AV Premade is back AGAIN!

Since we dont compete with you in our honor pool, it’s fine for us. we make more honor, you make more honor, there shouldnt be any problem.

Bonne appetite. I hope the BS you are serving is delicious seeing as you are full of it.

No, there wasn’t ever an intention for AV to be queued as premade.
Yes, you doing so was an exploit.
Yes, you can now premade WSG and prove you were the pvp god you think you are.

Err, dude, next time try to read properly to what you are replying. Look:

No, there wasn’t ever an intention for AV to be queued as premade.

I didn’t say AV was made for prem Q’ing. I said that 40vs40 BG is meant to play in coordination - CO-OR-DI-NA-TI-ON (its when u commnunicate with othrep people to achieve a common goal). Even when one pugs, he usually tries to coordinate efforts, using at least chat - when u ask guys to def smth or help u kill LT’s, its coordination. There can just be different lvls of it.

Yes, you doing so was an exploit.

Maybe. And I don’t argue that premade breaking Q’s were not a good thing. But still, Blizz made a statement and indicated a problem that was to be solved with the patch - the patch was aimed to get rid of BG starting 10 vs 40, not to get rid of premades. As for now - any method of Q’in as 40, that was reported to work after the patch was applied, seems too complicated for me and definitely looks like exploit, so I no longer try to Q as 40.

Yes, you can now premade WSG and prove you were the pvp god you think you are.

Lol-kek. I never said I am a PVP god. My opinion is that in 99% of cases a group of decent players, communicatiing with each other and coordinating their efforts, will stomp a group of PVP-gods, who are not communicationg. So I’ll clarify to u, what i think - I’m in no case a PVP god, I’m just a decent player and a nice teammate. That’s all. And I was talking bout AV, not WSG - WSG has always allowed premades, so stop crying about it.

As for u, u may sputter further on… or just try to co-operate in a MASS MULTI-PLAYER game. Good luck, lad.


You are still eating BS. Semantics. You are advocating for premades in AV which is a retarded idea. Casuals will have no room in this game anymore if so.

Now, get real, grow some balls go WSG and spare us of your presence in AV.

Oh my gosh. I might say I’m semi-hardcore PVE’r, but I’m a simple CASUAL PVP’er. And u know, I’ve got no problems in grabbing my friends, joining discord and entering AV. Since the patch was released there’s no real premades - it means there can’t be a situation where there’s no slot for u or ur friend or smth. No one is bothering to check if everyone has speed chants, carrots, etc. The point of discord now is just communication and coordination.

As far as I can see, the problem isn’t in premades - the problem is YOU. For some reason u don’t want to communicate with other players and want to run around AV aimlessly. Well, good luck. Now I think that being separated from such Alliance whiners as you and alike isnt such a bad idea as I thought before.

spare us of your presence in AV.

Thankfully. I’m already spared of your presence.

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