AV premade issue - the A Team

Use “thinking”

Oh wait it is not in list of horde racials

Of course. Nothing is wrong with orc warriors charging into alliance raid and refusing to get stunned. Nothing wrong with tauren warrior aoe stun. Nothing wrong with half horde raid being almost immune to fear.

I believe there is something wrong with horde players. Their real life must be so bad and sad, they just have to win for once, no matter how.

I dont normally respond to AV alliance premade stuff but ill just put it plain.

Get over it. Classic meta is obviously imperfect but I dont think they will change AV to give less honor/WSG to give more honor at this point.

At the end of the day it’s based on standing and you aren’t competing with Alliance on that.

Gonna be awesome getting camped in ironforge again I suppose : *

This has always been how the Alliance operated.

They’ve always had both the best and the worst players with very little middle-ground. Combine that with the fact that there are infinitely more Horde than Alliance players on Classic and it’s no surprise that on average the Horde come out on top; yet get curbstomped when met by serious opposition.

You ever try to do anything with Alliance pugs? There’s a reason I nerded my AV rep in the first 3 days.

Edit for OP: Top lel that you want “fairness” in AV btw, despite the top end premades being more unfair on their fellow Alliance than any Hordie. Maybe I’ll ask for fairness the next time I get jumped and win a 1v1 out in the world only for them to come back with 2 more people on my 70:30 realm.

Nah it won’t happen, no worries.

Loosing interest pretty fast, i had a blast all this time, but hit the wall of badly designed pvp progression, so gotta get my pally to 60 run some dungeons and move on.

I know, i won’t be missed :smile:

Iamgine people actually trying to defend the premades in AV.
You need to premade 40 man groups to win again pug groups? xD.
Premade groups in AV = Trash players, simple as that.

Try premading in WSG, where you can premade against other premades instead of pugs lol.
I’ve given up on AV simply due to the fact we’re starting at 10-20 people in most AVs due to the premades.(Alliance side)
It’s broken for non premade alliance and horde.

But it’s blizzard, so it won’t be fixed :slight_smile:

The funny thing is I actually managed to get in a same game as you this morning and we won with ease against your premade. I doubt you guys have 6 min wins since how bad you were, but respect for not afking out! You got totally farmed up all over AV, i spent 20 min farming you at SH gy. Git gud son.

https:// imgur. com/SXYhify

Yep it happens when it is morning and no one wanna co op and wanna talk in discord we loose. Easy win you say 45 minutes turtle mkkkay

You are right, not 6 minutes but 7 minutes.

https:// imgur. com/ M6Am5qM

I wouldnt call farming HKs turtle, if you like faster games you are free to afk out, looks like a few did it since there were some lowranks in ally at the end. I dont mind long games, im not ranking

Actually yeas, premade is needed to have good chances of winning AV as alliance.

Thats how badly game disbalanced in pvp sector, AV heavily horde favoured then it comes to defence wars, plus horde racials giving to alliance heavy handicaps. And elemental shamans twoshotting everything on top of that

Salty undead kiddo upset he can not farm gy every game like he does against backpeddle pugs.

Let’s bring fairness back to AV

Right after server population 50% balance, so these horde chimps who wont fin into should sit ingame que untill proportial amount of alliance players logged in.

45 minutes turtle game can be barely called an “easy” victory and they dont actually provide any decent farming for anyone.
It is wasting your own time since the kills doesnt provide any honor.

If 30+ horde staying inside Drek isnt turtle, then please provide the definition of turtle game.
Also if 45 min is an easy game, then what is a 7 min game?

You can slowcap dun baldar with about 10 people and kill marshals + vann.
The recalls to frostwolf are just delaying for north to finish.

I don’t like the graveyard farm, i’d say 20 minute games for horde are ideal for honor with our queue’s.

But again you think all horde are rankers, which they are not. Your premades has one purpose and that is to max honor in shortest amount of time. I for instance enjoy AV in other ways.

Careful about playing av tomorow. Tomorow is weekly av cave day, where premade captures all horde gys and spawn traps horde in their cave for hours on end. Only way out of cave is afk out, opening up a spot for another poor horde.

Working tomorrow, but ill get back to farming alliance premades some other time next week :grin:

AV is alliance favoured, always has been.

Hello Bikini,

Sure is, then again - turtle strategy is negative IQ against us, yet you still keep trying so…

This will only make us create bigger discord servers, where we queue up as 1000 at a time, rather than 100… aka easilly circumvented.

The solution is actually to introduce AB with BWL + introduce BG Weekends, that way WSG and AB would both be viable 2/4ths of the month.

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