AV not balanced? Really?

I mean changed since Allies were premading.
As in they literally changed the terrain so we can’t backdoor into your base anymore.

I used to premade AV back then as horde in classic all the way to TBC using ( Av enabler ) addon. It is not something new and I wasnt the only one, plus this addon was disabled in wotlk. So this version of classic isnt really as ( Authentic ) as it really is.

Just because changes was favouring Allience does not mean the map is Allience favoured they simply fixed things that made the map horde favoured to a more neutral position I see no changes that give an advantage for allience to win in tbc over the horde

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That isn’t how advantages work.

If a scale is tipped at 5/2 and you add 5 to the 2, you get 5/7. Everything that causes the so-scalled impossible choke point is removed. Elites are nerfed, resources matter, bunkers become important.

The actual map layout itself favours Alliance. In TBC, Alliance will win most games of AV; assuming anybody even bothers signing up for it.

It’s exactly how advantages work if something is over powered it gets a nerf to become more balanced this is why those changes where implemented in the first place. The map layout certainly does not favour the Allience the point between sp and sh is horrible for Allience on any version. You still haven’t said any reasoning why Av tbc favours one faction over the other since it’s based on resources both sides can hk to victory worst case

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Have you ever tried to defend for a longer time than the enemies queue to join the battle making it less rewarding for the rankers to join AV compared to WSG/AB?

Because that’s why we have this huge unique imbalace on the same map.

The game is 100% broken in Classic AV but the main reason is not the map. Why is that so damn hard for people to accept? Its the same map but the queue system is unique and it breaks the reward system.

I don’t understand why you blame a static map when it’s the custom changes made by Blizzard that have caused this.

It was as much of a bug as Paladins Reckoning, Shamans having double granted crit from talents and the backdoor you guys defended to the death. The only difference is that of the 2 of yours one is still ingame and the other guy fixed after months and months and months of Horde getting easy wins making Alliance side only able to delay defeats and farm rep.

You could backdoor into the Horde base too.
But now we can’t. Yet we still win.
Pls explain.

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It’s really ridiculous how you keep saying that after it has been proven with tons of videos how easy was for the Horde and how long and harder took the Alliance while also having to deal with an elite guard while you guys didn’t.

After months of sure losses is just obvious that leechers came to the Alliance ruining it forever.

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It’s been fixed now. Why are you still losing if this was the reason you were losing?
It’s funny how you keep ignoring that part :slight_smile:

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It’s in the second part of what you quoted.

You know we can all see the little “pencil” mark at the top right meaning you edited the post right?
Just asking. :rofl:
And we got leechers on the Horde too. Rogues sitting in stealth near the clump never leaving stealth.
Our noble “Cave Defenders” staying in the starter cave all game long.
AFK’ers and slackers are not an “Alliance only” problem.

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I went to reread the post and found out that “leechers” came out as “le hers”

My typing sucks -_-

There are plenty of “bugs” in Classic WoW and yet I’m sure you have used or benefited from them at one point or another and yet I didn’t hear any complaints about those you benefited from.

If it wasn’t Blizzard wouldn’t have, repeatedly, tried to patch it out.

Not true, plenty of bugs in the game that Blizzard have not bothered to touch to my mind the only things they changed was the queue system and MCing someone out of WSG.

And yes, it was a bug and yes it was an exploit.

It was a faction taking advantage of being the minority faction and syncing queues, guess what it still happens in twink brackets so that players from different realms can effectively pre made and yet nothing done to fix that. What’s the difference? Oh yeah, no horde tears.

It was not intended for you to be able to win an AV in 6min.

Says who exactly? Certainly never seen Blizzard claim this.

I’m just wondering how being able to have a team that works together well somehow and manages to win a game in under 10 minutes consistently somehow proves that the map is so unfair you couldn’t possibly outplay Horde now.

Your asking why a pre made could win in under 10 minutes and yet a PuG can’t? I don’t know it might be because they have no AFKers or bots on the team but please keep up with the “Horde have them too” because we both know that it’s far less severe for Horde. Alliance AFK/Botter problem is the downside of instant queues as it’s much less efficient to do on Horde so you have less. The upside to instant queues was that Alliance could queue sync to pre made and yet Blizzard fixed one and completely ignored the other so on top of map advantage Alliance have to deal with other issues.

All I take away from what you’ve written is “kek Horde just better” and yet in WSG/AB the WR doesn’t tell that story. Can it be Blizzard not sorting out AFK/botter problem? Nah. Could it also be in part to do with map balance? Nah, Horde just better.

Come on, I’ve shown you why paladins’ reckoning couldn’t be charged up to oneshot through duels already. It was because of a paladin in vanilla soloing Kazzak, the world boss. You can’t do that with the shamans’ double crit, you know? That’s why. One impacted the PvE in such a broken way, while the other doesn’t.

It wasn’t even changed because of a PvP reason.

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The iteration we had pre-fix was already the one that added a cap to reckoning stacks, the fix changed how swings worked.

Ok, a quick google search and this is what came up:


I hope you’ll actually read through the links this time.

So what exactly is your problem with Reckoning right now? Other than what’s in the “Not A Bug”-list?

And which of those allowed Kazzak to be oneshot? The mounting up or not losing the stack if you cancel the attack?

I stand correct, the fix we had didn’t change that we could stack unlimited Recks attacks, just some stuff about swings and stacks.

The fix to unlimited reckoning stacks came in a patch prior to 1.12. It was already in Classic from the start.

You still haven’t specified what exactly is your problem with Reckoning right now, other than what’s in the “Not A Bug”-list.

You see, the point of those links, is that it shows the behavior of Reckoning right now in Classic matches the reference client. So what is your problem with it?
It’s the same for shamans’ double crit, it matches the reference client. The change to the double crit came in TBC.

Really? Cus that’s kinda my take away from them patching it out.
But sure, keep telling yourself it wasn’t cheating, you dirty cheater. :rofl: