Balance doesn’t really matter for russians because they matched against a much bigger pool (eu), so no matter how faction balance is among russian servers they are the smaller pool hence they can premade.
Of course. That wasn’t the point though.
What you were saying was that they “left ally pvp pool small” even on Russian realms due to racials, which they didn’t.
To clarify something, there are many potential reasons for picking a faction in the game. There are those going for a specific racial, sure. But there are also those going for the aesthetics. Then there are those going because they are a fan of just one or few character(s) in the lore.
And then there are those who goes for a faction simply due to social pressure (for example, if your closest friends goes for one faction on a specific server, then you only choose the same to be with them while ignoring all of the other potential reasons).
i dont think the majority of pvpers thought about all that before they made their characters.some of them would sure but i really dont think most of them went for that reason.anyways premades destroys the experience also for prety sure hordes also face premades
Well it is an MMO, if you do propose premade options for both sides, you also propose a separate queue for them? aka premade vs premade?
Indeed up to 5 man groups can freely queue up, after that you need to pull ‘tricks’ to get the groups to end up together.
Why are you cherry picking russian servers? Overall pvp servers are horde populated. It doesn’t matter a certain region is not.
To clarify something, there are many potential reasons for picking a faction in the game.
Of course there are, but we are not talking about individual decisions we are talking about behavior of masses. Asthetics and lore might be factors but woudn’t create such imbalances because there are people who prefer ally aesthetics/lore too. Flight paths, social pressure, quest hubs etc does not explain why horde populates pvp servers while ally is populating pve servers, racials do.
man get some chill im not bad or garbage or even crying .i want to queue without waiting for 5 hours for a premade to pop in chat in a medium populated server.also gathering a group of fully geared ppl against random ppl ,undergeared mostly,isnt that much fair or forget that when you put a premade fully geared against randoms its not about whos the best,its about who has gear .also grow up
No it doesn’t, you don’t know if without those racials they would not go for Horde, certainly the background of the Horde being brutish and warlike history added to PvP minded players picking the faction. Retail also has an imbalance towards Horde and racials have been re-balanced 6 times by now.
Talk to a random guard in SW and talk to a random guard in OG, and tell me which of these sounds like the faction that emanates war and battle:
- “King’s Honor, Light be with you, Well met”
- “Blood and Thunder, Victory or Death! Strength and Honor!“
I think it perfectly represents the players in the lore and history of the factions, Alliance fight because they HAVE to, Horde fights because they WANT to.
shows a split when combining EU and NA in favor of Alliance though.
A big reason why alliance are favored on PvE realms is more like the PvE:ers who rolled on PvP realms got stomped by the many PvP:ers who did pick horde for pvp reasons (such as shamans, racials and pvp sets), so they left in droves to the few PvE realms, while the horde players on PvP realms never really had much of a reason to do the same.
As for the split, the servers are actually closer to equal than you seem to believe. There are some more favored for one faction, sure. But there are also servers favored for the other faction. Thus you get that close-to-equal split.
So to explain the queues, that has more to do with alliance having fewer players wanting to pvp compared to the horde side.
That’s exactly how Vanilla was like.
I got rank 10 in Vanilla playing exclusively in PUGS doing a mix of WSG, AB and a little AV.
We lost 90% of games played. 90% of the time we played vs Horde premades, in both AB and WSG.
I used to find a safe spot, dismiss pet and shadowmeld for the duration of the WSG match so they would get 0 honor from me.
So, AFAIAC, what’s happening is normal and the real vanilla experience. if you don’t like it, go back to retail.
Premades should only be able to play against other premades. You can still be a group of ppl playing together, just against other ppl who wants to group up and play together.
Except they have never successfully prevented the trickery. There’ll always be the small pool(s) timing the queue to bypass the segregation, the same as up to now in classic and on retail for so many years.
So why would a premade choose to face other premades, when they can perform the trickery (when circumstances allows it with pool-size) to farm so much more honor by only facing the randomly matchmade pugs?
(Keep in mind that rated doesn’t solve this, because it has been a thing for years in retail despite RBGs being a thing too. It’s just that people sought to dominate even in unrated, for the few insignificant rewards you’d still get from unrated. The premades have significantly lessened compared to MoP and WoD though, because even they grew tired of it.)
Amazing, everything you just wrote is literally what i just typed. You are the crying baby here, that means YOU need to grow up.
Make ur own prems.
You can in BFA.
Yet another example of YOU THINK YOU DO BUT YOU DONT!.
Logic is not the strong point of most people. Dunning-Kruger effect is strong on this planet.
Actually, you are:
Garbage (You said you’d not be accepted because of bad gear)
Premades don’t operate on LFG. They operate on discords. Prove your worth in solo que, make friends and boom - Premade.
You are completely wrong about “gear not who is best” on so many levels… The entire reason behind a premade is to have a good composition, and play with people who know their roles and can communicate (Skill). Gear has less to do with it, even if it something that is expected when you play 12h a day.
Yeah you are kind of a potato.
After reading that, there’s a reason you’re only pugging lmao
15 year old game, racial advantages has been known for a while… homeever i chose tauren warrior over orc because i like the stun & extra health. Even thou orc is OP.
they are not even banning people that are botting 24/7 … and you think they are going to ban people that actually want to play the game? lol
Well, puggers capping snowfall to give horde turtle advantage so you could leech rep.
Nah, im going with premades.
DO NOT call me monkey and do not overvalue yourself by saying you are the banana you disgusting lil nom nom!
./jk really <3