AV Premades = Cheating

You seem to be in Denial much :smiley: Just saying.

Yes lets start the argument by insulting people. And such a small number of people care about the ranks that’s it’s not even funny. Most people want rank 3 for the discount and they will stay around rank 3. The rest are going for exalted rep for the items and a small percent actually want rank 14.

eeerhm you are clearly missing a point.
You must be getting more honor more than other ALLIANCE players, and they are getting instant queues, too. So you are doomed into nonstop AV queueing just to get what you can, while horde player can chill fo 20-30 mins while wating and still be THE SAME RANK AS YOU!
It’s YOU on the horrible side of grind, darling.

I suggest adding some RANDOM DELAY(up to a minute) to every person queuing, so that you could almost never get most of your raid into same AV instance.

In my entire life i never saw so much ignorance with such a big problem. This is blizzard for you guys , like always they give free stuff for alliance like epic gear in bfa for doing nothing. Now they have free premades and 90% of queues are premades with rank8+ players .Imagine how sad this game has become if the other side cannot play fair and abuse the sistem and then they even dare to say is not exploiting… like this was intended to be like that. And not only that they can go straight to the fuc.ing boss and just kill it without killing anything else. This is beyond ridiculousness this is favoritism . I have to wait 25-40 min in queue to get 2-3k honor while they get hmm at least 3k x 6 games in a damn hour. Great job blizzard you just lost another player. This time i will not even look back again.

Thats why they cry when we turtle beacuse they are obsessed with their 8min games, all Gurlie and Mando do is to talk about honor per hour.

turtle all you want, been getting just about nonstop 8 min games since honor reset, early week is always insanely good

Maybe you shouldn’t have picked the dominant faction. Its unfeasible for horde because every retarded wannabe pvp pro rolled orc or undead. Reroll or fo.

I believe the very highranked premades pulls that off but the others will suffer our 20min wins :grin:

indeed the very high ranked get very fast wins, 25k/h atm

In my entire life i never saw so much ignorance with such a big problem. This is blizzard for you guys , like always they give free stuff for alliance like epic gear in bfa for doing nothing. Now they have free premades and 90% of queues are premades with rank8+ players .Imagine how sad this game has become if the other side cannot play fair and abuse the sistem and then they even dare to say is not exploiting… like this was intended to be like that. And not only that they can go straight to the fuc.ing boss and just kill it without killing anything else. This is beyond ridiculousness this is favoritism . I have to wait 25-40 min in queue to get 2-3k honor while they get hmm at least 3k x 6 games in a damn hour. Great job blizzard you just lost another player. This time i will not even look back again.

If you think Blizzard is playing favoritism for alliance here you are a fking idiot.
Wake up call for you, beside premades the game is unplayable for the rest of the alliance. That is except a few hardcore tryharders the rest of the alliance has to suffer wanna be pvp pros ganking them at lvl 50 and above. Or play AV in 20 people and NEVER get a win in days !


Then it is very nice to be horde. #1 standing on my server is around 800k/week

I’m not sure why some people assume it wasn’t the intention to be able to do a sync’ed join. If Blizz didn’t want that, they could just have omitted the AV number in the join window.

The bridges were burned
Now it’s your turn, to cry
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
Cry me a river (Yeah, yeah)

O I’m sorry this is not the Azeroth music discussion forum… Silly me.

One less rat to deal with pce rat

He is merely stating facts and deducing logical arguments off them.

What is it with people?

Do you temporarily drop 100 IQ when you log on to an Orc or UD or something?

Who cares if the Alliance get more honour per hour, it’s totally unrelated to Horde standings.

Are Horde players just upset that the gameplay experience vs the top end premades isn’t ideal or something? Do they want literally everything?

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