Azsharas and Sylvanas real plan (SPOILER)

So has the Horde. And it’s tradition to forgive the Horde members who were forced into service and were willing to turn on their evil masters.

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It’s not the same. It’d be like pardoning Sargeras and siding with the Legion to fight the Void.

Indeed. The Horde did actual large-scale damage in these conflicts. The biggest hit the Naga ever gave us was arranged by Sylvanas.


Vashjir, Cataclysm Darkshore, Azsuna,…
And that’s not counting all the times the naga have been shown as a grave local problem throughout questing.

This is like siding with the Legion because their biggest offence was long time ago.

Exactly that. The Horde was a global one. Much worse.

More like siding with Gnolls, really. They are a local problem in many places, you know?


Yes yes we get it, we must all be onboard with forgivenis for your Fishbae.

I couldn’t care less about Azshara. I’d be quite happy if all elf races and their progeny die from a mysterious genetic illness next patch. Indeed, since it would rid me of velves I would be extatic about it!

But that doesn’t change my view on her actions.


I’m sorry, but I simply can’t. The Horde isn’t a bigger villain than the army of actual old god pawns.

The Horde can be reasoned with. The Horde can make amendments and fight for the planet.

Putting the chaotic evil force before them in terms of forgiveness is simply wrong. The Naga were designed to be the bad guys.
Their aim goal is complete eradication and extermination of the playable races, and they’ve been shown with zero qualms or reticence regarding said goal.
And said mindset goes from the most basic soldier, all the way to the top generals.

Even in a matter of scale and harm, the Horde most warmongering bits come out as amateurs when compared to them.
And they have zero remorse for it.

Are you really arguing that pardoning Azshara, of all people, isn’t weird???

Because I understand that comparatively, Sylvanas seems like a much juicer and interesting villain (narratively speaking, and given her ties with players). But objectively speaking, she can’t even compare to the shenanigans Azshara pulled or caused.

For real a mindset like this got us the redemption plot for Illidan. We might better not repeat it.

I was hoping for a closer alliance between Sylvanas and Azshara but it seems that Sylvanas played Azshara as well.

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i agree Wimbert infact the gnomes should die too humanity should be the sole race standing :wink:

So can Azshara, obviously.

Since she was actually forced into service… much less weird than pardoning the Horde. And yes, I really rhink that.

We’re not talking about all Old God minions. We are talking about one who turned against one, when the opportunity arose.

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Well, to be fair to him…!
The writing so far has made the Horde look really really bad, so bad that the words coming out of Baines big mouth next patch are hilarious.
So for his arguments, even though I too disagree, Blizzard has done a very poor job at unrooting them.

What does he say ?

Playable Naga incoming.

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But… the Horde has BEEN an army of Old God pawns for this entire expansion?

They served Sylvanas, who was in a pact with Azshara, to free N’zoth. Everything the Horde has done has been to serve that same pact. If Azshara and the Naga have been “Old God pawns”, then the Horde have been as well. And they have done much more damage than the Naga ever did.

The fact Azshara turns against N’zoth is proof that the Naga aren’t willing servants, but pawns. A pawn is an unwitting or unwilling servant, often sacrificed for the greater goals - how does that not apply to the Horde under Sylvanas?

You can certainly argue that Azshara is only out for her own gains in betraying N’zoth - but you’ve also argued that Sylvanas should be redeemed somehow, and she’s clearly NOT doing any of this for the good of the Horde either, so why is Azshara different?


Simply because Sylvanas never served any old gods, so far she serves Death, and she says N’zoth is just a tool to that end.

His shstick about Peace and ‘the Horde being there for eachother’, wich is a joke since he was onboard with the war first, untill Saurfang found his balls and he’s the one that actively sabotaged the Horde’s War effort.

Now, his intentions were good and all. But would you Really want a guy like Baine watching your back in any upcoming War situation? If they had even half a mind(or would still be alive) not even Saurfang or Thrall should trust a guy like that in a War situation. He’s proven he would go around the backs of others if something does not stroke well with his ethics, wich is problematic.

Given the Horde actively worked to get said pardon, didnt (as a whole) entirely condone the practices that tagged them as villains, and most importantly, never harmed the entire planet in such a scale that could make them comparable to Azshara, I’d say that those aren’t comparable.

Even Sylvanas at her worst, can’t hold a candle to what Azshara did.

Also, the “masterminds” behind each Horde plan that turned the faction villainous never get said pardon. In this case, Azshara seems to be heading in that exact direction.

Ok, I’ll make it short:

You’re wrong.


the blood elves are the highborne that sundered the world your harboring the very people who allowed Azshara to do so in the first place

they could have layed down their magic and paid for their sins after the sundering but no they keeped practicing their reckless magic until they was exiled if anything the fall of silvermoon was karma