I tend to articulate myself in a bit more of a grown up fashion than that, to be honest.
Then what was it? Hmm? What was it?, the conversation rapidly started spiralling down the same plughole of how badly the Night Elves have been treated. I mean nothing bad had even happened to the Night Elves in the OP’s post. Bad things had happened to the Horde, and yet it was trotted out as another opportunity to bewail what happened to the Night Elves, we then saw the bingo catchphrase of ‘Horde Bias’.
I mean what is the point? It doesn’t matter what happens, whatever happens it all has to come back to the same topic, how badly the Night Elves have been treated. The game does not revolve around one race (Well, it used to around Orcs and Humans, now it seems to be Humans and Forsaken), and yet we constantly see partisan threads like this, what started as a relatively civil conversation about the victories and losses of the two factions then turned into “the Night Elves have it worse than the Horde” That’s One Race. One Race. We end up with unfortunate comparisons with the Taliban and the Horde (The Vulpera would have been a better example in my opinion, or in MoP the Forest Hozen, a Superpower arming and aiding a small insurgent people) and people arguing over that, and then people arguing over the dictionary definition of the word ‘Stalemate’ despite us all (presumably) being adults who know what the bloody term means.
I don’t know what precisely was being sought after in this thread, everyone to just nod their heads blindly and say “Yes, Blizz hates Night Elves, we have had seven threads about this, we needed another to remind ourselves” or “Yes, Blizz favours the Horde, even when they are getting their behind spanked, it cannot be spanked enough to wipe away what happened to the Night Elves”
So tell me, Frozen, if this was not a Night Elf whinge thread, what was it?
Kudos to Halasibel for trying to bring some levity to it at least!
The thing is defeats against the horde are often portrayed as “lucky” or happening by chance or just because of a LOT of manpower/OP things whereas victories against the alliance by the horde are often portrayed as being done with ease.
Stop being cocky, the stalemate business was hardly a devolution. You even admitted to being (somewhat) incorrect about it which is a lot for you and enough for me.
It isn’t a devolution when I’m giving you a definition that is clearly more complicated than “muhhh eQuAl footing”
I guess the ones chasing the Horde ship in that exact scenario were all Shaman with Water Walking dressed up as really big boats?
A Fleet is not the same as an entire Navy. That wasn’t a Fleet, it wasn’t even a Flotilla, it was at best a Squadron, and that’s being generous. If you had played it you would have seen it was a commando raid, that if you were discovered you were dead, and that somehow, a 36 year old (Human of course) wizard is better than Mages who are more than ten millennia old! Literally -One- Alliance hero drives the party of incredibly skilled Horde heroes before her like some implacable engine of wrath. They set fire to a few buildings and boats, like, Y’know, Commando raids do, then they have to leg it.
It’s rather depressing (figuratively and jokingly speaking) to be dumped into the most ludicrous and asinine subtopics this forum had.
That’s all.
I already clarified everything regarding both things.
Stop being smug, you too shall be tagged here as one of the Taliban Debaters.
And stop feeding the meme, I have a name around here and your are dragging us both into the abyss…
Damn you Anouk.
You asked for this did you not? You came into the argument discussing the Night Elves? And now you want to complain about it the fact that I called you out for it.
You came into this arguing about the Night Elves, trying to call out the Russian about XYZ, from “dying race” to it being even. I explained to you why it isn’t and now you have gotten all funny about it.
Now you go on about how bad things have happened to the Horde, that is correct. They have. But this is just a deflection on the Night Elf talk. Every race deserves better than what is being portrayed by them currently and unfortunately to you the Night Elves has suffered the most by a long shot.
When talking about wins and losses then the WoT and the Night Elves come to mind the most because it is what kicked-started this entire war off and set the tone for said war. With the WoT is also shown how the Horde was somehow able to blitz the Night Elves and they get portrayed in such a dumb way to allow this to happen.
WoT is a big event you know and naturally people will talk about it. Replace any race with the Night Elves in this scenario and we would be talking about that race instead.
It also doesn’t help when people like you try to downplay the WoT for it not being “that bad” when it is one of the worst stories from a lore/writing perspective in the game, possible in all of WoW. This wouldn’t be brought up half of the time if people like you try and oversimplify, downplay or outright ignore certain elements of this. As I can imagine I sure we would hear about this just as much if not more if it was the Humans placed here, or Forsaken, or any other Horde race.
You can blame Zarao for that. I shouldn’t need to argue with someone about what the term “Stalemate” means. Nor does anyone. If we need to bring examples to show this then it is stupid but regardless, thank you Ashenband. You gave a example which showcases this better than what I did.
But you are here claiming bias towards the Alliance simply because of the fact that they are winning. Bias comes in more forms than just winning you know. I was hoping you’d get that but obviously not. There is good and bad (mainly bad tbh xd) on both sides of this faction war from a writing perspective but your nation alone is standing due to bias. Otherwise there would be a world-wide coalition to wipe you out regardless of the Alliance.
There is no war the ER, CC, AC, KT and just about any other faction to allow you to continue your genocidal war to wipe out the living and mine Azerite which is causing the planet to die. There was no way that you faction could realistically fight the Alliance unless the Alliance was made to be dumb and stupid.
This is a balance of power thread. In 8.1 Nathanos himself states that victory is in the Alliances grasp. In 8.0 we have the War Effort which shows the Alliance attacking you everywhere, pushing you back as you try to hold on. All 3 of your starter zones are being attacked in some way. Yet were have people here who thinks that the war was even in 8.0. We have people who think that both sides were at the same power before the WoT from a vague comment which can be twisted and manipulated into a way which it wasn’t meant to be.
But do tell me. Give me a good reason why no one beyond the Alliance cares about your genocidal war to wipe out life and you Azerite mining which is killing the planet. Tell me why Magni would give you the Heart of Azeroth after everything that has just happened in Northern EK. Why the Wild Gods and CC turn a blind eye to their people and refuses to help even in refugees. How the Horde can still follow Sylvanas after what she has done.
And tell me that the writing isn’t designed from the start to allow the Horde to do whatever they want regardless of consequence, and compare that to what the Alliance does.
I know people are sick of the Night Elf whine, and I am as well to a certain extent, but that doesn’t mean it should be ignored or what they say is less true. Otherwise you are going to make it worse.
This paragraph encapsules pretty much everything that’s wrong with certain people approach.
Blizzard is apparently biased for giving the Horde a fighting chance or working on narratives that enable it to be so?
Blizzard favouritism is the only thing that prevents the Horde from being utterly decimated.
Nice logic.
Wonder who that was. Maybe it was one of those damn Talibhants.
Heard there is some special breed that lapidates people with dictionaries.
Ps: And I think that you are mistaking Brigante for the likes of me, Frozen. He usually argues about the right stuff in the right way. So I would caution to take a closer look at his arguments.
He usually is right.
Well, I mean, if that is all it took, then it cannot have been that hard?
I suggest you do the thing where you read the Original Post. I -think- you’ll find I did not bring the Night Elves into this.
So it -is- a thread about Night Elves again? Thank you, that is what I was asking for clarification on.
I strongly doubt that. Unless it was humans maybe. Was it a horrific act of War? Undoubtedly, my character certainly thinks so, he and his fliers flew through arrows to rescue Kaldorei children when it happened in an RpPvP campaign on AD to reflect the War of Thorns, against orders, and to the suspicion of any other Horde units. Let me turn that back on you. Have you seen players of any other race who suffered make threads making wild claims that Blizzard actually hates their race?
I have literally (In the correct sense of the word) never said this.
How? Tell me how?
Think you will find I did not bring this up…
I stated the facts as they are in game, the Alliance are winning. I stated that I did not have a problem with that. They should be. They deserve to be.
What the hells did the English ever do to the people of Azeroth? Oh, you mean the nation I play as when I play Horde (I trust you do not mean Stormwind, the Draenei, Gnomeregan, the Kaldorei) Well, still, what on Azeroth reason would the other groupings on the planet have, to wipe out Quel’thalas?
Assuming you mean Azerite, you know the Alliance does that too, right? I mean you actually do it as the player character.
As for Dumb and stupid, Welcome to Horde Writing!
Really? Seems to be a lot more Night Elfy than Balance of power, and no, I didn’t bring them into it.
And yet still it is claimed this is Horde Bias. Explain that please.
Because you are talking from meta-knowledge. We do not know what Sylvanas has planned. Your character does not, mine does not, and the other Horde Leaders do not. Azeroth is not a world of telepaths.
Well for a start, he gives it to the ‘Hero’. He’s not playing favourites. It is a computer game, he gives it to the player, he does not give a Heart of Azeroth to every single character, or is your suggestion that he just gives the Heart of Azeroth to every single Alliance character, and not Horde? Would that not be…Bias?
That makes no sense. They should be taking in both Kaldorei and Forsaken refugees, the fact that they are doing neither is bizarre, it is a passive and neutral act. Perhaps they took the viewpoint that to take in refugees from both would forment fighting in their enclaves, as Kaldorei civilians sought (rightful) vengeance from Forsaken civilians. Or rather rightful as in “I’m angry at what your race did, even if you are just a baker or cockroach seller!”
Hey, if the Alliance want the same quality of writing that the Horde gets, trust me, you are -more- than welcome to it. Can we have Christie Golden on our side instead?
No, it is simplistic writing for simplistic folk. The Alliance can never start a fight. Bad Guys start fights, so the Alliance sits on its hands. The Horde does something Bad! “Oooh, villains” and the Alliance is therefore justified in fighting them. Both sides have predetermined roles that do neither side any good, eventually the Alliance wins the Fight! “Yaaay”
Now, before I say “Tell me if you would have been happy had the Alliance kicked this war off?” consider the absolute shizstorm we saw on this forum when it was even suggested that the Alliance were kicking things off by attacking miners. It was Unreal! So the answer seems to be…“no, the Alliance playerbase does -not- want to be the ones to start a fight” Which means “Uh Oh! Horde have to start a fight for some ill defined reason so that we can go to war again! Feels great to play the Faction that is essentially a plot device. Top notch writing, really satisfying”
So what…we just sit here and nod and go “yeah, sucks man” “yeah, totally bad” “Yeah” “We gonna stop saying yeah?” “No man, if you disagree they’ll get riled and start up again, just say ‘yeah’” "Oh, right, “Yeah, real bad man”
Or do we discuss it like adults, like we -were- earlier this morning.