The only pug friendly battleground in WoW is Alterac Valley but the horde queue sits at around an hour and for alliance it is almost 100% a loss because the horde is so motivated to win after being in the queue for an hour.
Once you enter the actual pvp is really good at the choke points ect… what are the ways that we can entice alliance to queue for AV?
None, because they have insta queue times for other bgs, it will always be better for them to do wsg/ab for honor farming.
You win because AV favors horde a lot not because you are motivated lol!
Me and friends all wanted to play Horde when classic launched.
Now we all rerolled to Alliance because of BG queue times.
I see a big fight at choke until 10+ alliance just stop trying and we manage to push every time. How can alliance be motivated to at least try? Perhaps make it ‘always AV weekend for alliance’
I also started levelling an alliance for insta queue times but I’m a bit drained from levelling two 60’s already.
Av isnt actualy pvp. No one cares about it. People that enjoy pvp are in ab/warsong
There is loads of PvP in Alterac Valley currently, I enjoy it more atm because premades have made AB/WSG quite toxic to play in. PvP is not competitive when pugging vs a premade.
Most games in ab/wsg is prem vs prem though. Not pug vs prem
Yeah I’d imagine it is, pug pvp and premade pvp is different though isn’t it.
Well av pvp is mostly just mindless zerg spamming aoe
Perhaps pug players should be separated from premade players then? Then at least more people can join AB/WSG (as you said premades mostly face other premades right now anyway)
If so, they should get 0 honor from that new q system
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Why should pug pvp be worth nothing? They aren’t going to hurt rankers… it still won’t be more efficient than having a good premade surely.
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Because its a casual game mode. Casual game modes should offer 0 rewards
Also a very good druid or mage will probably be able to make better honor in a system like that than even an above average premade
That seems a little over the top to me. I can see maybe giving bonus honor for premading (like a group bonus or something) but flat out zero is just way over.
Why should the worst premade in a q system like this be making worse honor than your average pug. Also it promotes botting
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Bad premades make less honor than pugs now… I don’t even know what you are talking about with the botting promotion? Getting smashed relentlessly by premades all day promotes botting.
Av is pug v pug only. And guess what? All the bots are in av. Im pretty sure in your system, a stealthed bot in ab would make better honor than a sub average premade
But you said premades mostly face premades atm anyway? Did you lie to me about that?
Bots are in AV because it is huge and easy to hide in there. There were bots when it was possible to premade AV as well. Your logic makes no sense on that one, sorry.