AV queue time

oh god the whole alliance has it harder in av discussion. yes sure maybe get rid of all these afkers and not play 20v40 then av would be balanced.

First of all there is so many afkers and those that dont evem try because u have to literaly play against half brained horde team to habe at least chance at wining, so there is small chance u will have such team against yourself, and even then its 50/50 cuz its so much horde favored.

But yea keep blaming it all on afkers and whatnot, because in Wsg/Ab there are none right? Thats the reason why there is pretty much balanced win ratio… Totaly had nothing to do with maps and such

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so you tell me its okay to join a bg you intentionally afk on? why join it in the first place if you dont wanna fight? I see a problem there and its everytime the same story. I truly believe if it was an actual 40v40 plus some leader it would not be unbalanced for any side.

First time I seen this today I qued for over an hour for AV only to be met with 6 alliance on the opposing team, the BG shutdown after a minute and I received nothing.

There is replicating Vanilla and then there is keeping frustratingly stupid features in the game, I think this falls into the later category, screw the Blizzard devs, they’re so damn lazy.

if you want to pvp, go warsong, its mostly pugs anyway atm.

2 hour games vs angry russians and they lost bigtime,like 30 of em ragequitted.

Not saying its okej, and tbh there isnt much of them, they usualy start to afk after 3rd wipe or so…

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Fixing the backdoor glitches.

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1hr AV queue for horde is terrible. Will the transfer from one battle-group to other battle-group help ? I mean some servers are unbalanced, there is some servers with more Alliance then Horde.

Ahahaha you are funny. All the premades in AB/WSG are there to stomp pugs. Premade don´t put a fight against a better premade. They just give up to min/max so they can go to next game and stomp another pug group.

Any group queues as more than 5 man should be considered as a premade and should face another premades. It is not that hard to put AN ALGORITHM for better matchmaking, right now many unskilled premades exploit that bad matchmaking and get free honor. If you like the social aspect of the game then you can get 4 other friends queue together and still do a lot of difference in WSG/AB.

I unsubbed during the WSG weekend after spending 6 hours getting camped in graveyard. FYI the previous day, I was in a premade with rank 12-13 players and it felt so dull cause this time we were camping enemy graveyard and we did that entire day (booooriiiing). There is no balance whatsoever, this is not pvp, it is even more braindead than pve tbh.

I played vanilla and spent 17 hours a day mainly pvping, I faced 5-6 premades max in a day, nowadays you get surprised if you get a pug vs pug game.
Fights and tactics are so repetitive in those premade games, not a spark of creativity there, it feels as dull as fighting against AI with same game mechanics. I love pug vs pug games cause they are more unpredictable. Anyone who enjoys those easy premade fights would probably enjoy stealing candy from a 5 years old too.


You are partially right.
But there are hardcore premades that requiers cons.
Like one I was for 2 weeks for my final rank
Out of 300ish games we lost 4 or 5.
And 70% of our games were against other premades.
But agree totally. PvP scene with premading is cancer and not vanilla like.
Back then you play whole day just to met premade once or twice. (And most of those premade didnt have voice com)
Now you play whole day just to met pug once or twice.
Crappiest part of game

Stop turtling, both sides play rush tactics like Horde Russians do and you’d see a lot more Alliance in there but since 40+ minute turtles punish Alliance then you’ll only find rankers/PvP players in there when their pre mades aren’t running. If both teams rushed then games would be shorter and more solo rankers would be inclined to play.

That is what would shorten horde queues, but ain’t gonna happen is it.


Yep this is exactly why people who are remotely serious about PvP don’t queue AV on Alliance side.

Stop the turtling and defending every last tower & Lts when you know you’ve already won and more players will join solo instead of doing AB/WSG all the time. Horde basically became greedy for the max honor & even stall matches for the 30 min bonus honor.

Play the game that gives both sides something & enjoy shorter queue times or keep things the same and endure 1+ hr queue times.

The only downside I can see with this is the amount of bots that would be grinding in AV if games became more efficient for both sides.


On Alliance side there is no reason anymore to join an AV except you need the rep (and atm 90% of Alliance AV players just want rep and ignore everything else) or want a few marks as ranker for Concerted Efforts for finetuning at the end of the week. Due to the ultra turtle mode playstyle of Horde the honor everywhere else is better and it doesn’t make fun to play AV as Alliance. If Horde even recalls with 40 ppl from DB in a 50min game and forces a total reset after literally every tower/bunker is burned, Lt/Cmd is killed and every player was killed 10+ times because they might lose and prolonges the game another 30min for almost nothing it’s really hard to understand.


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