AV Premades = Cheating

We’re not using addons. That’s the entire point. We’re using an interface that allows this privilege to the minority with such a slanted population ratio.

That said, the fact that horde is so much better than Alliance at pvp and that the playing fields are more level like this is good for the game.

There is also a list of options for the people who don’t like it.

What reason did they ban the addon, smartass? You think it was because of the addon itself, or because what people were doing with the addon?

So you’re saying because you suck so much that you want a handicap mode where you can queue with friends and as a premade and horde cannot.

nerf AV nooooooow

P2 was so brutal, even < APES > suffer from ptsd.

I don’t think your reading and comprehension skills are high enough for such advanced discussions. We re not using an addon so this entire argument is irrelevant. We’re also in Classic (#nochanges bro) and not some other expansion.

See my opening sentence above.

You didn’t answer my question. Why was the addon banned? What did it achieve? My point stands if you offer no refutation. Claiming you’re so smart that I don’t deserve an answer is an idiots copout excuse for not having an answer.

Spoken as someone who didn’t play or rank in classic. This isn’t the vanilla WoW Ranking experience. 1.12 AV was made in preparation for the upcoming changes. Did you know that vanilla also had a patch prior to TBC that allowed people to buy R14 gear merely for honor?

Any idiot that claims #nochanges it not someone who ranked back in Vanilla wow. I did, WSG/AB and RR bonus honor weekends was the meta for rankers. 1.12 doesn’t reflect any of the ranking experience in vanilla.


I have no idea and it’s irrelevant. It’s from a different game. Irrelevant.

You don’t have a point - there is nothing to refute.

I made no claim as to my own abilities. I did make a claim about yours though.

You should probably re-read that claim because you’ve just made the same mistake again.

Oho, but you felt the need to comment on it! Also, if you have no idea, how do you know if it’s irrelevant? You actually need to know about something in order to correctly judge whether that piece of information is irrelevant or not to a discussion. You just said you have no idea, so you’re not in a position to judge that piece of information irrelevant or not. I am. In this discussion, it’s completely relevant to Blizzards stance on the subject of whether they agree with premades in AV or not.

Well that’s certainly me clamped up, isn’t it? :smiley:

Claiming there is nothing to refute doesn’t mean there is nothing to refute - It just means you’re incapable of refuting what I’m saying. Which I don’t mind. It’s just proving to everyone reading this discussion that you actually don’t have an answer. The better method for you would be to actually engage and disprove what I’m saying, not claim there’s nothing there. That’s not an answer or refutation.

If you’re claiming that my reading and comprehension skills aren’t high enough for discussions with you, you’re implicating yours are higher to the degree that I cannot engage in a discussion with you to bother with. You don’t even understand what your own sentences imply, but yet it’s me with the problem with reading

I noticed you dropped the #nochanges bro, why is that? :smiley:

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Just ignore healbot mate. :slight_smile: He is one of the worst kind of trolls on these forums. :smiley:

About the only thing that means anything in your post

He tries so hard, and gets so far, but in the end…

If your high horse gets any higher, you’ll only be able to communicate with seagulls. Once again, #notrefutinganythingIsaid#bro

Yeah, now that they released BG earlier you are free to play in quest hubs such as LHC without getting spawn camped by 15 horde.
That is totally fixed, YOU are right.

cry me a river kiddo

Cluelessly wrong, once again. Addons enabled AV premades for Russians up to WoD expansion, without any risk. Not sure about Legion and current game. No addons of such kind have EVER been banned, so your “evidence” kinda backfires you, as inconvenient as it might be for you.

If you did not bother to look simple informations in the like what, 6 months of wait after Classic was announced?, then you should not be surprised of the consequences of your choice neither be bothering to ask for “fixes”. Tons of reddits, strawpolls, discords, threads have been existing and gave enough informations about the ratio.

Your idiocy knows no bound, does it? There is no “queue as party” involved, people just enter a specific AV number knowing that in such particular AV number there are particular players. All done using game data (instance numbers) which is available by the default game design.

Moreover, literally the exact same iter can be gone through by horde, with the exact same RNG driven chances of succeeding, just esponentially slower due to overpopulation in Horde. In other words, “exploiting” faction ratio, be it as dominant faction, or as underdog faction, means already nothing if you infer that it should be bannable; the cause of the faction ratio lie in fact in players choice of faction, not code bugs or game flaws like real exploits.

Arguing about “exploiting” the sole advantage of being in the underdog side - which was evident and foreseeable 10 months ago - is as retarded as it would be for me, Alliance player, to complain about Horde clowns “exploiting” their 5:1 faction ratio for forming dungeon groups twice as fast as me, allowing to run more dungeons per day, getting more gold/gear etc., only because hurr durr wikitionary says exploit means having an advantage which others don’t have.

You are definitely taking advantage of it, along with the advantages of healthier Auction House, and many more, there is nobody denying one should not take advantage of such situations. But one faction’s perks are the opposite faction’s downsides, and not being able to comprehend it paints you as a spoiled crybaby. With 60 IQ confirmed.

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Posted in 2012 regarding Preform AV enabler:

This is not something that we are encouraging, but it is also something that we currently have no realistic way to prevent. That being said, this is something that may change soon, which is why we always advise people to not use any type of add-on designed to circumvent or bend our balancing safeguards… using such add-ons can lead to severe account penalties!

There was one before that. They actually broke the coding on that addon. Then they limited it to work on only 5 or less. It’s clear from this post what their stance is about bending the rules to get premades into AV, be it via addon or in general and it sides with me, not you. Even if they have taken a blind eye to it, does not discredit what their actual stance is on it. Good hot take you had there, it’s a pity it’s wrong, Mr. High IQ.

Comparing using exploits to standard gameplay. Yeah no, your counterpoint is idiotic.

They are just claiming they MAY change the policy soon, and remember you not to circumvent ANY balancing safeguards…they are not even talking about this specific kind of addons.

Standard gameplay may include “exploiting” in-game faction balance in several ways, i.e having instant queues, this is why expecting it to be bannable is the biggest meme of the past weeks. You have no clue of what a real exploit is (videogame-wise) and yet you keep naming it.

Absolute horde cuck.


I supposed you missed this:

This is not something that we are encouraging, but it is also something that we currently have no realistic way to prevent

Here, I’ll break it down for you.

not something that we are encouraging

but it is also something that we currently have no realistic way to prevent

Does that sound like a seal of approval, or more like something they disapprove of, yet will condone because they do not know how to fix?

I have never once claimed that doing so will get you Banned. I HAVE claimed that it is something Blizzard did not intend, and does not approve of. That’s a VERY different stance to take on something that you’re claiming is perfectly acceptable and fine.

I don’t think anybody wants people banned for it. It does certainly need to be changed though, and that’s not up for dispute. You don’t understand the definition of what exploit means. You seem to think it only encompasses your definition of it. I’ll stick with the english definition of the word, not your definition of it. You’re an idiot that likes to make up things on the spot such as blizzard not claiming this was an issue or that they never broke/changed an addon (which they have and did and which I have proven). You don’t get any more idiotic than someone like you

Also, hurrr durrr imagine being so stupid as to bring horde/alliance into this discussion as if its somehow a relevant detail.

Something legit, although inconvenient and discouraged doesn’t equal needing to change it. Corpse camping and other dishonorable behaviors in PVP are discouraged, no point in changing them though. They do not intend to 40 man raid into AV, but they intend to allow one to queue to a specific game. If 39 other people do it, they are not doing anything illegal.

The whole point is literally about horde/alliance, cause horde crybabies are calling the babysitters to whine about alliance superiors backfiring the aids imbalance THEY created in the first place, to them.

“relevant detail”…lmfao

PvP in classic system is based on ranking which is based around honor, you utter moron. The reason that it’s not that big of a deal in later expansions is because it’s not really effecting anything other than your honor gain or titles/achievements, and honor in later expansions was an incredibly small part of PvP. Arena and other systems was where the competitive PvP aspect took place.

Not the case for classic PvP. Honor IS the PvP system in Classic WoW, it is what determines your ranking. People are going to go where the honor is because of that. Because of this, it actually DOES matter if the alliance get to exploit a system to get premades into AV while horde can only solo queue.

If AV stays where the best HPH is, people will go there over the other BGs, and the other BGs are going to be deserted. This means that horde will not be able to party with friends or create premades if they want to rank, which is probably going to result in the PvPers quitting.

This is why you’re deluded if you think that AV isn’t going to change any. ALL PvPers I know (3 are in my guild who are R11+ going for R14) are just waiting for the change. What shape that change takes? Who knows. Less honor in AV will shift the meta for the better. It’s probably the most logical solution.

No, it’s not, and you’re an idiot thinking that RP’ing horde/alliance tribalism is at all relevant in a discussion about the AV meta and Honor/PvP. It’s not. Pick an RP server and yawn about alliance/horde scum w/e there, your RP’ing has nothing to do with this discussion.