AV.... wtf happened to horde performance?

horde have since classic had MONKEY BRAIN and dont know how to make one centralized discord and just put the link in their AV matches and get people in.
Horde DESPITE queue times can ALWAYS have premaded av since THE START of p2 they just dont have the IQ or the desire to bother. They’d rather complain on forum and try to get daddy blizz to save them

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Well I didn’t know it was from 14 years ago, because it’s posted on a new topic. Doesn’t really change the fact that it’s completely impossible to police due to it being coordinated on a platform not owned by blizzard and is based on a chance occurance that people will be grouped together.

As long as the alliance population in BGs remains low it’s always going to be something that can be exploited. It could even be used in AB & EOTS to some extent. They would just need a discord with a lot of voice channels. Hell you could even do it joining a game as a solo player if you’re willing to jump into the relevant discord channel after finding out what AV you’re playing in.

Again it’s just another consequence of Alliance being massively under populated in comparison to the horde community.

*Sometimes a crow appear

I see you have made your decision let’s see you enforce it.

You really thought the pvp farmer wouldn’t come ? If so it is dissapointing it was well obvious that would happen , no you see if wasn’t just words let’ssee what horde will scream anout this time.

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Tyren is on twitter, isn’t he? You can just tweet him and ask him what he meant. Bellular quoted him in a vid the other day iirc.

Blizzard going through several hotfixes in a short amount of time at the start of the BGs in Classic to stomp out the queue trick should tell you a lot already though. Just sayin’. Which is funny when the indirect hotfixes to the matchmaking mechanism only prevented it for a specific matchmaking pool size, so when it shrank even more then the hotfixes didn’t even do their job anymore. But Blizzard just kept on ignoring it then, since it wasn’t happening to the NA servers anymore.

I just found this thread in the suggested reading links below another thread, I’m not playing TBC. But I find it hilarious that this still hasn’t been dealt with properly once and for all by Blizzard. Meanwhile, in FF14, stream snipers are banned just for disrupting Asmongold. That shows you a clear difference in caring for the player experience, between Activision ‘GottaGetMonez’ Blizzard and Squenix.

Btw, unrelated to the thread, but you guys all know that unless they go out of their way to actually do progressive patching for class balance at least, then you’ll all be playing the same gameplay every season just with differences in gear, right?

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they communicate on discord, just join them and spy their tactics with your ally alt, they are a bunch of toxic boomers who cant take any criticism: the discord code is /49dsMxVAB6

currently they do “stomp” tactic, means zerg in mid and slowly get ib gy and then towers, other tactic is to wait in a hole infront of stonebunker or they go right side behind snowfall gy and wait till horde passed sh gy :wink:

just check where they are and counter the tactic

Rofl like You’ve got any chance at countering us to begin with , go cry to blizzard zug zug maybe they will find a solution so yo ucan get a win , keep dreaming !

Well, that just sounds like they really wanna keep asmon so they have few gms ust orbiting him, tells you nothing about support for players

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  1. WoW doesn’t punish such behavior, and
  2. It’s pretty common for such behavior to be punished even when regular people report others, in FF14.

WoW’s official reason (i.e. their company policy) for not taking action against such things is that they consider it as “part of the game”. (Their bar for taking action against people harassing others is set much higher in WoW, even though it shouldn’t be since there are lots of stories of the player experience being downgraded by a lot in WoW and the reports have done absolutely nothing.)

Its quite simple really.

Over the years, especially since early classic when AV was released, Alliance were getting stomped hard over and over. They had to organize themselves in order to have a chance of winning. This has created a sort of culture within the alliance out of necessity.

What alliance don’t realize though, is that rushing to Drek isn’t a very successful tactic no matter which route you take. They are far too passive and play AV like its a PvE raid, attempting to avoid PVP at all costs.

The AVs where I’ve lost hard and consistently is the AVs where alliance met the horde raid headon at the field of strife when the BG began and proceeded to slaughter hordes. Sure, the games ended up being 30-40 minutes long, but thats how AV was played back in OG TBC.

Its fun on both sides if alliance ends up actually PvPing for once, without mattering if I, as a horde, lose or not.

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That will increase q times to 1h.

“I dont pay to wait 1h q”
“I just want to play the game”
Etc etc etc etc

You are hypocrite , enjoy hvh

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This is how peoples attitude to BGs should be. Having to think up tactics to counter the other side, instead of complaining about xyz. GG Alliance, cya on the battlefield!


all the decent alliance spam av only atm, which actually heavily increases the winrate when 30 out of 40 allies want to win
meanwhile the hordes go full panic mode when something “unpredictable” (like the allies wipping them at field of strife) which creates a domino effect that usually ends up with us farming them
the only upside of hvh bgs is that now alliance actually pvps in av, and we succesfully farm the hordes trying to zug zug solo pass ib gy, 10/10 will keep spamming it

Only if complaining is engraved in your own mindset. Nobody else would assume this.

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They finally understood that they can use reinforcements to their advantage. Horde turtled and allies fed them until they realized that they also can win by attrition.

It’s not about premades, I’ve been in a 7/40 AV premade, no one spoke in Discord, we did the simplest rush tactic, lost Hut. Still won. I think the map slightly favours Alliance now, plus indeed less good Horde on AV, more on usual BGs with instaq.

Map still favores horde, it is nowhere near as bad as it was before but yeah, just the advantage is centered about ib gy, which no1 really uses abymore for some reason

Lower queue times incentivises people to AFK the second the tide starts turning into a loss.

No argument is more powerful than this.

Also horde NEEDS to recall and defend base if they want to win.
Who wants to recall defend while everyone else is attacking?

No one.
= lose.

No matter how many times you try and drill this into peoples brains. IT WILL NOT STICK

Ask yourself this, when that one guy in your BG advocates recalling and defend the base, do you listen to him or do you turn toxic and ignore him and/or verbally abuse him?

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Most ppl que solo, they just listen on disc when to sign. If 200 solo players sign together, many will end up in the same av.

Perhaps its just that all the FOTM zombies that rolled horde turned out to be not that good at understanding old school strategies?

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I frankly don’t mind alliance in AV these days, its heck better than 1-2 hour queue and winning versus afkers :slight_smile: atleast AV feels alive these days, atleast the ones I’ve been in.

Lost more then I’ve won, but thats life.