Badass, sexy or cute?

80% badarse 20% cute

Ones that play Frost, yes.

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I have no idea. Look at my transmog. I guess its called badass. But some girls call this tauren sexy. I dunno. Looks like he is a sexy badass bull in plate armor

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I love making my characters pretty, for example my night elf, or sexy like my troll. But I don’t really care that much for transmog tho.

As Orc: Badazz
As Blood Elf: Sexy
As Gnome: Cute, there isn’t literally another race which can compete with gnomes. I made gnome warrior 3 days ago, she looks brilliant with those big eyes slashing with those 2 handers :smiley:


Nothing sexier than a dwarven female :heart:

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I am all of the aforementioned. There is no denying the perfection that is the goblin species. Except for gilblin they are an abomination.


Depends on class and race.

I prefer racially appropriate mogs.
So techy for gnomes and goblins, oriental for pandaren, natural/tribal for trolls and tauren, etc.

I chose Zardoz.

For my void elf hands down because I totally would… ahem date him if I was in the game.

But I’m planning on changing mains to a Vulpera because a fox is my favourite animal.

naturally. Even an npc notes us about that that our brains were the 1st things that must have died.

badass :sunglasses:

I’m gonna go with “all of the above”.

Anything that screams psychopath.

For leveling I use the most revealing sexy outfits available, cause I need to fight the boredom and stay awake.
At max level I prefer faction pride quality armour.
In short: leveling - sexy, 120 - badass ( I guess )

Class fantasy

I have a soft spot for cute, fluffy races


I literally call myself a ‘‘Fluffy worgin’’

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That’s not a confessions thread, man :blush::sweat_smile:

Im pretty open about it :smiley: