Russian ex-premader reporting. Been reading both eu and us forums fot the last couple of days just to laugh at those lil’ pvp’ers crying about the current situation at the AV. Seriously, guys, u make me smile, thx!
It’s really fun to see all these “against/not-against-ToS” or “premades-existed-in-classis-and-therefore-ok/premades-should-be-banned”. I thought Blizz were quite clear with the latest patch - they addressed not premades (as u lil’ zugzugs wanna think), the patch was aimed to solve the problem of 10Allies-vs-40Hordies BG’s. That’s why they removed the numbers and made some thrash with the Q. Now the problem seems to be solved.
But such a massive 40vs40 BG is meant to play in coordination with others - if u think otherwise, idk what’s the reason for u to play MMO. That’s why we were allowed to group as 5.
And here the zugzugz are unhappy again - they claim Ally are exploiting, looking for wormholes and so on… I want to disappoint u: we (well, saying “we” I mean multi-server group of people who were premading now and then before the patch) do not use any exploits. I repeat - no exploits. We just Q, and as soon as the BG procs and we enter, we join the same dicord. And then there’s magic called coordination and teamplay.
//To tell honestly, after the patch was released, I wanted to check, if we could use those exploits described here, to continue stomping hordies in 8-10 mins - but lads told me they’ve already checked and it didnt work. Maybe guys did smth wrong and eu-premades are still able to q as 40, but we dont need it.//
So what’s wrong with u? Wanna tell me we are still premade? Well, definitely we are not: I see different 5-man parties every time I enter new BG - I’ve played with some of them before, but also see lots of ppl for the first time. But still we start communicatig and act as a team - that’s the key. To call THIS exploing is as hilarious as calling in-game voice chat an exploit (though I think if we used it instead of discord, zugzugz woud cry for blizz to ban in-game voice…).
So guys, see ya tonight, get ready - we will be there, stomping you again.
P.S. Special shoutout to all those guys from Patchwork, Firemaw and other fellow hordies who liked so much to go full-crazy-turtle against premades: now WE are turtling cuz we find it more efficient considering HpH. So funny to see zugzugs leaving BG cuz they cant pass by Bally or kill the first LT’s at 25+ minute. Sweet revenge…