AV Premade Exploit

Hey team,

He mad

Base defenses would have to be identical to be balanced. Thankfully they are not. Personally I have never seen an AV game that was won solely by going through the back way of the alliance base. An exploit is usually an obvious and overwhelming advantage, the way i see it. This is not.

is that how blizzard intended you to see it?

How utterly unsurprising.

You literally defined your understanding of the word “exploit” in your previous post, and now you are swerving on your heels and adding caveats because it’s suddenly applicable to Horde culture.

“I only cheated a little bit” is not a feasible defense.


But how do you know which player have queued up for that specific battleground and which has just queued for a random one? (I mean in relation to you reporting for cheating that is) blizzard could see it, but I’m just curious :grin:

Russian horde do that all the time.

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but you see, what’s important here is that Tirel PERSONALLY didn’t see it :joy:


You asked me what i think personally. I have never seen any particularly devestating attacks through the back entrance. In most games i have done the back entrance is not even used. I do not know if Blizzard made those paths on purpose or not. I would guess that they did. And so it would never be an exploit.

You have never seen one game won by glitching the terrain up to final boss because you are then most likely part of that circle of retards who’d rather derp around zerging and turtling instead of winning the game.

All the players who want to win the game efficiently (yep russians are the only intelligent ones) do that and you can see it by alliance PoV.
It’s unfortunate (for you) that such people make like 10% of the entire BG and you can’t kill Vann properly with that few people; the rest is just turtling.

But this doesn’t make the glitch less powerful…you are just too idiot to make a good use of it

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Fair. I suspect this is largely down to you not getting paired with Russians. Many Russian Horde groups finish games in 5-6 mins by terrain exploiting and then solo pulling Vann by using the prospector pull (which is morally dubious as well).

The early taps on North/South bunkers are also 99% backdoors.

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Well, since it’s true russians only play together, you won’t see it yourself, but as a alliance player, if you face russian horde, you have around 7 to 8 min to kill Drek before they kill Vandar. Because they will always push all together using hill exploit and then pull vandar alone using another exploit.

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this really does have to be fixed… its really pathetic that its still being allowed… the fix didnt work… deploy something new.

you answered what you see in game. the question was what blizzard intended.

something lead me to think that “i haven’t seen it personally” was a response to “strange how nobody wants an end to map exploit” :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re the idiot for suggesting he should use/do something that wasn’t intended in the first place …

Really not sure if they fix that, it doesn’t force open matches which are then dropped.

Horde use backdoor exploit + prospector pull
Alliance use warmaster exploit

Everyone is happy

like random safespots in dungeons? there i would think it’s the other way around, only an idiot would say not to use safespot to avoid wipe

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While I will concede it borders on the edge, I wouldn’t explicitly label it an exploit, as everything involved is working exactly as intended. You’re supposed to be able to pull Warmasters out and reset Drek, and you’re supposed to be immune to damage during bubble. Kiting is a widely popular and absolutely supported aspect of the game.

The only problem with it is that it’s predominantly achieved by using a class that the Horde literally does not have access to.

Alliance does premades.

Blizzard makes changes so it’s easier for everyone to make premades.

Hey what did you though would happen :smirk:


And you could add we only have a timed window to kill Drek before all the warmasters come back and wipe us.

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