Baine dishonours the Horde

I’ll hunt you down to the ends of this honorable forum if I have to! Do you hear me? TO THE ENDS OF THIS HONORABLE FORUM!


That video just hurt my brain. :confounded:


You are welcome, Arthas.


Nods Arthas.


Screams hysterically as he stabbs his own eyes and ears


Sylvanas does a dishonourable thing - “YAAAS QUEEN”

Baine attempts to rectify the dishonourable and heinous actions - “WOW TRAITOR MUCH?”

Baine is not a traitor, the narrative hooks during the quest make it painfully so. This is the ignition key to another rebellion. This is the Dagger in the Dark scenario 2.0.


Oh boy I am so glad this thread is getting repeated everywhere I look.


Do you, does anyone, the concept on honor has not been exactly defined in the Horde at all.

I’d say it is a writing and plot presentation problem. I was quite pleased with the prospect of a hard, dirty war, yet the way the story is developing is becoming more cringeworthy every time it progresses.

Right now I am becoming envious of alliance players, and that is not a good sign. The reason why is because the alliance is, from what I can see, presented with a relatively coherent, appealing story. Subject to a surprise attack, fighting back, your quests being rewarded with positive story development for your faction. There is some friction yet on the whole it is positive: it is directed outward.

On the other side I am having a more difficult time as a horde player. I don’t mind participating in a surprise attack, it can be motivated sufficiently. Right away there is friction, yet this friction is largely negative: it is directed inward. Add to that the war story development, which is largely pointless because every time you secure an advantage that advantage is subsequently lost, leaving you wondering why you even bothered in the first place. Then there are the tiresome major NPC comments we are “at a crossroads once again”. Then there is the admission from Nathanos himself that “the alliance is on the verge of attaining victory”.

It is not a matter of Baine being dishonourable or not. It is matter of story development. It is simply failing to deliver for me, and my patience waiting for something amazing to do for my faction is wearing thin.

So I will have to kill horde soldiers again as part of my quest. Why the hell am I not fighting the war and doing awesome things instead?

The worst thing about this whole mess are the missed opportunities you see everywhere, and the growing suspicion it is not going to get any better…

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Should have just challenged Sylvannas to Mok’gora.

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Honour is far too vague and stretched of a term. However personal honour does exist, be it giving back someone getting ruthlessly tortured, even if it is to the enemy, or rotting away quietly in a cell while hoping someone of the enemy assassinates your leader for you.

Anyway this whole thing is a severe case of deja vu when the whole Vol’jin vs Garrosh thing began. True enough, this expansion is MoP 2.0 right down to the very forum threads being created.


Baine, not my favorite person but I can’t argue with standing up for what you believe in. Even if it’s something I don’t really agree with.


Baine is too weak to challenge her in mak’gora, so he acts like a _cow_ard he is

Well, the last time someone in the Horde did that he was betrayed. And that someone is his father.

Sylvanas wouldn’t play fairly in a Mak’gora and thus would be pointless. Worse would be losing to some dirty/cheating tricks to then be raised back up.

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Not saying I agree with his thinking and sure there was a better way to go about it but what do you do when you think your leader has gone lich queen crazy.

Basically only person that support Sylvanas is femThrall. Hilarious. Well, hord is united against my queen now. All of them traitors needs to be executed.

I wonder why would Baine not want to challange Sylvanas to Mak’gora ? What can it be? :thinking:

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Erevien stop trolling people!

It aint him.