV honor crap for Horde compared to WSG/AB then less motivated Hord players would queue AV making Alliance win in more games.

The point I am making is that it’s not map balance that cause this but the reward and queue system on a map that is designed for 2h+ games.

The faction with 1min qeueue is at a HUGE disadvantage against the faction with 1h+ queue. All they have to do (faction with long queue) is stall to win in the long run. And that is exactly what we see. As soon as the rewards change, during the AV weekend, the win rate increase for Alliance.

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J/k bloodelfs


The map isn’t going to get changed, this is a recreation! We wanted vanilla WoW warts and all. Do you not know of the no changes movement?

Alliance pre mading AV? Dire changes needed!

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Not really a fair comparison.

Pre-mading in AV happened because of the mix of cross-realm battlegrounds (Vanilla had battlegroups, not a big pool of every server) and the latest version of AV.

Had we gotten either battlegroups instead of full cross-realm or an earlier version of AV, we wouldn’t have had premades.

I’d be willing to bet that the Alliance wouldn’t lose as many games without those two changes either.

“What advantages” he says, then follows it up with 3 changes that are all Alliance favoured.

Not that it matters really, I doubt many people will bother with AV in TBC.

That isn’t going to stop a large portion of Alliance players from rerolling Horde. Currently, the Alliance are better than the Horde because of paladins. But not only will Horde be getting paladins, but Horde will be getting better paladins.

Even so I do find it funny how Blizzard decided to cherry pick what “exploits” they would change while leaving the vast majority of other exploits in. Not to mention the speed they made the changes - I’ve never seen Blizzard work so fast and yet we’ve been going on for the majority of Classic with Alliance having less than 10% WR in AV (while WSG/AB has a much more even WR for both sides) and they have done nothing.

It’s also funny how things shouldn’t be used and are exploits when it suits a portion of the player base and yet I’m sure those same players who complained have used exploits in other areas of the game such as pathing abuse in DME, pathing abuse in ZG, getting feared inside an instance portal to avoid PvP and summoning people or getting summoned to DM North, getting behind AQ40 to summon/be summoned, farming the first mob in AQ40 with the unlimited instance reset for Relic Coffer Keys then leaving Ouro up until Tuesday to keep gaining Idols to gear up faster/sell just to name a few. Blizzard made no changes to any of these and they must clearly be aware. But when the majority faction loses a few games of AV which was a consequence of Alliance being the minority faction they then swoop in with changes.

Alliance were abusing the system, literally bug-abusing to rank up more easily.
And yes, it was a bug and yes it was an exploit.
If it wasn’t Blizzard wouldn’t have, repeatedly, tried to patch it out.
It was not intended for you to be able to win an AV in 6min.
I’m just wondering how being able to have a team that works together well somehow and manages to win a game in under 10 minutes consistently somehow proves that the map is so unfair you couldn’t possibly outplay Horde now.
The BG has changed since back then, sure, but mostly favoring Alliance as Horde can no longer backdoor into your base.
Please do explain to me why teams are unable to work together now to win when premades in AV did so in 10min or less, mostly less.

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We tried everything possible for months and it’s been clear in the hundred of threads about it. Only thing that “worked” was the use of a vanilla like mechanic that got removed because Horde snowflakes couldn’t stand having only a 60% win rate.

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In premades everyone is lvl 60, has epic mount and follows the lead. No 200 IQ tactics required.
In PUGs, 1/3 is afk, 1/3 is under 60 and 1/3 is farming kills and all this without any lead.

Pretty sure you could’ve figured this one out on your own…

You think Horde AV teams are only lvl 60’s in AQ40 gear with 0 AFK’ers/Low levels?
Have you ever been to AV? :rofl:

You guys had near 100% winrate because you were abusing a bug.
Yes it was a bug.
Yes you were abusing it.
Exploit was removed from the game. Cry some more over it :slight_smile:

Ive been in such games where alliance seems dominant and the whole map is blue, 6 out of 10 games horde literally turtled RH cap with 25-30 players and as soon as we cap rh and start pulling warmasters… horde ended vanndar with around 10-15 players.

That thing Ive mentioned, can not be done as alliance.

If that logic is used that means everything has changed since back then not only AV in particular. That means either stick to #nochanges literally or dont.