Balance of power (8.1. spoilers)

And peace reigned and the people rejoiced once understanding was achieved.

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Actually no… I’m broke af… I can’t afford shoes… :sob:
I’ve taken a loan of 1 million gold from a Nightelf priestess to buy myself a LONGBOI™

Now every single copper I make goes right into her pockets…


Like a church made of frozen piss :neutral_face::expressionless::neutral_face::expressionless:

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Oh, don’t be sad.
I will carry you on my back :slight_smile: Elves are tiny and light anyway.

Also, you haven’t got the privilege of having hooves so it is my moral duty to support you :slight_smile:

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Oh poor unfortunate nigthelves~
They cry as they try!
No one truly understands them and they are the clear victims here!

Who cares if other racea suffers or even has much greater issues?

So, sad oh so bad.
Compensations do not matter, because it is no benefit for the Nelves.

Of poor unfornate souls
The Dark Spear with no leader. The orcs in same tow.
Given the pitch!

But poor unfortunate nightelves~
They are given their own warfront, special treatment of their leaders.
Are not wiped out immediately upon challenging the horde with no back up!

But poor unfortunate Souls~
Blizzard clearly hates them, depises them want to end them~

Oh poor unfortunate souls.

On a more serious note now.
I am pretty sure that the night elves have nothing realistic to complain over any thing there was is more than fully compensated compared to any other Race that Blizzard left to rot.

Are you serious? The night elves have been kicked around since forever by both factions. Also, nice poetry.


Damn who is cutting onions xd


I’ve always been more of a “Eredar” Draenei than “the Light’s” Draenei type, I guess :wink: Hence my class’s affiliation. Blue skin, pink crystals and the elements all the way!

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This coming from a blood elf demon hunter

Shadowmoon Valley (WoD) all the way?

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One of the most tranquil and beautiful places ever ^^

Nature’s themes + Eredar crystal technology. Can’t get any better!

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Why thank you.
And yes I am serious being allowed to figth the Horde on Kalimdor with a god transformation to boot.
Malfurion is still alive.

The forsaken endured the same humuliations as the night elves did in the past if not wurse if you consider that the Alliance would always attack them upon sight even during a no-attack each other deal between the factions.

The nigth elves got seriously squat to complain about story based.
They are so, bloody priviliged compared to most other races when it comes to Story attention.
Character development.

The only race’s that top them in attention is: Humans and orcs.

The fact the Nigth elves and forsaken weren’t taken out of the counter party sooner is what’s most impressive.

Oh and did I mention that both leaders are portrayed so stupidus powerful that their fangs goes Bananas if something like an ambush arrow hurts them?

Hail Greymane

I wanna argue with him, but he knows me too well. Damnation. Hail Greymane above all!

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I said the races left to rot.
Sin’dorei not included there obviously.

How to argue with someone who finishes his post with that?

Hail Greymane!


https:// imgur com/a/7wLSOOp


Oh my Lord.
Araphant i love you bro but this is glorious :joy:

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NO U! (Marry had a little lamb for post requires characters) I will like from an alt, I spent my daily rations.


Again, you managed to make me blow an excessive amount of air out my nose. Well Played.

:slow clap:

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People forgetting that Horde already manage to strike Stormwind in the beginning of the addon.
Alliance lost all the fleet there in one second.

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