AV Queue Times Horde

actually without x-realm hordes would have day long queues at AV on some servers

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Only a few realms, that’s why battle groups are better than cross realm.

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“You guys”. Stop generalising you gash.
I never cried about them, I love them as I’m making bank while ranking.
Also “we” did create nothing.
A big multinational like Activision-Blizzard has enough resources to have stopped this from happening.
But it must be really easy to point fingers.
Stop your childish behaviour, you bottomfeeder.

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want to be in unfair advantage, you are not alone so smart, enjoy your queues

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the only solution is stop people from playing horde.

That is really bad solution because it will lead in AQ/Naxx top guilds to roll horde because of higher pool of recruits (with no negative pvp impact). It will go like retail where further depopulation, will lead to a self reinforcing feedback loop.

You can spam your racials between queues.

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“You were warned”, “Everyone told you so”, “It’s because you got imba racials”… so much qq’ing from alliance to justify this queue time.

Now, because there are too few alliance queing for bg, we, The Horde, roam around ganking everything in our sight. We clear so much trash in Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, EPL, WPL that i actually go to sleep with a bad feeling.
Bad feeling because i know there are so many alliance “free honor” players i still could kill, but i really need the sleep too.

What am i to do?

Hello adolf


Just wanted to stop by to say: I love hordes are getting longer queues, you guys wanted to ruin AV for alliance, but ended up ruin it for youself :joy: :rofl:

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those players, you killing on leveling and kindly calling “trash”, will get to 60 probably quit, so get ready to 3-4 hour queues, feel free to spam your wotf in between. have fun!

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That doesnt matter, they will just be standing in IF and SW waiting for queue. So no retribution will be done.

It is a good hordelife, if you dont mind the queue

Nah, a lot are actually quitting because of it. I know several guilds on my realm are struggling to have a full raid team ready for BWL, because players (especially healers) are just fed up with being chainganked and corpsecamped whenever they try to get some materials/gold for consumables.

It simply is not fun to play any longer then.

Reroll horde or pve then kek!

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everyone minds the queue.

I enjoy my queue’s.
Please link me one post I made where I wasn’t happy with them.
I dare you.

just because you pretend to enjoy them, does not mean you enjoy them.

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Just as whatever you say, we do belive you think something else. So keep telling us lies.

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so whats fun in sitting in queues?

Whats fun about instant queue?

I’ll go first, as you asked first.

-i queue, notice 45min queuetime, i go and do some dungeon’s, fishing, dueling and what not. Queue pops up, and i ofte leave queue to keep on doing what i do.

So as you can see entering bg is not always a my 1st prio. Hence, i do not mind the long queuetime.

You can turn this around however you like it, but this is what it is.

My personal opinion is that more people doesnt care, compere to how many who do