Indeed : Everything is relative, might be fine in a dungeon and frowned upon in a raid.
It’s alright, horde were frustrated that the premades would only pve and force them to pve,
Alliance were frustrated because people queuing are tryharding enough to win and started premading.
And both sides tried to find happiness somehow.
Those 15 fury human male warriors are there for a reason
i haven’t raided enough to know but i can’t imagine raid leader saying something like “no, don’t use the safespot to survive, we must all wipe honourably and spend the full time running back”…?
I’ve NEVER seen someone say anything against using safespots in a dungeon other than from insecurity about pulling it off right
YES they did or atleast thats how the horde think if its there for them its not a bug since its horde favoured but god forbid alliance get some benefit.
you could queue up for the bg’s by number back in the days and join friends later on , only they don’t last 5 hours now but 10-30 min so yeah its just “reset”
The fix was mostly to avoid pugs to start 5vs40 and having 10 open games .
All of that is not happening anymore , i don’t think they will care at this point
Russians do it because they are the only horde who can do premades.
So basically you saying alliance should be able to premade because russian horde premades can abuse backdoor exploit.
Just get rid of premades maybe?
Yeah why are they able to premade again ? Thought you (blizzard) fixed this so they dont Rush drek like the raidloggers they are and actually have a meaningful bg…
The problem is horde always dubbed something “exploit” only for its inconvenience, not meaning the strict and technical aspect of it.
A punishable exploit means taking advantage of a flaw in the code, taking advantage of a bug. (example: toggling walk mode when it caused you to step on a smooth wall) Even queueing in 40 for one specific AV is no bug therefore no exploit, you are literally just taking advantage of the little populated faction you are in.
But like always, horde children crying out loud and babysitters cuddling them once again.
Are you mentally limited? Everyone can abuse backdoor terrain, Russians are just the only ones who do it effectively.
If you see the average horde AV is made of 5-7 people trying to push and the remaining 30+ zerging mindlessly. It’s not as if the glitch was less effective for you - it’s just that you are more braindead and those 5-7 can’t really carry your game
Russian premades? They have 5 servers, and in russian they all look the same for us non russians. We got the same issiue on horde side when meeting alliance russian players. Don’t see your point here.
There have been horde cries for many weeks now, I on the other hand am definitely fine, I rarely play Classic anymore so my health is more than ok thanks for your interest
However no player has ever been put somewhere, because where you are is a direct consequence of your choice and don’t bother with but I didn’t expect ratio to be this bad when I picked horde :(( cause most of those testimonies are untrue