AV Queue Times Horde

There’s no alliance in the world, unless they’re leveling.
There’s no reason to PvP in the world as alliance, simply due to the fact that we have instant queues.

It’s the main issue with cross realm queues.
It just feels like retail as an alliance player.(Dead world) :slight_smile:

Ditto on zandalar tribe, where alliance are making out like bandits… dominant faction out in the world (retardadins, not even retadins; which by comparison are geniuses hitting anything that moves outside of the barrens solo) and still have the shortest que times possible. Proving that even with instant ques people have the capacity to be absolute d-holes.

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Exactly, players who know anything about game goes horde because of racials

Reroll Alliance. Not Blizzards fault that everyone wants to take advantage of racial skills. They could have put a server cap for each faction but then someone else would have complained for not being able to be on the server they want to be in…jeez


while I playing with my warr, I didnt miss any of my horde racials… actually I love stoneform at pvp pve both :smiley: and dont tell me about stun resist… I stun many orc warr with conc blow almost every time… they was lvl 60… I stop playing cuz of ally players not racials or ally horde ratio…


I think the queues are fine. It gives me time to gather herbs and fish or do things irl.

And it motivates horde players to do their best in the fight. The allies can listen to the people who give up easily and say “let them win” because they don´t have long queues. But horde have to wait for a long time for the next fight so…

but because of that long que soon no1 is gonna lvling at allys die… hordes non stop farming BRM-WPL-EPL and when allys reach lvl 50+, they lose will to stop with their chars…

You dumbos were warned your queues will increase.

Here’s another warning: Your queues are going to get even longer from Tuesday.

And another: When BWL pops all the PvE scrubs are heading out. Queues will get even longer.

Enjoy your 2 hour queue times. Reroll or quit etc. Or come to cry on forums.


Play Warsong, it’s from 1mn to 10mn queue.

Find a premade, git gud, and get bracket 13 or 14.

Or stick to AV and do World PvP between queue, and get bracket 12.

I am Alliance. When I want to gather herbs, I gather herbs. When I want to fish I fish. When I want to do things irl, I do things irl.

When I want to play a BG, I instantly get a BG and don’t have to do other stuff I don’t want to do.


Well, expect queue time to increase. Blizz can’t implement mercenary mode because of paladin and shamans.

I know we are past the #nochanges as they already broke this, but I doubt they would give paladin to taurens and shaman to dwarves just to get to implement mercenary mode (which is the only solution as the communauty is terrible at makes right choices for the greater good).

The greedy solution (high probability this will happen) is faction change service.

When Shadowlands bomb as warcraft 3 reforge, then they will probably be after cash pretty bad. I would expect this service to be available 2 months-ish after Shadowlands release.


2 months after shadowlands we’re probably already in TBC starting area, at this rate at least.


I hope so. I will remember to roll horde and warlock this time around. Went ally druid for my 60 and it was a double mistake. Would have been perfect for Vanilla crowd, but in Classic meta, that was a wrong call.

Depends on the servers.
Some realms wouldnt get any AV because too less ppl care about PvP.

tbh its not bad as it is. bg queues is a good incentive for people toreroll and improve faction balance.

You know that the Orc NPCs at Blackrock don’t have the racials?

No really. That is a lie and you know it.
And to be honest, if you look into top PvE players you mostly see Alliance because of their racials - but in PvE there is no balance of factions needed to get PvE done.
I don’t know where you got in but casuals/player who play for fun are running around on every server and shouldn’t be the ones you compare with if you need to compare anything with yourself.

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Please tell me how would you have a shaman queue as alliance.

Transform him to Paladin.
I don’t know and I dont care.
You guys cry about big queue times which you guys created by yourselves with chosing the overwhelming faction in PvP so that most PvP players and their fanbase surely will pick this faction.

The forecasts were made. You were warned.
You didn’t listen. You have to live with the big queue times.

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The biggest reason that horde have the queues is due to the cross realm.

Unless they’re on like flamelash etc (in which wouldn’t get a queue)
Your realm (PvE) would have the alliance with bigger queues for instance.